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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity by Stanford University

3,103 ratings

About the Course

In this course we will seek to “understand Einstein,” especially focusing on the special theory of relativity that Albert Einstein, as a twenty-six year old patent clerk, introduced in his “miracle year” of 1905. Our goal will be to go behind the myth-making and beyond the popularized presentations of relativity in order to gain a deeper understanding of both Einstein the person and the concepts, predictions, and strange paradoxes of his theory. Some of the questions we will address include: How did Einstein come up with his ideas? What was the nature of his genius? What is the meaning of relativity? What’s “special” about the special theory of relativity? Why did the theory initially seem to be dead on arrival? What does it mean to say that time is the “fourth dimension”? Can time actually run more slowly for one person than another, and the size of things change depending on their velocity? Is time travel possible, and if so, how? Why can’t things travel faster than the speed of light? Is it possible to travel to the center of the galaxy and return in one lifetime? Is there any evidence that definitively confirms the theory, or is it mainly speculation? Why didn’t Einstein win the Nobel Prize for the theory of relativity? About the instructor: Dr. Larry Lagerstrom is the Director of Academic Programs at Stanford University’s Center for Professional Development, which offers graduate certificates in subjects such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, data mining, nanotechnology, innovation, and management science. He holds degrees in physics, mathematics, and the history of science, has published a book and a TED Ed video on "Young Einstein: From the Doxerl Affair to the Miracle Year," and has had over 30,000 students worldwide enroll in his online course on the special theory of relativity (this course!)....

Top reviews


Dec 9, 2019

Almost anyone can learn about the special theory of relativity from these lectures. I actually can't believe that I studied from a professor who teaches in the USA and in so simple way. I am grateful.


Aug 12, 2020

It was wonderful experience to know the special theory of relativity from Larry, who has presented the course in very simple way to understand. Thanks a lot to Larry for providing such a good session.

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126 - 150 of 1,073 Reviews for Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity

By Titas C

Jun 7, 2018

This course is the best place to learn the concepts of special relativity as a beginner. The instructor is awesome. Although he goes quite slow, it helps because the concepts in the latter part of the course are counter-intuitive and may need a bit of time to be understood. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in learning more about the principles of relativity. I hope to see a general relativity course taught by this professor soon!!!

By Carlos G

Apr 2, 2018

A very thorough and complete explanation of the Special Relativity theory. Finally a really good pedagogical approach is used to explain to plain people like me concepts that are proven for more than a century but still a mystery for most. Having very important scientific concepts explained to our society can mitigate the terrible challenges we shall confront in the coming decades.

Thank you very much to Stanford University and specially to Dr Lagerstrom.

By Dario K

Aug 1, 2020

Amazing course! Great pace, starting slowly from the basics and advancing step by step, building up to understand the Special Theory of Relativity to a level that I find is (much) more than good enough for someone who's just curious about it. Math included but, again, it is presented step by step so it's easy to follow even for someone with not much scientific background.

Really wish a part 2 with General Relativity taught by same professor would come :)

By Allan B

Aug 20, 2020

About sixty years ago, I remember discussing the various formulas regarding special relativity in one of my advanced college physics courses. There was very little background presented regarding the historical development of the formulas (e.g. Lorentz transformation, Gamma). I really enjoyed the time spent on the space time diagrams. Those diagrams have provided me with a much deeper understanding of the foundational elements of special relativity.

By Patrick F

Sep 7, 2017

It is amazing to have access to such an interesting, well taught class through this free app. Prfessor Lagerstrom takes material that is often considered extremely difficult and explains it in such clear and concise terms that it can be understood by just about anyone. The required math is not much beyond basiic algebra and you can come away with a much deeper understanding of the way the universe works as well as a nice look at Einstein as a person.


Feb 7, 2022

Hola, me ha encantado el curso. Al principio pensé que no se avanzaba en contenido y que no se iba a profundizar en la teoria especial de la relatividad. Pero poco a poco vamos descubriendo cosas de una manera sencilla y lógica que te va atrapando, cada vez tienes mas ganas de ver que es lo que viene a continuación. Enhorabuena al profesor Larry Randles Lagerstrom, se entienden muy bien sus expiicaciones y creo que ha estructurado muy bien el curso.

By Thierry C

Jun 22, 2020

It’s been like watching a good movie or reading an absorbing book; it ended too soon.

I'd say the course gives a large enough insight to the special theory of relativity with the right final touch on the general theory to complete the basic understanding, and maybe to get the audience hooked for the next release. I’ve taken the bait.

Finally a genuine thanks to the instructor Larry Randles Lagerstrom and his team for the contents and their dedication

By Javier S

Apr 17, 2021

I would like to congratulate Mr. Randles for the magnificent explanations through out the course. He makes things very clear to the student with such a little resources. I really enjoy the course.

For me, as a beginner on this subject, the journey from week 1 to week 8 is perfect. Good practical information, good organization and plenty of references to continue learning.

Thank you for the opportunity of approaching Einstein and his work!

Javier Sanz

By Charles H

Aug 24, 2017

This was a very enjoyable and revealing course, covering what at first may appear to be a somewhat impenetrable subject. But the step by step approach and sensible progression of topics made the subject matter easily understandable, and the obtaining of that understanding a joyful and insightful experience. It can't be easy to teach such a course to camera, so big thanks to Larry Randells Lagerstrom.... he definitely deserves a strong lager!!

By Steven S

Apr 3, 2021

I would highly recommend this course to anyone with a general interest in Einstein and special relativity. The presentations by Professor Lagerstrom were exceptionally good. The material was presented in a well paced manner with great explanations of somewhat esoteric ideas. I also really enjoyed the historical narrative of Einstein's life before and after the "miracle year". It was so good I am almost tempted to go through the course again!

By Henri d L

Jul 31, 2020

A fabulous course giving great notions and ideas of how things operate in the universe. Beyond the interesting part of this class, you will get a noteworthy approach enabling all to understand how things came out to be discovered. I think it makes sciences more accessible and anchored in the reality of our lives. Anyway, I loved it, the teacher is outstanding. It will be useful for my 12th grade in France and most importantly my future!

By Mochammad R

Sep 16, 2022

Easily one of the best course I've ever taken. I like how Dr. Larry really tries to build a strong foundation so his students - regardless of their background - can gain a reasonably deep understanding of the theory. It is a very well-made introductory course on the special theory of relativity, and it shows that everyone can understand this concept if they have the passion and the willingness to invest a little bit of their time.

By Paresh V

May 4, 2017

This was not just a course, but an experience in learning. The professor took us through a journey of learning about a topic very difficult understand, and patiently led us through the learning experience with right amount of maths and excellent use of examples, quotes etc., to keep the interest alive all through. I wonder if some such course on General Theory of Relativity can be there, even if that is perhaps more mathematical.

By Mark M

Aug 29, 2021

I did the course because I had developed an interest in cosmology and felt the need for understanding Einstein theories. The course did this for me and also gave me insights into how scientists work. As a big picture thinker, I have limited patience for detail. The instructor, in addition to having extensive knowledge of the subject matter, is also a good educator and and thorough teacher. So well done and keep up the good work!

By Chris D L

Mar 17, 2021

This was an excellent course about The Special Theory of Relativity. The topics were explained in a way that was easy to grasp with minimal math (mostly algebra). If there's one thing to be improved for this course is to make this a 10-week course. Weeks 5 and 6 were quite long and anyone who is even slightly busy with other things in life will struggle to finish them on time. That's all. All else considered, I learned a lot!

By Maria E H

May 10, 2017

This course is superb! The professor explains complicated concepts and mathematical equations in the simplest manner possible. I learned a ton!

Note: the course keeps mathematics at a minimum, so if you want a quantitative approach to the Special Theory of Relativity, this is not for you. However, even if you are looking for a quantitative approach, this course will enhance your conceptual understanding of Einstein's theory.

By Brian M

Feb 3, 2022

.Great. Very clear and we'll explained. Excellent course materials. Lecturer outlined the key points very well, with clear examples. The prepared notes were first class and the tests clearly focused on the critical concepts. Reference materials were selected to be highly relevant and introduced at the right time. I would love to do further courses by the same organisation and the same lecturer. I would highly recommend.

By Jared F

Sep 15, 2017

Until I took this thoughtful, extremely well organized course, I could not get my head around many of the weird concepts in Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, no matter how much I read about it. Prof. Lagerstrom is to be congratulated for the very excellent, logical manner in which he has taught this course. I would highly recommend this course to anyone seeking a great mental challenge and scientific curiosity.

By Remko

Jun 6, 2019

I seriously love this course. It gave me a lot of insight in the realistic world. I love the way it is explained, it could not have been better! Thank you so much! This is the first course I have ever done, and I think I will move on towards the General Theory of Relativity. So much thanks again! This course changed my life, positively. I'm more motivated than I ever was. You are doing a great job, I love it. -Remko

By Rodolfo R A A

May 18, 2020

As a geologist engineer, this course showed me that no modern physics can be out of reach. We all can play with these ideas and get a solid understanding of them. Prof. Lagerstrom really made the most important points clear and I got a clear picture regarding the Special Theory of Relativity, among history of science and other stuff as well. Great, solid course of which I can only feel thankful to Prof. Lagerstrom.

By Ona M P

Aug 16, 2020

My idea was to undestand the Special Theory of Relativity from a qualitative point of view and this course really accomplished that. Although I don't speak English in my day to day, the teacher made it easy to undestand not using a lot of difficult vocabulary and writing and drawing on the board. I highly recommend this course for those who are curious and want to learn more about the Special Theory of Relativity.

By Mila C

Apr 30, 2018

Wonderful course that has opened so many doors of thought and knowledge. Thanks to the professor, Larry Randles Lagerstrom for his instruction and for bringing this amazing course of one of the greatest minds of all time to Coursera. My interest in physics has been piqued and i will continue to pursue a deeper understanding after this wonderful course. Thank you again to the professor and to the team at Coursera.

By Isaac P J

Oct 18, 2022

O curso tem uma abordagem minuciosa dos conceitos, num ritmo lento o bastante, permitindo uma contínua e eficaz apreensão do conteúdo da teoria especial da relatividade. O professor Larry Lagerstrom tem o condão de tornar simples o entendimento de conceitos contraintuitivos e aparentes paradoxos. A abordagem histórica, incluindo a vida e visão de Einstein, é um sabor a mais e ajuda a valorizar o aprendizado.

By Jorge A V

Dec 8, 2020

This is a great course for understanding concepts as the principle of relativity, the constancy of velocity of light, the relativity of simultaneity, the invariant interval, time dilation, length contraction, the famous equation E=mc^2 and a short introduction to the General Theory of Relativity with the Principle of Equivalence, everything in a quantitative and qualitative way given by an excellent professor.

By Matthew F

Aug 16, 2018

This is a very wonderful course. I really enjoyed it. The professor really shared the insight of having a struggle to understand will lead to an ennobling, enriched experience and how we can look at the big picture of what the universe is like and how this works. Understanding Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity really helped a lot (in context and some key concepts of space and time). Thank you professor.