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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively by Duke University

389 ratings

About the Course

Deductive arguments are supposed to be valid in the sense that the premises guarantee that the conclusion is true. In this course, you will learn how to use truth-tables and Venn diagrams to represent the information contained in the premises and conclusion of an argument so that you can determine whether or not the argument is deductively valid. Suggested Readings: Students who want more detailed explanations or additional exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, Ninth Edition, Concise, Chapters 6 and 7 by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Robert Fogelin. Course Format: Each week will be divided into multiple video segments that can be viewed separately or in groups. There will be short ungraded quizzes after each segment (to check comprehension) and a longer graded quiz at the end of the course....

Top reviews


May 12, 2021

I want to thank the amazing professor Dr. Ram Neta, who taught me this amazing skills and helped me to better understand basic logic! Thank you very much!


Sep 27, 2020

Good course. Unlike the first course of this series, this one is about formal logic. Participants can learn basic of propositional and categorical logics.

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26 - 50 of 72 Reviews for Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively

By Humberto P


Dec 2, 2017

Really good course, the material and explanations are good, and even in some cases, resolving or understanding some ideas is challenging, you can get the idea with a little practice

By Tatjana V


May 12, 2021

I want to thank the amazing professor Dr. Ram Neta, who taught me this amazing skills and helped me to better understand basic logic! Thank you very much!

By Mateja V


Sep 27, 2020

Good course. Unlike the first course of this series, this one is about formal logic. Participants can learn basic of propositional and categorical logics.

By Xiaoxiao W


Jan 25, 2021

Well, it is not easy to master the deductive thinking skills. I have learned about how to use some tools to make them better.

By Efrén M G P


Jul 28, 2020

harder than the first course, but so great. Thanks!

By Sharma s s


Oct 20, 2017

Lucid and Clear conceptions of Deductive Logic.

By Euclides V


Feb 16, 2018

Amazing course, something utile for everyone.

By fozan t


Dec 25, 2017

A must course for every thinking person .

By Dianne B


Oct 24, 2020

Very challenging. Thank you Kindly.

By Olushola A


Aug 1, 2021

The course is very enlightening

By Daniela E


Jul 22, 2020

Challenging but great

By Zhaoxing D


Nov 9, 2021

It's very useful!

By John W


Jun 10, 2023

Great course!!!

By N I C A B


Aug 22, 2017


By Kostas C


Oct 21, 2020

Great Course!

By matthew s


Mar 4, 2018

Excellent !

By darius


Jun 19, 2018

Great one!

By Diego A P M


Dec 10, 2020


By Carlos D R


Apr 29, 2018


By Pham D D N


May 18, 2017


By Winnifred J


Sep 20, 2020


By Puni P


Mar 13, 2018

I loved to take this course.

The professor is clever, funny and clear.

However, maybe because of being English my second language, I found difficult to get some issues ( i.e. "speech act" ) or understand the nuances in some exercises regarding "speech act" and" suppressed premises" (particularly in the final quiz, the more difficult questions to me were about the "suppressed premises").

So I would have liked that these harder issues have had found a clearer explanation during the lectures. Also in the final quizzes, it would have been useful giving the reason for the wrong answer (besides explaining the right one).

In fact, the quizzes are useful both for testing our understanding the matter and for learning from our mistakes too. In fact, we learn in a different and deeper way from our mistakes. To explain the reason for the mistakes is a good way to teaching and learning.

Although these notes, the course give enough awareness about our logical and linguistic skill and I'm going to take another one: "Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively". See you soon!

By Wenyi H


Jul 6, 2020

This course provides what deductive argument is valid in terms of sentence components, such as propositions, quantifiers, and so on. I am inclined to assume that this course is more relevant to logic construction without considering meaning of sentences. I suggest attenders, especially the people who take english as a second language, should pay attention on the definitions and meaning of symbols and terms. The reason is that terminology in videos is not 100% consistent with the exam content. In addition, please separate logic and brief when viewing analysis from the course speaker so that it is simply to know what he wanna express.

After this course, I realised that sometimes some colleagues reviews reports or essay only based on whether the deductive argument is valid or not. I would recommend this course with some pre-reading.



Dec 29, 2020

very interesting disecting an argument. truth tables gave me a hard time - so theoritical - not my thing! venn diagrams easy to grasp. 30 minutes for the final quiz, was too litle for me, cause it was easier to fill in the truth tables as a reuslt of a more mathematical approach than make all that deductive thinking. Had to take the final exam several times, but I'm so proud to have passed. I did it! needed more explanations on the incorrect answers though.

By Elie M


Sep 9, 2019

This course is good, and it is helpful when it comes to reasoning deductively, but I do have one problem with it. Whenever I'm done with a certain portion of it, it obviously says that I need to do it when I've already done it. That needs to be fixed!