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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Marketing Analytics in Practice by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

3,306 ratings

About the Course

Successfully marketing brands today requires a well-balanced blend of art and science. This course introduces students to the science of web analytics while casting a keen eye toward the artful use of numbers found in the digital space. The goal is to provide the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges marketers confront daily. Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Practice is the second in a two-part series of complementary courses and focuses on the skills and practical abilities analysts need to be successful in today's digital business world. You will be able to: - Identify the web analytic tool right for your specific needs - Understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data from the web - Utilize data in decision making for agencies, organizations, or clients This course is part of Gies College of Business’ suite of online programs, including the iMBA and iMSM. Learn more about admission into these programs and explore how your Coursera work can be leveraged if accepted into a degree program at

Top reviews


Sep 1, 2020

thoroughly enjoyed the course. A big thanks to Instructor Kevin hartman for this perfectly organized course. Materials were on point and easy to understand. Got entirely new observations on analytics.


Aug 8, 2020

Thoroughly enjoyable "journey" for this course. The syllabus was great, very well structured, thus easy to follow. Each module, including honors, can easily be completed in a day if you have the time.

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1 - 25 of 706 Reviews for Digital Marketing Analytics in Practice

By Bénédicte M


Apr 26, 2019

I was quite disappointed by this course. There are a lot of repetitions with course 2, it's very theorical and ressources are quite old and it's only articles to read, no video, interviews…. Plus quizz 4 asks a lot of question about a subject not mentionned in the lecture. I think it needs to be revisited.

By A. S


Apr 12, 2020

No hands on practice. None. All course content is just a re-iteration of Marketing Analytics in Theory. No part of this course will help you get a job. Coursera says 35% started a new career after taking this course, and I can't see that "career" being anything but an intern position where you get people coffee and sit in on some meetings. If you are taking this course because you think it will get you a job in Data Analysis/ Market Analysis, this is NOT it. Material is outdated and a huge portion is blog posts from unknown "data analyst specialists" - which just sounds like pieces of "obscure" info you'd try hard to share with your colleagues at Google to seem "unique." This was the course I was so excited about because the "practice" in the title led me to believe I would be getting hands on practice, instead it's just the conceptual framework behind marking analytics in practice. Ditch the whole "taught by Google's Head of Analytics" thing and get some teachers in here who will put the course material in PRACTICE.

By Gaurav B


Sep 11, 2019

Poor Teaching Skills by Kevin Hartman.

No Practical Case Study.

The Instructor Comes and Read all the Slides what is point of taking the Classes we Could have Downloaded the Material.

In a 7 Minutes Classes he Obliged and Conclude 5 things which he going to teach and also teach the Relevant Material.


By Seamus K


Jan 14, 2018

Very poor course. The material is badly organised - superficial lectures are just there to supplement the recommended reading. The assignments are very weak. And most people seem to make little effort in completing them (2 hour assignments answered with 4-5 lines of text is typical). There are regular issues with the lecture content not matching the quizzes or assignments. Overall a very poor experience, and one that makes me question the value of this approach.

By Olesya A


Mar 1, 2016

I really enjoyed this course. I liked the professor's teaching style as well as the materials the course provided. All the knowledge I've got from the course helps me when I do research online.

By Deleted A


Jan 14, 2019

Not just great content and teaching, but fantastic resources that I'll be using for years. Thank you!

By Lotfi H


Dec 7, 2016

The content is definitely interesting. But I didn't see any "Practice" there... I didn't really get the difference theory vs practice between this course and the previous one "Digital Analytics for Marketing Professionals: Marketing Analytics in Theory".

Sometimes the assignments were not very interesting, and didn't always help practicing the content exposed in the lectures... For example, the piece about the different statistical tools: I didn't get why it was included in the course... either we do exercises on it, or it shouldn't be in the course... but there is not point of knowing by heart the differences between the different statistical tools.

The part about the customer decision journey, the plan for analytics, and the different analysis techniques were very interesting. I would have liked to see and practice more concretely how to collect data (e.g. how to perform clickstream analysis), etc.

And the lectures should avoid general tips and guidelines (like "5 things to avoid in order to"... the web is full of this kind of content)... I mean, it has to be "in Practice". And the professor should know exactly the content of his slides, and prepare his speech.

Lastly, a lot of the suggested readings were from a blog that is really horrible to read... The author of the blog might be very knowledgeable on his subject, but his blog it is full of useless jokes, very long to read... I mean one of its articles could 3 times shorter if he gets straight to the point

By Asheesh P


Dec 27, 2018

In a single word Just Fantabulous!! It is not only good for beginners but also a great refresher for experienced professionals. I am Fan of Kevin Hartman, never seen a instructor explaining such a complex topics in easy to grasp language. I really enjoyed doing peer-graded assignments, quizzes and video lectures.

By Arlonna S


Apr 13, 2018

Very well delivered content - having the slides to review ahead of the videos was very beneficial and I found the readings were very to the point in support of the content being delivered.

By Vishnu N


Mar 1, 2016

Excellent course. Gave me a great idea regarding the basics of Marketing Analytics. Highly recommended for those who has no prior knowldege about the Marketing Analytics Process

By Krishna R


Mar 21, 2019

Provides a good overview of the marketing analytics practice and how it can be used for imroving the marketing performance and effectiveness.

By Stefanie P


Feb 18, 2019

Great presenter, slides and info. Learned a whole lot and can already apply everything to my job. Perfect.

By Hikmat T M


Mar 25, 2019

Excellent course, advise to all business analytics!

By A S C R


Apr 12, 2019

Intense course, loved it very well organized.

By Ioannis M


Apr 6, 2020

I am actually disappointed from the course because it offers no chance for real practice. The assignments are also just compsitions of ideas!

By Joel B


Sep 23, 2020

Very poor class again. The content is very limited and sometimes based on blog posts rather than scientific literature which makes you question the credibility of the content. The tests and assignments are not very developed and therefore don't really contribute to the learning. It really looks like the lecturer took responsibility of the classes. I think it is a shame to even charge participants for a class of such quality.

By Issa M


Feb 18, 2017

the information is outdated, and I have find some examples, services not working anymore. during the course.

By Carlos M B d S


Mar 31, 2020

The method for this course is not the most practical. I suggest an update with more practice exercises and updated material. Quite some of the reading material is unavailable or is outdated.

By Deleted A


Jan 7, 2019

Content is old, more than a decade.

By Prajay v


Apr 5, 2020

waste of time

By Keshav K


Dec 2, 2016

Too Generic

By Tanvir M C


Sep 1, 2020

thoroughly enjoyed the course. A big thanks to Instructor Kevin hartman for this perfectly organized course. Materials were on point and easy to understand. Got entirely new observations on analytics.

By Joel G Y J


Aug 8, 2020

Thoroughly enjoyable "journey" for this course. The syllabus was great, very well structured, thus easy to follow. Each module, including honors, can easily be completed in a day if you have the time.

By Sharlene V


Feb 18, 2019

I loved this course. It was technical and very different for someone who has done none of this before. But how interesting and challenging. Excellent!!

By Kartik A


Apr 3, 2019

This professor and this course was brilliant. It's rare to find this quality of teaching where I come from.