Jul 8, 2021
A great course, helps to understand the concepts in Systems Engineering and really enjoyed learning about the intricacies of Healthcare Systems and how we can reimagine healthcare delivery.
May 9, 2021
Helps to understand the systems engineering for any of the important product we are going to made and also to how we need to solve any kind of problem and the solutions we are going to give.
By Qusai A K A A
•Oct 2, 2020
I thoroughly enjoyed this course, Dr.Matthew went through it in a systematic approach that all clicked rather nicely in module 4, maybe one day this course will lay the foundations of a solid healthcare system in Jordan!
By Nol N
•Jul 27, 2021
Great wholistic course that covers systems engineering thoroughly. I learned a lot about how systems engineering will be useful in healthcare to potentially save lives.
By Zeenat F Y
•Mar 28, 2022
Was very informative for a beginner looking to study medicine+engineering and what's better than to have a session course with John Hopkins University.
By Mason Y
•Jan 5, 2021
excellent and very interesting subject , even i will watch all the materials again and again to add more to my knowledge .
By Joy R
•Feb 21, 2021
Good course. I need to get my certificate. thanks & regards to the instructors.
By Penelope
•Oct 1, 2020
This is useful, especially in the Philippine context. We need a healthcare systems engineering program.
By Pawan D M
•Jan 17, 2021
I find thi course great introduction to the field of Healthcare Systems Engineering.
Thank you.
By Manuel H
•Nov 13, 2020
From my point of view it focusses too much on general systems engineering and too little on its application to healthcare systems. Yes, there are some examples, but I have missed a global approach. I did learn some interesting concepts but on the whole I felt there was too much repetition along each week's material.
On the technical part, sound quality was at best below average; most of the times it seemed as if the lecturer was coming to and going away from the mic while speaking. I also missed in-lecture quizzes like other Coursera courses have, just to stop and reflect on what had just been taught. In general, I believe there is a lot of room for improvement.
Thanks for offering the course, nonetheless. I think it may show a starting point for people without any knowledge of Systems Engineering.
By Roopa D
•Feb 13, 2022
Too basic if coming from an engineering or having 2+ years of work experience in an IT engineering role
By Amb P M S
•Mar 11, 2025
Les fondements de l'ingénierie des systèmes de santé se réfèrent aux principes, concepts et méthodes utilisés pour concevoir, analyser, gérer et améliorer les systèmes de santé de manière efficace, optimale et durable. Cette discipline interdisciplinaire combine des éléments de l'ingénierie, des sciences de la gestion, des technologies de l'information, et de la santé publique pour améliorer la qualité, l'accessibilité et l'efficacité des soins de santé. Voici les principaux aspects des fondements de l'ingénierie des systèmes de santé : 1. Conception de Systèmes Modélisation et Simulation : La création de modèles de systèmes de santé (par exemple, les flux de patients, les ressources médicales et les coûts associés) permet d'identifier les inefficacités et d'optimiser les opérations. Analyse des processus : L’ingénierie des systèmes de santé se concentre sur l’analyse des processus (diagnostic, traitement, etc.) pour identifier les goulets d’étranglement et les points d’amélioration. Automatisation : L’automatisation de certaines tâches (par exemple, la gestion des dossiers médicaux, la planification des ressources) permet d’améliorer l’efficacité et de réduire les erreurs humaines. 2. Gestion des Ressources et Optimisation Planification des ressources : Cela inclut la gestion des ressources humaines, matérielles et financières dans les hôpitaux, les cliniques et les autres établissements de santé. Gestion des stocks : Optimiser la gestion des médicaments, des équipements et des fournitures médicales pour garantir une disponibilité continue sans gaspillage. Optimisation des flux de patients : L'objectif est d’améliorer l’organisation du parcours de soins pour garantir que les patients reçoivent des traitements de manière rapide et efficace. 3. Technologies de l'Information et Informatique de Santé Systèmes d'information de santé : Cela inclut les dossiers de santé électroniques (DSE), les systèmes de gestion de l'information hospitalière, et la gestion des données cliniques et administratives. Télémedecine et e-santé : Le recours aux technologies numériques pour fournir des soins à distance, améliorer la gestion des maladies chroniques et faciliter la communication entre les patients et les professionnels de santé. 4. Qualité et Sécurité des Soins Amélioration continue de la qualité (ACI) : Les ingénieurs des systèmes de santé travaillent à l'implémentation de programmes de qualité pour améliorer les soins aux patients tout en réduisant les coûts et en augmentant l'efficacité. Gestion des risques : La prévention des erreurs médicales et des accidents, l’analyse des causes profondes des incidents et l'amélioration des protocoles de sécurité des patients. 5. Analyse des Données et Décision Big Data et Analytique : L’analyse des grandes quantités de données générées par les systèmes de santé pour repérer des tendances, prédire les besoins en soins de santé et optimiser la prise de décision clinique et administrative. Prise de décision fondée sur des données probantes : L’utilisation des données pour guider les décisions sur les traitements médicaux, les politiques de santé et la gestion des systèmes de santé. 6. Éthique et Pratiques Durables Éthique de la santé : L’ingénierie des systèmes de santé doit prendre en compte les questions éthiques liées à l’utilisation des technologies, à la gestion des données des patients et à l’équité dans l’accès aux soins. Systèmes de santé durables : Concevoir des systèmes de santé qui non seulement sont efficaces mais aussi respectueux de l'environnement, économiquement viables et capables de répondre aux besoins des générations futures. 7. Gestion du Changement et Gestion des Projets Gestion du changement : Lors de l'introduction de nouvelles technologies ou de réorganisations dans un système de santé, il est essentiel de gérer le changement pour que le personnel et les patients s'adaptent efficacement aux nouvelles pratiques. Gestion des projets : La mise en œuvre de nouveaux systèmes ou technologies nécessite une gestion de projet rigoureuse, en respectant les délais, les budgets et les objectifs de qualité. 8. Modèles de Systèmes de Santé Modèles centrés sur le patient : Intégrer le patient au centre du système de santé en améliorant la coordination des soins, l'expérience patient et la prise en charge globale. Modèles d’assurance de la santé : Étudier les différents systèmes de financement et d'assurance (privé, public, mixte) pour déterminer comment garantir l’accès universel aux soins tout en maintenant la viabilité économique. Conclusion L’ingénierie des systèmes de santé permet de transformer le secteur de la santé en appliquant des principes d’ingénierie pour résoudre des problèmes complexes et améliorer les résultats de santé. Cela requiert une approche systémique pour comprendre comment tous les éléments interagissent et comment optimiser les performances globales du système de santé.
By Giovanna J
•Jan 29, 2023
Only word for this course EXTRAORDINARY.
The way this course gave me space to talk about this field, and estimulated me to develop a different mindset.When you are thinking about this field you don´t realize the amount of things that take place on a successful healthcare system.
Listening to the two amazing speakers and seeing the differences of the different national healthcare system, really changed my perpectives, being born and raised on Brazil , where we have SUS , that is a public heathcare system that deliveries healthcare to the whole population and is managed by the government for free , that even thought needs some changes to delivery a better healthcare to the patients, it´s better than most of the countries in the world.
To be honest i fell even more in love with this field.
By Joelle P
•Dec 18, 2020
This course was very well designed and written. Audio was easy to follow and slides were helpful without being too cluttered. I've taken other courses on this platform that are adapted from longer curricula to abridged certificate courses and they feel discombobulated and disjointed. This was a perfect fundamentals course that provided a clear well rounded view of healthcare systems engineering.
By Kerry W
•Nov 15, 2020
Impressively thorough content and technical instruction about systems engineering principles applied to healthcare delivery. I can confidently say that I was provided with new, rich, conceptual knowledge that I can use to elevate my perspective and skillset as a Doctor of Public Health, where systems thinking and systems improvement is a necessity. Thank you, professor Montoya!
By Diane C
•May 29, 2021
Very impressive course I ever take so far. English is not my mother language and yet I could understand 90%. DR Matthew has put all the main into slides. I especially love to see he move around with his cursor and teach simultaneously. Strongly encourage al beginner take it without doubt.
By Aedrian A
•Jan 2, 2021
This course is a comprehensive introduction of a field that can transform healthcare. While the contents can prove challenging to the uninitiated, at the very least, it provides a bird's eye view of what healthcare systems engineering is about and what it can offer.
By Rachel B
•Mar 19, 2021
Wonderful and inspirational. The professor reiterated the points in exactly the right way to connect all the dots. Will make you want to work in healthcare systems engineering. Make sure to watch the last video, which ties everything together nicely.
By Faizan S
•Jul 25, 2024
It was an outstanding course, it enabled me to apply principles of systems engineering in healthcare dimension. Every aspect possible was discussed and it made me more curious to enhance my knowledge and research potentials
By Prathanya S C B B
•Jul 8, 2021
A great course, helps to understand the concepts in Systems Engineering and really enjoyed learning about the intricacies of Healthcare Systems and how we can reimagine healthcare delivery.
By Mahesh J
•May 9, 2021
Helps to understand the systems engineering for any of the important product we are going to made and also to how we need to solve any kind of problem and the solutions we are going to give.
By Venu T
•Jul 1, 2023
Really great course which engages and teaches a systematic method of approaching problems and a iterative model of building a solution to those problems
By Syed S
•Nov 3, 2021
I've liked learning about healthcare systems engineering as a healthcare technology management professional, and I'm hopeful about its future potential.
By Sarah A
•Jan 23, 2021
This was a great course. Really enjoyed learning about the intricacies of healthcare systems and how we can reimagine healthcare delivery.
By William
•Jul 13, 2024
Thank you for the insightful and comprehensive learning experience provided by the Foundations of Healthcare Systems Engineering course!
By Marvinson F
•Nov 2, 2020
Awesome foundational course on healthcare systems engineering, well applied engineering concepts in a health systems perspective.
By Juan A A R
•Jan 4, 2021
Se aprenden y fundamentas términos y procesos para solucionar problemas que se presentan en el dÃa a dÃa en el campo de la salud