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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,748 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Aug 6, 2019

This was a very fun course! I really enjoyed the style and pace of the information given. A lot of technical information was given while the course made it easy to take in and comprehend the material!


May 13, 2020

It was a great experience. The trainer has explained the topic really well, and the professional that was sharing their experience was making it more interesting and motivating to learn more.Thank you

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151 - 175 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Tom S

Aug 24, 2021

Aside from the fact that this course was riddled with errors, there aren't enough practical examples of using this information in real life.

By Aaron G

Jun 28, 2022

The IPv6 compression assessment does not allow anyone to pass and Coursera/Google do not seem to have any fix or path forward.

By Evan A

May 5, 2021

The course should have explained better on the IPV6. Should not have to watch an video elsewhere to understand the material.

By Derek R

Mar 8, 2023

Thought this course did a very poor job of communicating information. They just threw a million acronyms at you.

By Alvir D

Jun 17, 2021

this was probably the most stressful unit yet. when you think you have the right answer, it gives you an error

By Gabriel M

Jun 28, 2022

Last quiz on this section (Ipv6 Compression quiz) is bugged, wont allow me to continue and complete

By kyle b

Jun 28, 2022

good course but the ipv6 graded assignment never worked so I cancelled my membership

By Johnny M

Jun 27, 2022

The IPv6 exam is broken and has been broken for a long time. They will not fix it.

By Meme M

Sep 8, 2021

god this is death i hope no one else has to do this course

fun sometimes though :)

By Chris S

Apr 9, 2021

Not enough descriptions or labs to help really understand what you need to know.

By Dario B

Feb 16, 2021

I had to do a lot of outside research. this is not teaching, but reading...

By Esti N

Jun 6, 2021

It was highly confusing.

The instructor went way way too fast.

By Frank M

May 4, 2023

this needs to be explained more clearly with better examples

By Ja'Claylyn H

Aug 23, 2023

This is a lot of information and very confusing.

By Alissa C M

Jul 22, 2022

hated this section actually boring and tedious;

By Miles M

Jun 24, 2022

Fix the IPv6 Compression assignment

By Cristian -

Jun 23, 2022

ipv6 compression quiz does not work


Apr 16, 2022

Technical Issue Very bad Experience

By Mohammed A M S K

Jun 14, 2021

Things are not explained in detail

By Ronick S J

Dec 29, 2021

IPV6 Compression Quiz is glitched.

By Deleted A

Feb 21, 2020

a total waste of time and energy

By Aaron D

May 5, 2023

Very confusing and long course

By Jean C A

Oct 17, 2021

ipv6 compression is wrong

By Ellen K

Nov 27, 2020

I thought this course was great. Like others, I want to give props to the narrators, whose friendly and upbeat manner definitely helped to make things more palatable!

Even the very best products can be improved upon, so in that spirit, my recommendations would be:

*More hands-on practice - (agree with earlier reviewer on this) - I would add that it would be nice to have that not necessarily in the form of a quiz right off the bat - but in the form of exercises. I did actually try a few of the commands on my computer, but not the same as having the course verify that I had done things correctly. Sort of like learning to drive - the hands-on simulations are useful.

*Maybe a little section every now and then on - "let's take a look at how this works specifically with what you have learned so far" - since several commenters noted that they didn't see the connections. I felt that the course helped me begin to see them, but am not yet at the point where I could design the whole system myself using the concepts - so clearly there is more I need to learn.

*Maybe some occasional reference to key concepts and details to learn for the TIA-Comp or other critical exams. My fear is that they make it so cushy and comfortable that one could neglect to learn important things for the exam. For instance, do people need to memorize each different header and stack level item with correct field order and size etc.? Or is it enough to be able to look that up and to know which one to look up? Would be reassuring to know.

* Not sure whether the transcript was auto-generated, but there is room for improvement in the grammar and even in misquoting what the narrator actually said at times. I made some corrections for myself, but did not fix everything. I would be willing to share that with Google or Coursera if they wanted a partially corrected starting point. Would also be willing to share with other students, if Coursera/Google were to give permission. Either way, for those who are transcript-oriented, there is room for improvement on that feature.

*There is probably something I am forgetting to add here, but I am sure other reviewers will cover it.

Overall - I I think they have done a fantastic job of introducing this topic, which broad enough to be the subject of university degrees, in just a couple short easy classes. It seems very natural that there would still be gaps in our abilities at this stage - we are not even halfway through, and the entire class of 5 courses is still only described as an introductory level certificate.

This comment is weirdly centering rather than left formatting as I write. Hope it comes out looking normal.

Anyway, thanks so much, and looking forward to the rest!

By Vivian W

May 1, 2020

This was definitely much more in-depth than the first course of the Google IT Support cert series, and had a lot of great information and I definitely came out of it more knowledgeable of certain terms and concepts that are important to networking and to building a strong foundation.

If improvements to the course were to be implemented, I would suggest adding more visuals to better understand some of the concepts like subnetting, datagram encapsulation steps/routing in relation to the 5-layer model (at which layer X happens etc) .

In particular, I had a very difficult time understanding binary - converting decimal to binary and vice versa, which I think is important to understanding CIDR notation and applying it to then understand how to do well on one of the assessments. After rewatching the videos, I ended up having to use some outside resources to get it, which I understand is part of the learning process in general in this field, but I also think those outside resources could be included as they were more clear and concise.

I also struggled with the Wireless Channel activity - while I understood the importance of trying to configure channels with as little interference as possible, it wasn't explained how to do so in as fast and efficient manner as possible. I also think this course could benefit from adding in more practical applications/real-life scenarios, like explaining and providing examples of when to use ping vs traceroute vs nslookup, examples of common problems or things to look for in the output to help resolve the problem.

Lastly, I felt that the Mock Interview video was extremely helpful and useful so kudos for including that!

Overall a great course, and thank you for providing this resource to people like me with no traditional background or academic foundation for this type of field.