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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health by Stanford University

33,166 ratings

About the Course

Around the world, we find ourselves facing global epidemics of obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and other predominantly diet-related diseases. To address these public health crises, we urgently need to explore innovative strategies for promoting healthful eating. There is strong evidence that global increases in the consumption of heavily processed foods, coupled with cultural shifts away from the preparation of food in the home, have contributed to high rates of preventable, chronic disease. In this course, learners will be given the information and practical skills they need to begin optimizing the way they eat. This course will shift the focus away from reductionist discussions about nutrients and move, instead, towards practical discussions about real food and the environment in which we consume it. By the end of this course, learners should have the tools they need to distinguish between foods that will support their health and those that threaten it. In addition, we will present a compelling rationale for a return to simple home cooking, an integral part of our efforts to live longer, healthier lives. View the trailer for the course here:

Top reviews


Aug 25, 2020

This course really changed the way i look at food. Honestly made me more conscious of what I consume and what I let my family consume. Thank you for the wonderful knowledge you shared, Dr. Maya Adam.


Oct 8, 2021

this course changed my view on healthy eating and also instilled healthy cooking habits in me! I absolutely oved the simple , delicious and healthy recipes! definitely trying them out ! Thank you Maya

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276 - 300 of 9,446 Reviews for Stanford Introduction to Food and Health

By Kevin R

Feb 15, 2021

I enjoyed this course. I am a little disappointed that there wasn't more videos on cooking lol I did get a lot of information from this course. I wonder if it is possible to make a level 2 course or something (although I am not sure how that would be) for people that want to take it to the next step.

Thank you for taking the time to make this course available to everyone. I am definitely going to refer this course to family and friends.

By Paul D

Sep 9, 2020

I thought that this was one of the best courses that I have taken on It gives one a great introduction to food, health, and nutrition. Although I have completed the course, I plan to come back and view some of the videos again ... and again .... and again.

I would highly recommend this class. The video lectures are short and to the point. There were a lot of helpful insights given here that I have shared with friends.

By Kena B

Oct 4, 2023

One of the best beginner courses. Thoroughly enjoyed this course. You can tell a lot of effort and passion was implemented for the course. i would love to take more in depth courses from these instructors. Thank you very much, for the knowledge and skills. Implementing what I’ve learned from this course I feel more confident in my abilities to better assist in my nutritional health as well as the people around me, whom I care for.

By Freya V

May 6, 2020

A mis 63 años de edad había prometido no estudiar más, pero cuando ví lo interesante de este curso, me olvidé de lo prometido y dije, ADELANTE, Y ME INSCRIBÍ...a pesar de no tener un inglés perfecto y de muchos otros problemas de estos tiempos, me siento felíz y porqué no decir con privilegios al haber tomado esta decisión, a Coursera, a esos grandes Maestros y guías, mi gratitud impercedera. Creo que continuaré. Gracias Gracias.

By Ram's L

Nov 19, 2018

Very good course, I'm so happy to have this course, I learnt so many things regarding cooking, importance of fruits and vegetables, cons of non vegetarian foods, processed foods and how to cook healthy food, even how to serve plate wow I highly recommend this course to every youngsters like me, I don't know if any one has teach me regarding food like this course did..I can just say thanks you so much Stanford to make this course.

By Luis F E

Dec 12, 2023

realmente, es un super curso, practico, se asimila facilmente la informacion, y al no ser tan extenso permite entender bien, felicitaciones y agradecimientos por permitir que uno vaya aprendiendo a travez de ustedes, si en terminos generales todos como comunidad recibieramos esta informacion en las escuelas desde pequeños, esto significaria salud por los habitos aplicados al saber toda esta informacion........muchisimas gracias

By Kenneth A

Aug 28, 2021

This was an insightful course that lays an emphasis on home-cooked food to have a healthy life. The course is designed to help you transition from your current food habits to a cleaner, healthier dieting routine. Maya and Michael offered their knowledge in crisp, short videos that are well structured. The course was so engaging that I managed to finish in it three days. Many thanks to everyone involved in making this course.

By Déia L

Aug 28, 2023

Regardless of your cooking skills or eating habit, this course will FOR SURE, improve your life. I have been a cook for a long time, and I am pretty conscious about cooking and eating healty, but this course was a great incentive for me to cook more and to eat healthier. It´s loaded with knowledge, brings some excellent scientifical information and some great recipes. Thank you Maya and Michael Pollan for the great course.

By Rob T

May 13, 2020

This is a great course because it teaches essential skills to identify foods that support a healthy lifestyle and balance. I think every person, regardless of their field, career and financial status should learn this basic knowledge because it will impact positively their lives beyond learning how to make money or event help others. Taking this course is something one should do to take care of themselves and their families

By Brandy C

May 19, 2023

This course was well thought out and lays a good foundation for further study in nutrition. It is a course I would recommend to anyone struggling with weight, ill health or general misconceptions about what it means to eat healthy that can lead to making poor choices. It was presented in a way that is very accessible and I will definitely be recommending it to others and passing along the many excellent suggestions made.

By Maren J

Apr 10, 2020

I liked this course with its simple rules of thumb that are easy to remember when trying to eat healthy. It definitely had a lot of tips on how to help people trying to lose weight for their health, however, it also taught how to eat healthy for any individual regardless of their weight. I also liked learning a bit about the science behind it, while it still remained easy to understand and accessible to a general audience.

By 王逸涵

Apr 8, 2022

As a student majoring in food science,I found this course was very compelling. Which teach us how to make healty food from a theoretical and practical perspectives.And from a commercical logic, this class helps us understand why mordern highly proccessed foods are making us fat and worse.At the same time give us solutions about how to buy healthy food in the market.A lots of cecipes and instrucrional videos are included.

By Iryna W

Feb 11, 2021

Das ist ein sehr interessanter Kurs, mit vielen nützlichen Informationen und gesunden, einfachen Rezepten. Die Dozentin legt relativ komplizierte Dinge anschaulich dar, sodass jeder den Stoff verstehen kann. Ich würde diesen Kurs nicht nur den Menschen empfehlen, die beruflich mit Nahrungsmitteln zu tun haben, sondern auch jedem interessierten Menschen, der seine Essensqualität und folglich Gesundheit verbessern möchte.

By yolanda m

Nov 1, 2021

Excelente, he aprendido mucho,estoy muy agradecida a coursera.los certificados no los adquiero ,pq no soy profesional de nada, y no me cuentan en el curriculum.aparte economicamente no me lo puedo permitir de momento.solo queria dar las gracias a todosm los profesionales que lo haceis posible y deciros que ne gustaria poder hacer otro curso. me viene muy bien tener la mente ocupada y les saco provecho en mi dia a dia

By Octavia D

Sep 13, 2021

Hello, My name is Octavia Diva. I took this course because I was very interested in food and health. and I really enjoy it because the learning system with videos is short but full of knowledge. I've learned a lot in these weeks, learned about such a wonderful perception. and can make me keep trying to cook food so that it is easy to control the nutrition that I eat. Thank you Stanford and especially Mrs Maya Adam, MD.

By Usama T

Apr 28, 2024

More like parts of a documentary than lectures, a highly engaging teaching method that should honestly be adopted by all teachers, irrespective of their subject. This way, the learner can stay focused by actually enjoying learning and in the process have a better and robust understanding of whatever's being taught. Most teachers don't give much thought to video editing, but they definitely should. Thank you, Dr. Maya.

By Suzanne W

Aug 14, 2020

This was a very imformative course!! As a program assistant for EFNEP, I was pleased to find out that the course was free during the pandemic. As a singlee mom, on a tight budget I am always looking for new ways to learn more. Thank you for making this possible, I was however diappointed that I have to "pay" for the certificate of completion. These should be available to print upon completion of the course. Thank you!

By ryan m

Feb 7, 2016

Great course! It was very basic and short and that's precisely what makes this course great. The information presented was concise and anyone should be able to understand it and apply the concepts into their everyday lives. If everyone in America applied such simple principles that were taught in this course into their daily lives, I have no doubt in my mind that the obesity epidemic would be ended within a few years.

By Intera P

Jun 29, 2017

I would recommend this course for those who are interested in having a healthy life, improving eating habits, or even getting to lose/maintain weight.

This course provides a lot of fundamental but essential issues that you need to know.

The lessons were described clear, understandably, easy and well-arranged. I would say that language isn't the obstacle to learn this course.

This is my first course and I do love it !

By Don M

Jun 21, 2017

Excellent introductory course. The videos were , informative and easy to understand, with impressive production. This format of interviews, animations and high quality images was a nice touch. As a guy in his late thirties, with some major health issues, these simple classes help to motivate me when I'm being a lazy ass. Would definitely recommend this to anyone looking to educate themselves and not feel overwhelmed.

By Yin L

Jul 10, 2024

This is considered the most pleasant course I have ever taken with Coursera. All the content are very well written with lots of tips that are friendly to beginners. Secondly, it is inspirational and will bring join to the entire food preparation and cooking process instead taking it as grind. Though it is an entry level course, it does help us recalibrate our mindset and common knowledge on some misleading concepts.

By Sergio R A

Feb 6, 2019

Es un curso muy entendible y practico. También permite tener las bases elementales de conocimiento para poder desempeñar una dieta saludable, y a su vez desenmascara lo ignorado por gran parte de las personas, acerca de la comida procesada, y los beneficios continuos de una alimentación casera y balanceada, dando así un beneficio para el control de peso y la prevención de enfermedades como la obesidad y la diabetes.

By Jon F

May 10, 2016

This course is less demanding than I expected/hoped, but nevertheless the content and its delivery was top-notch. The lectures present material in a clear and natural way. Course content is immediately and easily applied to daily life. The video production is the among the best I've seen in online education. Not groundbreaking, but immensely helpful to those unfamiliar with this material. Definitely worth your time.

By Sahijpreet K B

Mar 28, 2018

This course is a great way to get the background understanding on what your diet is supposed to be comprised of and also a way to implement this information into your daily routine. The videos provided by Dr. Maya Adam were extremely helpful to me. The recipes were diverse in taste. As a medical student it was great to see this outlook on diet and I have personally cooked a few of the recipes myself and loved them.

By Fitriyani

Oct 24, 2023

nama saya Fitri berasal dari Indonesia, saya mengikuti coursera dan mempelajari tentang pengantar makanan karena saya ingin mengedukasi masyarakat di indonesia mengenai pola makan yang baik, apalagi di Indonesia angka penyakit sindrom metabolik setiap tahunnya selalu meningkat. penjelasan yang disampaikan oleh Ibu Maya Adam, MD sangat membantu saya membuka pandangan saya mengenai hubungan makanan dengan kesehatan