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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions by The George Washington University

1,124 ratings

About the Course

This 7-week course provides you with key strategies to help understand the foundation of Clinical Simulations. During each module, you will learn about 7 key components of Clinical Simulation Across the Health Professions and its' impact in your current position as a healthcare professional. Please utilize all of the Resources provided by each of the modules to support and enhance your understanding of each concept. You will learn about the following topics in this course: Module 1: Getting Started in Clinical Simulation-the Fundamentals Module 2: INACSL Standards of Best Practice: Simulation Module 3: Implementing Simulation in the Curriculum Module 4: Developing a Simulation Center Module 5: Basics of Debriefing in Simulation Module 6: Evaluation Methods in Simulation Module 7: SPs in Simulation About The George Washington University School of Nursing Ranked among the top nursing schools by U.S. News & World Report, the George Washington University School of Nursing educates and inspires nurses to provide high-quality, compassionate person-centered health care. The school develops leaders actively engaged in health promotion, patient advocacy and healthcare innovation, and prepares exceptional nurse educators who pursue quality and advance the profession. The School of Nursing is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people and communities locally, nationally and globally. The school values lifelong learning and its students advance nursing practice, leadership and education as they make a difference in the world. For more in-depth simulation education, please see the GW Nursing Simulation Initiatives.

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2020

I found the course easy to follow and fit in to a busy work schedule. It gave me insight in how to incorporate simulation into my teaching and the importance of following standards of best practice.


Aug 9, 2019

This was a great course to familiarize myself to the process of simulation. I appreciate all the details and components of the process that help to make simulation such a great learning methodology.

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26 - 50 of 340 Reviews for Essentials in Clinical Simulations Across the Health Professions

By Dane R


Aug 12, 2019

Thank you! I

By Alexia P


Sep 24, 2019


By Sharyn B


May 25, 2020

I am an educator in an Emergency Medical Services program in a community college. We often use simulation, but it is not at all sophisticated. I took this course of my own accord to learn how I, as one of the instructors, might suggest improvements for our program as we train EMTs and Paramedics. This has been an eye opening course which I have enjoyed and most importantly, have been exposed to and stimulated to continue learning about how we might improve our program simulations, including sim mannequins, iSim units and our standardized patients (sometimes me). I have some ideas about recruiting SPs for our programs. I have learned and see that I can help formulate and perhaps adapt so many aspects of this course material to better our own program. Thank you to all the instructors who presented this excellent course. I plan to recommend it to my program director.

By Patsy S


May 8, 2020

Parts of the course are a fundamental review that is built upon in major parts of the course. The course in totality is superb. Projections toward the future add a new dimension to the expected content of the course. That is, few attendees would have thought of Standardized Patients in the course of preparing for undergraduate or graduate simulation. And if we thought of learning more about using SPs, we may not have thought of taking on the responsibility for recruiting and training SPs. Thank you for a model course that starts with foundation of possible known material, builds on that with enhanced learning activities, and concludes with a look toward future development in ways class members may not have expected.

Thank you.

By Carolyn A A


Jul 26, 2023

This was an excellent course! The instructors were knowledgeable about the subject matter and presented the information in a way that was easy to learn. The resources were easily accessible (directly linked or available as open source documents that were easy to locate). I especially appreciated the video clips in the Week 7 content; seeing SPs educators in action while training/observing SPs was very helpful

Suggestions for improvement: I was very disappointed that the Certificate of Completion did not include my name. Seriously, for an extra fee of $50, it is reasonable for Coursera to personalize the CEU certificates. This was very disappointing to me.

By Jigar K


Mar 15, 2021

Excellent!! For beginner and experienced health professional, this course is incredibly great help. Different modules are focusing on basic to advanced level knowledge helpful for learner, facilitator, educator, and other stakeholder. Module 4 is my favorite, Professor Crystel Farina, has nicely explained potential revenue sources, her tips are really helpful for any kind of new business development. All other professors have provided great materials, checklist, scenario, assessment, debriefing etc. for further study, to develop sim center and guide to get accredited by reputed authority.

By Kim W H


Mar 23, 2022

As a Director of a military Nurse Residency Program, I am looking to bring more simulation into our program and I want a solid foundation in learning about simulation. This program was excellent in several ways. The lectures given by the speakers were all very interesting, and I really appreciated having the written lecture in front of me as I listened to the speaker. The quizzes were an acurate test of knowledge also. Overall a very well put together course with so much valuable information. I took a lot of notes, and I appreciate this course. Thank you.

By Linda F


Aug 8, 2020

This course provided a lot of information, and I appreciated the self-directed pace. The utilization of the video with the words was helpful, as well as the ability to stop or go back and replay the video. I take notes and found it easy to follow along. Providing the additional resources, especially when the instructor asked to complete a reading assignment before the lecture helped streamline my time. This course really provided a solid understanding of clinical simulations and an appetite to pursue further scholarship.

By Amy R


Jun 4, 2021

This was an excellent overview of all aspects of becoming an expert health care simulator educator. The instructors were all excellent and so knowledgeable and informative. Excellent resources were provided. I have purchased Ms. Jeffries book, and I am so excited to learn more about her philosophies and standards. This is my most favorite way to teach; I hope to become as knowledgeable as these icons in their field. Thank you so much for providing this opportunity.

It has been a true gift for me.

Amy Ross

By Laury W


Apr 20, 2020

This couse allowed the simulation professional, whether novice or expert, to review essential components to following standards of practice in healthcare simulation with emphasis on planning, interventions and optimal learner outcomes. Fantastic and as a director, I plan on using this course as a mandatory for faculty orientation and development in the simulation program, as a stepping stone to best practices. Thanks to all the professionals for creating this course.

By Theresa B


Oct 25, 2019

I found this course to be an excellent exposure to the theory and practice of simulation. 'Simulation' is a word that is used but sometimes I think we who use the word don't all mean the same thing. This presentation is an attempt at standardizing the conversation surrounding simulation in healthcare. Very helpful! Please keep it updated and available. I am using it with my faculty. I am sad to see the expiration date of January 2020. Thank you.

By Karen S


Jun 23, 2020

Absolutely accurate, timely, important, relevant simulation education. I have been in the field of simulation for over 10 years. I continue to learn daily; however, this has been the most comprehensive and practical information I have ever received. I cannot thank everyone enough who was involved with the MOOC presentations. The resource material is invaluable. Thanks for the hard work, persistent endeavor, and willingness to invest in us.

By Amanda P


Dec 9, 2019

Excellent course that is informative, substantive, accurately provides EBP by the founding scholars for simulation in nursing and healthcare education. I would love to continue to learn from these great educators through more MOOC environments. This provides an avenue to gain knowledge and professional development when constraints like distance, time, and budget can be barriers to educational growth. Loved the experience!

By Lori S


Jan 23, 2021

The course was well done. The content was well laid out and easy to follow. Some of the documents that were to be used in the learning module I never did find and had to go to the internet to download. The only discussion I had difficulty with was the discussion using the Paige Tool based on a scenarion watched. I did not understand what I was supposed to do in evaluating the scenario.

By Susan H


May 31, 2020

This was a very beneficial course, some review but some great new knowledge. I plan to revise and improve my debriefing technique. I will add more pre-briefing and follow the method presented here more closely during debriefing. I will also implement the simulation evaluation tools. I have recommended this course to my colleague on my IPE committee. Thank you so much!

By Robert S


Dec 28, 2021

Program was outstanding! Having been involved with scenario based for over 35 years (Fire/Rescue/EMS), most of the concepts were not new to me. However, the material was presented in a very up-dated and professional format.

Some of the content was expanded upon in ways I had never considered. Very enjoyable and enhanced my professionalism regarding SIM education.

By Suzanne C


Jul 29, 2020

Well done and thorough introduction to the essentials of clinical simulation. The interprofessional focus, caliber of the educators/mentors, and learning opportunities were well thought out. A must for all those learning use of this innovative teaching methodology and for administrators looking to capacity build their educators. Thank you! My first MOOC...

By Jerrold A A


Dec 31, 2019

I reviewed the course for the purpose of investigating educational possibilities for the staff of our simulation department. I wanted an overview that would give a rudimentary understanding of the entirety of simulation in a succinct and easily understood format while being taught by the best of the best...this course does it all and more.

By Josefina E D L


Apr 18, 2022

Nos guían con habilidad, son explícitos los videos, excelente traducción en los subtítulos, el curso se vuelve interactivo y podemos contestar y enviar nuestras opiniones.

Muy interesante sus apoyos didácticos para descargar.

Sólo... me gustaría que estuviera al 100% en Español. Al traducir, perdía detalles del tema en mi memoria. Gracias

By Nehemie P J


Feb 20, 2020

I recently completed the Bachelor of health in Health science with a specialization in healthcare simulation education degree and this course was taught by the people who wrote the books we use. This is a great resource, I would advise and have advise all i know in the field to complete this course.



Mar 31, 2021





By Tiffani C


Dec 22, 2019

Great review of the information I knew and a great introduction to the information I did not know. Resources provided in the modules as well as the discussion boards were very helpful. I truly enjoyed the modules being taught by leaders in simulation, many of which I have referenced numerously.

By Khairini G


May 11, 2020

I would definitely recommend this course to those who are working in Simulation. From not knowing anything because my background is in IT, I have learned so much and am ready to share the knowledge to my simulation team! Thank you for the course! I have enjoyed my time learning in this course.

By Melissa A


May 25, 2021

I found this course to be so valuable to help me understand the purpose of simulation, the theory behind it and the many benefits that a comprehensive simulation program can add to any Nursing program. The professors were all fantastic and the course was broken up in manageable sections.

By Noriel P C


May 9, 2020

The lessons learned from this course will be foundational to the goal of having our own simulation program. As we begin to conceptualize it, we will take in the salient points emphasized throughout the course and apply them as faithfully as we can despite being in a low resource country.