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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

3,009 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches learners how to write a program in the C++ language, including how to set up a development environment for writing and debugging C++ code and how to implement data structures as C++ classes. It is the first course in the Accelerated CS Fundamentals specialization, and subsequent courses in this specialization will be using C++ as the language for implementing the data structures covered in class....

Top reviews


Jan 13, 2020

Honestly, this is a great crash course in OOP for C++ (though the ideas can be applied to any language). Previous experience with C++ is almost a necessity, the lessons can be complicated for novices.


Feb 1, 2021

Great course, simple and difficult all at the same time. Great introduction to these topics. Every thing that is included is there for a reason as every thing is straight to the point with no filler.

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601 - 625 of 737 Reviews for Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++

By Saugat B


Apr 17, 2020

Wow, it was descriptive and at the same time needed quite an effort in searching various contents at google. Overall, it would be hard for novice but they can get along with little more effort. Really, the advanced mechanism for checking our submissions and not requiring peer reviews which is often slow and unreliable is praiseworthy.

By Zhonglu L


May 12, 2024

It is not bad actually. But I would feel that the programming assignment can really be more challenging to include all the aspects mentioned in the course, e.g. template / constructor. Although the quizes are good challenges already, but the actual implementation of the knowledge may offer a better sense of achievement.

By Jon L


Mar 26, 2020

Overall this course did a good job balancing sufficient levels of detail without losing the big picture with respect to OOP principles. The examples were good throughout. I thought the final image transform assignment was very interesting though not a particularly helpful indication of mastery of OOP principles.

By diaa y


Jul 26, 2020

I believe the course videos and lectures are pretty good. The instructor explains pretty well and makes learning this course exciting. However I think that this course needs more projects, and to be more challenging. Possibly the instructors of this course rely on subsequent courses to cover more material.

By Paul B L


Jun 6, 2020

the course helped me solve problems more strategically. The instructor also helped me make use of patterns as way to optimize code and see a problem in a more practical manner. This truly helped me enhance my skills in C++ and Data structures but also in fundamental problem solving skills.

By Kevin S


Aug 3, 2023

Challenging and rewarding to complete. The course guides beginners like me on our first steps and finishes the course with enough of a challenge to give a sense of accomplishment. I must say after the course I felt insipired to jump into the next one in the series.

By Justin M


Oct 25, 2019

Great course, engaging videos, and the end project was a pretty good summation of the material covered. I would have liked an assignment each week that let me practice coding a bit more, as I'm new to c++ and the syntax is a bit weird, but overall great class.

By Kevin L


Mar 16, 2022

The lectures are top-notch. It feels like we are getting a very professional presentation of C++ in an easy to understand way. I wish there was more hands on coding though. I learn 10X more when practicing writing code vs. answering multiple choice.

By Difan G


Jan 22, 2020

The instructor made a lot of mistakes during his lecture. The material is neither clear nor easy to understand. I wish he can put more explanation on details. I am giving four stars because the instructor's response in the forum is really quick.

By Teja S


Aug 15, 2020

I have learned so many new things from this course. The Fundamentals Object-oriented programming, data types, memory allocations, classes, templates, and inheritance are the main topics covered. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to learn.

By Deleted A


Nov 23, 2019

When they say "accelerated" they mean it. I'm glad I took a beginner C++ class before taking this otherwise I would have been lost. Otherwise, this was a lot of fun. It made me really think and the final Week 4 project was challenging but fun.

By Bo Y


Jul 10, 2020

I like the beginning of the course more than the latter part of the course. I will I could have more practice with assignments and projects. It is not bad but I feel like towards the end the course rushes and left a lot of things unexplained.

By Anushka M


Jun 13, 2020

i think that the TA's should be more active in answering the doubts because no one else is there to help the students out and it really gets frustrating because you are into the code but don't know whats wrong.

else everything else is fine

By Cody P


Jan 3, 2021

It's a good C++ crash course, especially for someone with some object oriented programming experience. Experience in another programming language is a prerequisite--though I'm not sure they make that obvious, based on other reviews?

By Fredric


Oct 9, 2024

The course is amazing, but the training is so limited. The quizzes and challenge questions are too easy, so I feel like I haven't fully mastered C++ syntax after finishing the course. There could be more case studies in class.

By Angel G


Oct 17, 2019

It is good quality and I like the pace. Since I had experience in programming, though not in C++, I could go over the material quickly and finish in a few days. Still, it feels like the contents need just a bit more polishing.



Jul 18, 2020

the entire code should be shown while explaining so that it is easier for the learner to correlate and link and understand displaying of the code bit by bit in the form of snippets leads to confusion

I urge you to change that

By Satyam K N


Mar 28, 2021

Hello everyone,I just finished my Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ course at ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY, and I have to say it was a fantastic experience. I learned a lot and my understanding of this topic is more precise.

By Aditya t


Jul 4, 2020

Yes i found this course useful and also learned few new things but content wise i honestly felt need to increase and also add advanced OOP concepts like polymerphism, and few other. Overall it was good.. Thankyou..!!

By Nimra M


Oct 19, 2021

I had a great experience with this course it provides thorough understanding of object oriented programming I learned a lot from the quizes as well and the assignment were a good practice with quick results.

By Yara S


Jun 26, 2020

I liked the course very much especially the assignments. I really enjoyed coding for this course. But sometimes I felt lost because of mentioning thing that I was supposed to be knowing before and I did not.

By Taranpreet s


Sep 25, 2020

Great explanations by the professor, only reason I am giving 4 stars is due to less support from course staff. Although assignments are well designed, instructions for few are confusing.

By Mudit T


Jul 10, 2020

It could have been done in a better fashion, e.g., keeping the difficulty constant, but making some things easy and some things hard just makes the student wonder about their own skills.



Jan 5, 2021

Good Course. I really liked the explanation for "how namespaces are used in C++". It is one of my most valuable take-ups from this course besides many interesting fundamentals taught

By Sai G R K


Dec 11, 2020

Week 1,2 and 3 were good but in the revised week 4 , a concept used in the lecture was not covered and it was hard to understand the code written for tower of hanoi in C++