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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Financial Statement Analysis by Intuit

616 ratings

About the Course

In the final course of this certificate, you will apply your skills towards financial statement analysis. If you have the foundational concepts of accounting under your belt, you are ready to put them into action in this course. Here, you will learn how to reconcile different types of accounts, check for accuracy, and troubleshoot errors. Additionally, you will practice how to apply different analytical methods to key financial statements and understand how these methods inform a variety of business decisions. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Describe and illustrate the use of a bank reconciliation in controlling cash -Outline the purpose of financial statements in relationship to decision making -Describe basic financial statement analytical methods -Apply quantitative skills to analyze business health Courses 1-3 in the Intuit Bookkeeping Professional Certificate, or the equivalent, are recommended prerequisites for this course....

Top reviews


Oct 17, 2023

Excellent explanation of how to analyze financial statements with several different ratio example practice. Real Life examples to help solidify your understanding of the concepts and material.


Jul 18, 2023

Highly recommend! This was an excellent hands on course for full cycle accounting and bookkeeping using Quickbooks. Good mix of theory and practice, with challenging case studies

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1 - 25 of 156 Reviews for Financial Statement Analysis

By Kay S


Aug 3, 2021

I have got to be honest, I expected a lot more from Coursera and Intuit. This series of courses was definitely not what I was hoping for. My goal was to finish this series and go into taking the QB certfication exam with confidence, but that goal was not achieved. I will now have to figure some other resource to help me get ready for the exam. I feel like the little bit I learned from this series was way overshadowed by the waste of time listening to the animated characters and frustration with glitches and errors on the practice sessions, quizzes, and exams. I gave three stars only because of the fantastically low price for someone like me who had the time to do it very quickly.

By Sriram P


Jul 4, 2022


Here are some tips for the case study;

The main problem with the case study was the trial balance but I figured out that you had to use the numbers and values in the unadjusted trial balance as your starting values and then subtract and add the amounts from the journal entries to get the correct numbers for your trial balance. Your trial balance number should end up being nice and clean whole numbers. Trial balance should be 1,161,000 or 1,163,000 . My debits and credits were off by 2k but these values were alright as the financial statements turned out fine and I ended up getting all the right answers with these numbers.

Also retained earnings is net profit. And the amazon refund you debit cash and cred general and administrative expense.

Overall don't take the assesment too seriously and try to overanalyze your mistakes and go to a granular level. Just take it easy and do what you can. It is not meant to be perfect as it was not created even close to perfect in the first place.

Use this course to learn as much as you can and leave it adn that and move on. It is only $55 so not a bad deal overall. The information in the whole course is indeed wortt $55 or more which is great. We will learn more and keep growing as we actually apply the concepts that were touched on in the course in our real practice. Academia is bs, the real world is where it is at.

For the intuit team:

You guys need to step it big time. First off, take out the cringe and annoying animated character lady. I guarantee she is the biggest problem in the entire program. Next, make sure that your interactive activities are polished and coded properly becasue a lot of them tweak and have many problems. Next, really work on the creating good case studies and prepare your students to nail them by giving mini case studies or a lot more deep and challenging practice throughout the entire course. Also incorporate test prep so that the students can actually pass the pearson exam.

Hope the students and intuit gains value from this feedback and if we all continue to improve we can make massive progress in life brah.

By Paula L


Sep 17, 2021

Everything seemed reasonable until the case study. Again, assessments need prepare the student to the format of the exam. Do not include case studies if you are not going to provide all the information we need and stop asking for things that do not tie into the proctored exam. Waste of time.

By Jen S


Oct 29, 2021

The final test was a nightmare. Nothing ever seems to be correct and I cannot tell if I am wrong or it the answers are wrong, as was the case throughout much of this entire certificate course. This last one didn't really add anything to my understanding of QuickBooks and I doubt it would be of much help to those who don't already understand business finances.

By Nancy G


Sep 9, 2021

While I learned a lot this one was the most frustrating. Lots of "wrong" answers based on how i input them...also the case study at the end is missing general ledger....nothing I entered came up right. I basically had to leave put 0 in the answers for 4 & 8 because there was no way to fix. I plan to go back to revisit but without the General Ledger and clearer instructions I don't think its possible.

The only answers throughout this whole course that i learned from when I got one wrong and was provided with the correct answer or formula. Telling me to go back and revisit the section is NOT helpful.

Also, no where at this end of this final course does it state to continue on to Intuit's Certification with PearsonVue.

By Gye N


Aug 24, 2021

There were many errors - calculations, typos, visuals. There was repetition of material, and omission of other material because of that repetition - material that belonged in one area was placed in another.

By Sofia S


Aug 7, 2021

Even though the information was good, there were a lot of error in the slides, grading, and workbooks provided to complete the case studies

By Cassandra J


Aug 10, 2021

Entire course needs more hands on activities to actually give someone a little more experience, the click here activities are not educational at all and the course study at the end needs some sort of grading system since the answers are required to be able to pass the quizzes and like some one once said : you don't know what you don't know"

By Layth E


Jun 12, 2023

I'm giving the same review for all 4 courses. Most the problems start small in the first course and get worse and worse as you get to the later courses. If this "course" was available for free on Youtube I would thank the creator but still tell them that there are too many problems to be able to recommend it to anybody. But this isn't a free bookkeeping course on Youtube, it's a paid course created by a company that runs the largest and most profitable bookkeeping software in existence - QuickBooks. This company is to bookkeeping what Disney is to animation and I can't call this "course" anything other than a scam.

First off it is clearly not a cohesive course. The info is taught in a jumbled order with lots of information repeated and lots of other information omitted entirely. There are 2 main components. First is the weird black AI teacher with a Jewish accent who has wonderful graphics full of information but no actual knowledge and is reading off a script. Second are the actual qualified bookkeepers whose videos are clearly old training videos repurposed for this "course". The location they are in changes and I swear one lady's hair color changes 3 times. This is info from years apart and has been loosely aggregated together. And of course the people that actually know what they are talking about hardly ever have any graphics or information along side them to actually show you what they are talking about. About 80% of their screen time literally takes the form of, "That thing the AI teacher was talking about is important because if it's wrong then the accounts are wrong and people might make bad decisions based on the wrong info. They talk about examples and never actually show any.

There are typo's and errors and misinformation all over this course. It's astounding. And even though there are places to report errors and the forums are full of people complaining they never fix it. They continue to take people's money for a broken course and refuse to fix it. The debt to equity ratio slide says to divide debt by equity then shows them divide equity by debt. Plus the answer they show is 4.1 when the answer (to their already wrong equation) is .41. The real actual answer is something like 2.5. They literally divided the wrong numbers got the answer .41 (which would not make sense in context) and instead of double checking their work decided to just move the decimal point over because 4.1 would be a reasonable value. This is only one of probably 25-30 errors in the course and those are only the ones I caught. These are not small missable mistakes. They are large egregious errors that any qualified bookkeeper should be able to see immediately leading me to believe that this course has never been reviewed by one. They teach a whole course about how to enter and double check everything twice and they didn't even check the course once. And again even after we complain they do nothing to help us or fix the problem.

The exams are total bullshit. They spend the whole course showing you how to do stuff in quickbooks and all the exams are in HORRIBLY formatted excel sheets. The excel sheets have to be fully completed and filled in before you take the exam and the excel sheet is never submitted or checked for accuracy and they never, even after completing it, tell you the correct answers. Due to the nature of bookkeeping your answers depend on previous answers so you could mess up on one of the first entries and do the other 90% of the excel sheet right and still get only 10% of the exam right. It's total bullshit and there is never any way to know where you messed up and you just have to start all over. Exams 3 and 4 have major errors in them. Exam 3 straight up calculates profit as taking value away from the business. A ****ing toddler could tell you that isn't true. And it's not like these errors are reflected in the answers. If you do everything right you will get the wrong answer unless you manually edit the prefilled parts of the excel sheet yourself.

Even the final exam on Intuit's website that you are supposed to take after this whole course had an error where it asked me what account type something would fall under and all the answers were descriptions of entire journal entries none of which included the account the question would fall under. Completely asinine.

If you got the Couresa 7 day free trial and want to blow through all 4 courses in a week for free there would be some value to it. It teaches you "OF everything you need to know". Meaning it gives you all the relevant terms. But if you want to pass a real exam I would take the list of terms and verify what they mean and how to use them with independent sources to verify you learned it correctly and/or that the course didn't define it poorly or outright wrong. I completed all 4 courses in a little less than 20 total hours (not 40-64) so you could complete it in under a week for sure but I also did fast forward through quite a bit of the actual bookkeepers talking if they didn't pull up QuickBooks and actually show you how to do something. Sometimes they teach you but if their segment starts with "This is important because" you might as well just skip it especially if you are a visual learner like me.

By Kim B


Aug 29, 2021

There was not enough information given to complete the assessment correctly

By David Z


Dec 8, 2021

Awful- unlike the last three courses this class teaches nothing, is unclear, vague and has little content to prepare you for being a book keeper. This is a waste of time and money

By Aaron M


Oct 30, 2021

The information in these Intuit course is good, necessary and fundamental information. The experts are mostly very good. The courses are plagued by numerous content delivery and grading errors. Whoever was administratively responsible for quality checking the final content and presentation of the course materials and quizzes did a lousy job.

By Kaitlin W


Mar 21, 2022

Numerous errors on quizzes, zero feedback from instructors. The videos were often useless filler.



Oct 8, 2021

This rating is for all 4 courses. I learned enough in this course, so it was worth taking for certification purposes, but I did not really like the course that much. I am not a fan of an animated "sort-of-standup-comedian" instructor. There was too much irrelevant information, and thus, time wasted. Also, there are too many errors, typos, incorrect information (or unopening files) in the practices, and especially, quizzes. I still was able to pass all tests, but those mistakes were annoying. You either have to have enough confidence that your answer is right, or redo the test, and type the "incorrect" answer suggested by the system to pass the test.

By O S


Jan 8, 2022

This should be broken up even further and the segments with the needless banter should be omitted. This course needs to be more streamlined as not to bore and upset potential learners.

By Anthony R


May 9, 2023

I had to stop this course, I simply couldn't stand the voice of the narrator. The annoying nasally, yankee dialect was too much. Too bad, there could have been value in this course otherwise.

By Leah H


Apr 21, 2022

I took accounting in college and wanted a quick refresh and I got exactly that! I loved the different ways of learning with note taking, quizzes, and advice from experts.

The only thing I would ask them to add would be the correct answers to the large case studies at the end of each course once you pass. You can pass the case study with an 80 or above but I would like to see where my calculations were wrong on the questions I did miss. And also I would like to compare my answers to the correct answers and keep for future refrence if I wanted to look back at an example of something moving throughout the certificate course.

By Celvita A


Aug 21, 2021

a very good course and can improve skills in analyzing financial statements, starting from the journaling cycle to financial statement analysis, this course is very helpful to improve skills and abilities in the world of accounting

By S M


Aug 26, 2021

There are a few mistakes with numbers in the quizzes and assessments and also providing the correct answers would help in learning.

By Hila c


Nov 18, 2023

There is a lot of information but there is no one to speak to when you have a question. I paid about $150 total to study the 4 weeks but I don't feel like I am fully equipped to be a bookkeeper. It was frustrating to me that in the Case Studies, since I had no one to see where I was wrong, I will never know what the right answers were or how to get there.

By Ka Y C


Oct 12, 2021

Course itself is informative, but some calculations in the quizs are off, making it very hard to complete.

By Shannon R


Oct 3, 2021

Great information but lots of errors in quizzes and practices. Very disappointing.

By Jeffrey R


Sep 12, 2022

I am too angry with this curriculum to write anything constructive at this time. The lack of quality/accuracy/usefulness of this material is scary since so many people use Intuit products to support their livelihoods. Instructors, your job is not to evade questions or answer with corporate responses like "We are looking into it", we know it is not happening. It does not take six months to fix a typo - I know, I wrote training material for a living, but it doesn't take six months. As an instructor, your job is to educate, to guide the learner through the subject. That means actively engaging in discussion and providing more definitive answers to questions. If there is an issue with a question in a quiz or lab, don't just browbeat the learner with some obscure platitude. Instead, since questions are tied to specific sections of the course, suggest to the student they go back to the supporting section for review.

Actually create a workbook that has the student apply the concepts taught in all the courses to doing the books for the same company. You kind of did it in the course presentations. This way, the student would have a consistent enviroment to work with eg common set of accounts to be used.

Review your instructions. They are not clear. They read like somebody rushed through typing something in without thinking about it. if your intending to have something broken in a worksheet, it is best to clearly indicate it, because it is clear that what is presented does not reflect real world. And for learners just starting, that isn't needed. I was shocked at the number of people tagged as unenrolled!

Drop the talking heads. It got so tiresome listening to people who I had no idea of who they were and their signficance the program. This is a subject that requires a lot of hands on practice to master. A workbook with lots of problems would have been a lot better. Also a talking animated character teaching/guiding through all these modules really dropped the credability of this material. Honestly what was presented by these people was no different than what I was reading in "Bookkeeping for Dummies".

By William H


Jul 27, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed this four course program. I am retired and was considering reentering the workforce. The bookkeeping and financial analysis looked appealing to me, so I jumped in. I now wish I had pursued a business degree in college. I devoted 2 to 3 hours to the course every day I was able. I was nervous at each test but got through okay.

At several student feedback sections, I noticed comments about getting more practical experience through the course. I felt the same way. If you could accomplish that, I think this would be a course you could truly walk into a business and start working right away.

By Gwen G


Sep 18, 2021

This course was extremely informative. This will definitely help me with finding new employment. I feel very confident in my abilities than ever before and thoroughly enjoyed it.