Feb 25, 2020
Excellent content covering the broad scope of U.S. and international livestock-based agriculture. This course addressed the many concerns that consumers have regarding animal products.
Jul 25, 2020
Such a wide diversity of topics presented by a wide diversity of teachers. Right level of information, quantitative and qualitative, for an introductory course.
By Dean P
•Sep 26, 2018
It's a great course if you want to learn how is the current agriulture system. It definetely doesn't adress how to feed the world. The world doesn't need more meat. We need more education on what to eat. A plant based diet would seem the only way, with once or twice per week meat consumption MAXIMUM. So we need less meat and better life quality for animals. Also, we don't need dairy. Why the f*ck do adult homo sapiens need to drink cow's milk? that's rediculous. The only way to feed the world (and not cause them heart attacks) is to figure out how to increase edible plant production and there are ways to do this that can work. WE NEED A SHIFT IN OUR MENTALITY. LESS MEAT, NO DAIRY AND MORE PLANTS.
By Claude A
•Jan 2, 2019
Title is somewhat misleading. The course is primarily about the commodity beef industry.
By Mohammed H M A
•May 1, 2020
I had a great time studying my wonderful course, which gave me information about feeding the world. I was missing it, and I hope that you will add a course in commercial poultry production for broiler, layer and breeder with focused on nutrition and diets balanced Formulation.
By Abdirahim A A
•Mar 11, 2019
Coursera indeed has changed my life and empowered me the right skills for a better tomorrow .
i am gratefully appreciate you , for all you have done to bless us
By Yunus K
•Mar 5, 2019
Fantastic Course! I was so pleased to participate in a course on Feeding the World and to learn it's reality. Thanks to all who put this course on.
By Claudia M
•Jan 20, 2020
I´m really thankful about this course because as a Veterinarian, it gave me the key points about production systems in a global context and had reforced to me the idea to get involved in a work referent to animal production. All the topics were meaningful to me and I think they are very necessaire to understand the principles of food production. The topic about water caused a change in my thoughts about scarcity because I had a different idea about it and now I know i´t not a real shortage but a bad handling of the resource. As a consumer I really hate to waste food or throw it up if it's still being able to eat it and this course had reforced that concept in me, and I will apply it to my family in order to give them awareness about food.
By Mirna
•Sep 14, 2024
I loved the course! In the future, I want to graduate in medicine veterinary and this course make me learn a lot about the production systems, the role of the veterinarian in food production, the animals and, obviously, the social problems with food that we have in the U.S. and mainly in the world. So, as a consumer, I will be more confident about the food that I consume. I'm sad that this is the end of this course at the same time that I'm very happy about the knowledge that I gained. Finally, I hope other people like this course as I liked. Thank you so much!
By Assel P
•Oct 14, 2022
Отличный курс о роли кормов в получении качественной и безопасной продукции животноводства, очень рада что прошла эти курсы от Пенсильванского университета! Благодарю всех преподавателей за замечательный позновательный курс, надеюсь что благодаря курсу я смогу получить повышение в должности и долгожданную премию. Очень признательна!!! Приобретайте курс, не пожалеете о потраченном времени, действительно стоящий и очень интересный!
By Muhammad W
•Apr 4, 2024
The course was really informative and it enhanced my knowledge regarding the production of different type of farm animals and their role as a source of quality protein for human food. I am thankful to Coursera and Penn state University for providing me non credit course and helped me to learn new things.
•Jul 6, 2021
Excelente curso. sencillo y dinámico. De fácil comprensión nos da una visión muy amplia sobre la importancia de la intensificación de sistemas de producción animal.
Me gustaría que existiera curso anexos sobre el sector agrícola y del los subproductos agroindustriales los diferentes usos.
By fatai A
•May 28, 2020
Topic somehow misleading but later got the message. Excellent and inspiring tutors, beautiful and simplify course contents and has added a greater value to my humble self in the field of livestock production. One of the best online courses. Thanks for the privilege.
By neha b
•Apr 21, 2020
It was a pleasure going through the the course. Garnering so much knowledge surged my confidence. The course has opened another career option that would be promising to pursue. Thank you Feeding the World team.
By Matthew G N
•Feb 25, 2020
Excellent content covering the broad scope of U.S. and international livestock-based agriculture. This course addressed the many concerns that consumers have regarding animal products.
By Sylvie B
•Jul 25, 2020
Such a wide diversity of topics presented by a wide diversity of teachers. Right level of information, quantitative and qualitative, for an introductory course.
By Agna S S
•Nov 29, 2022
Excellent course, very enlightening and will certainly contribute to my professional and personal growth. Thanks so much for this opportunity!
By Heidy A M
•Apr 30, 2021
since i take the course, I had been more responsable with the enviroment , and now I am looking they way to help the farmers of my country
By Paola G
•Jan 4, 2018
very interesting, with a lot of clear explanation. I have really appreciated the pdf of slides for every lesson
By Muhammad A B
•Oct 18, 2021
It provide a lot of information about feeding the world like food safety, food security and much more.
By Laura C
•Jul 20, 2020
VERY easy to understand, well paced, and has a wonderful array of educators with relevant credentials.
By Deleted A
•Apr 22, 2020
It was great time doing this courses.But it would be helpful if I could get this certificate free
•Jul 28, 2017
exceptionally interesting course, with a lot I personally found vital to know. thanks so much!
By James C
•Feb 1, 2022
This course support the variety of topics related to animal industry and food chain system.
By Pauline G
•Sep 21, 2020
This is a relevant course even for animal health practitioners.
By rachel v
•May 13, 2020
I loved this class! I learned so much and it taught so well
By Memory R
•May 31, 2022
Great foundation for understanding the beef industry!!