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Learner Reviews & Feedback for FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services by Copenhagen Business School

1,161 ratings

About the Course

The FinTech revolution is rapidly transforming the financial industry. The use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and market changes it is creating a revolution. After completion of the module, you'll be able to: describe the changes that influence the financial sector, understand the complexity of the payment infrastructure, identify and explain the key payment instruments and how they function, understand the types of money that exits, and recognize changes in the regulatory frameworks and how they inhibit or promote innovation. To begin, I recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what material we’ll cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum! This course should take about four weeks to complete. You can check out the recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week. By the time you finish this course, you’ll have mastered mastered the transformational forces of digitalization and the new competitive dynamics it gives rise to, learned from leading financial companies and seen inspirational examples from the digital masters. Good luck as you get started. I look forward to seeing you in class!...

Top reviews


May 31, 2019

The assessments were excellent. Initially, I did have hesitation in getting started, but got hooked to the assessments. Thank you to Kavya and Steve, our Program Managers who encouraged us everyday.


Apr 23, 2019

complete view of the businesses related to each type, separated into different sections, but with a clear explanations that the different types are interlinked into a bigger picture

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276 - 300 of 318 Reviews for FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services

By Maarten K


Jul 19, 2020

Interesting contents, good introduction.

First two chapters are quite alright. Later modules have received less attention from the makers. The readings often consist of references to Wikipedia pages and magazine articles (which are missing some depth and sometimes require registration). I found that one video transcript resembled the Wikipedia page about that topic a lot...

Some video's stop before the lecturer has stopped speaking...

It doesn't seem like the course is being updated as there are a number of broken links (preventing of hindering you to pass assessments). Assessment questions could be better as there is too much room for interpretation.

A lot of participants have complained about the assessments in the discussion forums, but no reaction from moderators for years. If you want a certificate for this course, prepare to be frustrated!

By Christian L


Nov 21, 2017

The content was okay, but there were several points, I did not like about the course. As a summary, much less professional than other courses.

1) There were many references to public sources like youtube or wikipedia - the reason for subscribing here is just to learn more than from these public sources.

2) In the video, there not much good visualisation to support the presentation (e.g. no or small graphics)

3) The editing of the videos is not always good, a couple of times, the video is just cut off in the end.

4) The Danish professor was not always easy to unterstand.

5) In the quizzes, it was not always clear how to answer (e.g. the answer consisted of three words which had to be given separated by comma, but there was no hint how to do it, so you had to try & error)

By Georg D


Feb 13, 2021

This is a beginner's course. Except for a couple of short videos, the course uses articles from Wikipedia and other websites. Some of the links are broken or articles are (now) behind paywall. Beyond that there are errors in the script (Growth Settelemt Systems instead Gross Settelemt Systems) and in the quizzes (questions not fully spelled out, so you have to guess what the question should be). Some of the linked documents are outdated. So overall slightly disappointing and I hope this is not the standard that Copenhagen Business School is promoting. Also disappointing, looking at feedback from peers on this course, these issues seem to have been present for a while and nothing has been undertaken to fix it.

By Lily C


Jul 17, 2020

I honestly didn't think this course was a great use of time. The readings are mostly links to wikipedia pages, and they don't connect particularly well to the videos. The quizzes and assessments also seem like broken tools. The answers seem arbitrary, sometimes aren't in the course material, and don't actually test your knowledge of the subject. The grading is very nit-picky and thus the quizzes are nearly impossible to pass. I'm convinced certain questions on the last exam (in Week 4) simply don't have a correct answer.

By Aldrin G S


Jun 10, 2020

Course and topic is actually pretty interesting and is actually good for beginners which is a thumbs up. However, most links used came from wikipedia and many links provided are actually broken or redirects to the homepage of the website and not the article. Lastly, I would like to emphasize that the some questions on the final exam of module 4 will be answered purely based on luck or good guess because the readings and links are already broken hence would not be able to answer the question correctly.

By Karol S


Nov 20, 2018

Some of the parts were not basic but kindergarten level. The lecturer is getting worse in speaking in english each course. The test are sometimes prepared wrong. When answering question the way it should be it sometimes shows mistake, even if it is not - simply the lecturer did not mentioned it in the video.

By Katja T


Sep 9, 2019

Content and links partly not up to date. Little to no support from the mentors in the discussion forums. Had to wait quite some time to get my peer-to-peer review so that I could not finish the course on my on schedule which is frustrating as it is a monthly subscription.

By David W


Nov 5, 2024

Several of the links are either not working or just send you to wikipedia, the articles that do work are from 7 - 11 years ago, for a course on technology this is useless and has little relevance regarding FinTech and it's transformation in Financial services.

By Juan P R


Apr 13, 2021

Los recursos estaban muy desactualizados y eran páginas de wikipedia o ese estilo de fácil acceso. Los exámenes no estaban bien redactados y las preguntas daban espacio de interpretación que no sería lo más adecuado para selección múltiple.

By Siddharth B


Jun 23, 2020

Lot of missing content. The video on Apple Pay is missing on Youtube. The reading content on the OpenBanking's impact on Customer Bank and Society is missing. It leads to a page not found error. Content is stale from 2018. Nothing new.



Dec 8, 2021

Material relativamente antigo para um tema em constante mudança. Alguns vídeos do curso simplesmente terminam sem uma conclusão, alguns materiais de leitura são de sites que exigem assinatura para que possam ser consumidos.

By John L


Feb 15, 2021

some contents are behind the paywall or the link is no longer available. some of the prediction on P2P are less accurate in retrospect. should update the course and material given fintech evolved so much in last few years.

By Zivile M L


Jul 3, 2019

The presenter is very difficult to understand and the quizzes are absolutely rubbish: they are full of typos and poor grammar, and the questions and answers themselves are not well thought out at all.

By Vikram M


Jan 24, 2020

Very high level information. Mostly refers to Wikipedia articles or magazine articles, that too outdated articles published 3-4 years back. Very little original course content.

By Alan M


Oct 1, 2020

A large number of links don't work or are behind paywalls. Others are 5 year old articles, there is so much information out there this is disappointing

By Luca P


Oct 1, 2021

Too much of this course consists of Wikipedia links, feels lazy, just throwing the student without guidance in the totality of information.

By Francisco A


Dec 26, 2019

Really poor. Explains extremmely basic concepts and abuse in the using of web URLs (lot of them were down). Don't recommend.

By Nikhil


Nov 10, 2018

Course could have been more interactive and could have had more vidoes. It just hjad some links for self study

By Warisa C


Jun 27, 2020

Week 4 final assignment was rubbish. It doesn't allow people to pass though the answers were correct.

By Monica G


Dec 1, 2017

Terrible editing, but a nice course to get a flavour of Fintech and where things are heading

By Rohini


Jun 7, 2020

Too many wikipedia references and less engaging instructional videos.

By David P G


Feb 6, 2018

The level an quality was deeply reduced in the fourth week

By Abdulrahman Z


Apr 11, 2020

only good for those who know nothing about fintech

By Sladjana


Jun 6, 2022

I have expected less of wikipedia sources.

By Suzel A


Sep 26, 2019

Too superficial, zero challenging and easy.