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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

829 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you a complete insight into the modern design of digital systems fundamentals from an eminently practical point of view. Unlike other more "classic" digital circuits courses, our interest focuses more on the system than on the electronics that support it. This approach will allow us to lay the foundation for the design of complex digital systems. You will learn a set of design methodologies and will use a set of (educational-oriented) computer-aided-design tools (CAD) that will allow you not only to design small and medium size circuits, but also to access to higher level courses covering so exciting topics as application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) design or computer architecture, to give just two examples. Course topics are complemented with the design of a simple processor, introduced as a transversal example of a complex digital system. This example will let you understand and feel comfortable with some fundamental computer architecture terms as the instruction set, microprograms and microinstructions. After completing this course you will be able to: * Design medium complexity digital systems. * Understand the description of digital systems using high-level languages such as VHDL. * Understand how computers operate at their most basic level (machine language)....

Top reviews


Jul 22, 2020

This was my 4th online course and I am pretty sure this was my best experience. Everything was covered in detail and yet very precisely. Thanks to both coursera and UAB for this course.


Mar 21, 2020

Pretty awesome, the course gives you a good understanding of all basic concepts and the practice, extra and graded problems make you intimately familiar with its applications.

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26 - 50 of 180 Reviews for Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors

By Kapil M

Oct 1, 2024

this course was very inconvenient & bad it need to be improved & changed

By Jaime H A

Jan 6, 2021

Biggest disappointment was the kinds of tools used in the course, starting with the use of a VM with some obscure Linux distribution that can't be run in modern Virtualbox.

By Tom C

Jul 27, 2017

I have to say the English pronunciation is quit hard to understand here. Make me feel hard to learn.


Jul 4, 2017

Lot of mistakes in graded quizzes. Mentors and staffs rarely reply to doubts

By Pradeep

Oct 11, 2020

I'm not ok with this course

By Pranjal D

Oct 4, 2024

very hard for beginner

By Neelotpal N

Jun 30, 2020

This course is a good start to understanding digital systems and completing prerequisites to learning Computer Architecture. Pros: Simple and illustrative explanations, examples at every stage, well-defined course structure, clear videos and material, especially the DigitalSystemsVM. Cons: Audio quality of speaker is sometimes low, thus causing confusion, many topics that are covered run a usual 10-14 week Digital electronics course were not covered, some diagrams included text in Spanish (adding English alongside would be great). Comments for the student: The course can be finished in 5-6 weeks. The content is not very complex.

By Lưu M A

Sep 19, 2020

Thank Professors and coursera, this is awesome course help me understand how sequential circuit, memory, cpu underground work (principle and math definition without touching to deep in electric)... with many fun practices exercise with logisim

Beside I think the course will be better if Professors can guide students how to work with fpga: e.g, open source tools ghdl, gtkwave should be install on virtual machine. Please give more practice exercises on vhdl like the part logic design ...

One more thank for amazing course!

By Heston D J

Apr 15, 2021

This is a very solid refresher on the basics of Digital Design, and I believe it is a great way to introduce someone to the field. I forgot the name of it, but the program that you need to use in the Virtual Machine is a great way to practice Gate Level circuits, and it can be pretty fun too.

By 顏呈宇

Apr 2, 2023

This course is an excellent course that provides a thorough introduction to digital systems. The course is well-structured, and the instructor is knowledgeable and engaging. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about digital electronics.

By Avinash K

May 5, 2018

Simply put 'A great course!'. Design is covered exceptionally well and even synthesis, implementation strategies and Physical implementation have been touched. The quizzes are challenging and make the student learn most out of the material.


May 27, 2020

This course is an overall basic fundamental of Logic Gates to Memory which certainly need to know by everyone though some graded quiz must be improved.

I recommend everyone to join this course as a begineer and for all others.

Thank you

By durgesh a

Jun 9, 2020

This course helps me a lot. I got good command in digital systems, quiz makes me more interested to solve the logic and implement which is pretty good, the best materials are provided with perfect explanation thanks to Coursera.

By David R V C

Jul 30, 2020

It is a good introductory course. The low combinatorial designs and the hardware description language are the most significant part of the course, in my opinion, and the correlation with the processor section of each week.

By Majid Z

May 12, 2021

I'm a programmer who was new to the logic circuit with no background study. After this course I know very much about the logic circuit and now I'm going to learn coding it. Thanks a lot for this perfect course. :-)

By Heinrich O

May 19, 2024

Difficult and good course. The material is well designed and well structured. I am mainly interested in Verilog, and still the course was very useful. Some of the assignments took me quite a few hours.

By Vivian L

Sep 18, 2024

This class allowed me to learn more in-depth knowledge related to digital logic and helped me understand how sequential circuits, memory, and CPU work.

By Sreeramachandra M P

Jul 13, 2021

This course has very well planned content, practice and graded exercises. Learnt a lot and looking for more advanced course on this topic.

By Abhijeet G

Mar 9, 2021

Great Insights and flow of the whole course. I would definitely recommend it to beginners & intermediates in the field of digital design.


Jun 11, 2020

This course clear my all doubts in digital circuit design. it helps me to understand the way of designing in digital electronics.

By Antony N

Dec 19, 2023

Hard to understand with accents etc. but otherwise this course is brilliant, excellent structure and way of presenting things.

By CKay H

Sep 10, 2019

It's not a easy course for me, but the practice exercise is enough for me to get deeper understanding in course content.

By Chaudhary S K

Feb 11, 2023

It was the amazing course for any VLSI Enthusiast to start the journey of learning the basics of Digital System Design.


May 25, 2020

Course content is awesome. A basic requirement for designing a digital circuit.

By Sivaganesh P

Jun 5, 2022

amazing to gaining the knowledge in this platform.....................