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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Biohacking Your Brain's Health by Emory University

1,425 ratings

About the Course

With deteriorating health, particularly brain health, occurring at a global level, this course introduces you to methods for maximizing your brain's fitness through nutrition, exercise, meditation, and sleep. We'll debunk popular myths about prescribed practices for overall health and then uncover studies from the last few decades revealing practical routines and interventions that are proven to help improve the brain. You'll also get a glimpse at the brain's structure and common brain functions, as well as a "prescription" each week of tips for improving your brain's health....

Top reviews


Mar 11, 2019

Very useful, interesting and inspiring. Some of the things I already knew, but there were plenty historical, medical, scientific facts that enforced it and made me more confident in my knowledge.


Jun 21, 2023

An incredible course, that deepened my understanding of the brain, and the many ways to keep it functioning well. As an added bonus, I’m sleeping better because of the skills I learned in it, too.

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26 - 50 of 405 Reviews for Biohacking Your Brain's Health

By Aedrian A


Aug 29, 2021

This is a great offering that can be of use to both laypeople and health professionals, the latter group being those, like me, who may need to have a refresher on best practices often taken for granted. All of the modules cover high-yield aspects on taking care of one’s brain health – nutrition, exercise, meditation and sleep – that can be undertaken without substantial additional economic costs. What I highly appreciate, as well, is that Dr. Benameur also provided excellent references that one may examine for the quality of evidence of the shared recommendations throughout the course. All in all, the material delivers in terms of clarity for such an increasingly important topic.

By Nikos K


Feb 18, 2021

Really interesting, exciting and informative course. The videos are comprehensible, yet full of information, and the reading material is well-searched and gives you the right tools to gain knowledge from this course. The vast research done for this course to be created is easy to see even after the first week. The course is well structured and the reading material gives you the chance to really expand your knowledge on the subject if you are willing to go the extra mile in studying them.

By Sabrina


Oct 15, 2019

I audited this course. I do not have a medical background as such but I enjoy and passionate to know about preventive measures to slow down age related cognitive decline, to improve memory etc.

This course surpassed my expectation. In 4 short weeks she explains very well citing the studies, research to go over the various dietary trends to improve brain health, practices to improve sleep.

I found the presentation style very engaging, easy to understand.

Thank you !

By Nurf L


Jan 20, 2021

This course provides a lot of valuable information on how to change yourself, your brain. Now, after passing the course I know a lot more about things that seem to be common, but they aren't. I used to think that sleep is easy process and only melatonin participates in there, but now I know that it's much more complicated process, where a lot of other process and neurotransmitters are involved.

Thanks to the Karima and everyone who took part in making this course.

By Sunaina S


May 30, 2020

Really informative. The explanations are simplified and made understandable.

It's taught me how simple things such as diet, sleep, exercise and meditation can have a major toll on our mental and physical health. Also how simple changes can help us live a healthier life, away from the risks of diseases and disorders.

Basically many of the deadly health issues are mainly caused by the lack of self-care and it's up to us to take the precautionary methods.

By Harald S


Jul 24, 2023

Do to my age I indeed,during 85 years , have learned learned quite someting about the matters,not beeing in the field , however in a "brain-storage" where nothing were to find ore rudiments of knowledge with no connections This short but intensive course just but everything in order hereby giving a cleen clue (?) what´s all about..and and..why my own old brain behave as .. Just exellent ,no not my brain, but the excellent course !!!

By Hisako F


May 22, 2019

This course is helpful for me to change my mind of exercise, brain disorders and diet and it gave me an opportunity to share the knowledge with my family and friends and to discuss of it. Here in Japan, aged people are increasing and Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare reported one of five aged, over 65 years, person would get dementia by 2025. We face a lot of issues of aged people. I would like to catch up with that fields.

By Sai C A


Oct 29, 2018

Lovely course, I was hooked. Im supposed to be preparing for my GRE big time and yet I couldn't stop myself. I just wanted to know more. Prof was on point and covered everything very in an insightful manner. Would definitely sign up for more classes from her. Thank you so much for putting this material together for us ma'am, please never stop sharing your knowledge. I would love to do more coursers similar to these on coursera.

By Tatiana F


May 7, 2024

I love this course! It was super interesting and I learned a lot of information from it. I like the structure of the course, it completely makes sense to put it in 4 parts: Nutrition, Activity, Meditation, and Sleep. The lectures were concise and informative. No water or information that you can't use. All materials were interesting to read. The lector was professional, easy to understand and follow. Thank you!



Feb 21, 2019

The format which consists of a series of concise video lectures (less than 10 minutes. Often a few minutes) with additional reading materials was very effective and I was able to sustain the interest through the entire course, and learned deeper on my own pace. I also found some posts by other students in the forum were very useful and they pointed me to the areas that were not covered in this course.

By Dina G e h


Jan 24, 2021

It's a very beneficial course I learned about meditation and how it affects our mental health and even our brain structure in first 3 weeks. The last week, talked about all aspects of sleep (stages of sleep,sleep deprivation and sleep hygiene), it's a simple course I really recommended to anyone wants to know how to maintain a healthy brain and lifestyle.

By G. A W


Jul 9, 2020

I was not 100% sure about this class at first but felt it looked promising. I am really happy I took it. I have some sleep disorders and have CPTSD and depression, so now knowing how much sleep can affect these will really encourage me to reassess my habits and make some changes. I would love to see more on the healing of the brain or neuroplasticity.

By Alex A


Jan 9, 2023

I came away some key bits of information to enjoy better brain health:

- avoid refined sugars and processed foods and consider a mealtime schedule

- maintain a stable bedtime schedule

- understand the positive effects of BDNF, melatonin, histamine, cortisol on the brain and regulation of the CNS

- probably more I'll come back to, in order to reference

By Agrawal H


May 15, 2020

Wonderful Course got to learn many new things and 1) how our insulin level can affect our brains functioning 2)How can we protect and retrieve our brain and how can we maintain our brains health. And many more things. Everyone should attend this course you will surely learn many new things and don't forget or lazy to apply these learnings in life.



Feb 14, 2020

The course is really wonderful, there were lots of controversies and misconceptions before this course. But, i learned in really interesting way. By taking part in all activities and it just provoked me to learn more through this awesome platform for students. I am really thankful to the team of course and other people whom participated along me.

By Sharik V V Z


Jan 18, 2020

Es un curso que mas allá de dar información permite que seamos conscientes de la importancia de la salud de nuestro cerebro. Además, se vale de recursos como encuestas, tips y recomendaciones para permitir hacer una evaluación integral de nosotros como individuos y las implicaciones sobre la sociedad a un nivel más estadístico.

By greeka f


May 25, 2020

What an excellent course! Brief yet informative. It really explains the reasons behind why we should live a healthy lifestyle, with the brain playing a major role. Motivational to know the science behind it, without getting too bogged down in the science behind it. Perfect balance of educational and motivational. Thank you!

By Marcus C


Aug 20, 2020

This course was an eye opener. Though I understood that exercise was good for overall health, I did not know how important it was with respect to long term maintenance of cognitive health. Nor did I understand the relationship between sleep and cognitive health. I will certainly benefit from this course into the future.

By Lisa G


Jul 7, 2021

Thank you for presenting the information in such bite size components. I liked the way it was integrative with practical prescriptions Dr. Karima gave. Enjoyable optional adiitional content as well. The practice quizzes really helped to consolidate what was learnt before taking the graded component.

By Andy C


Jun 12, 2021

The course presents information clearly and has very helpful reading material. The tests are very reasonable in difficulty - there are not too many trick questions and they adequately test the material learned. The instructor is also good at explaining the concepts in a relaxed and casual manner.

By Aleksandra C


Mar 23, 2021

Well organized course. First lecture about brain structure demanding and requires lots of attention to latin new for me medical vicabulary. . Maybe more graphic like pictures , graphs similar to Power Point Presentation might keep vidual attention, but every aspect is just in point in my opinion.

By Erikton K


Nov 14, 2021

Excellent course! In a time where neuroscience is becoming a popular topic, this course is very useful introduction to some of the fundamental mechanisms of our brain and body. I also liked the plethora of good resources and studies and I found the quizes to have very well-structured questions.

By Sheela R


Aug 7, 2020

Very useful course to understand the effects of meditation on our health & the need of adequate sleep & sleep hygiene. Practical tips - evidence based. Thanks for the clear & informative videos and useful articles for reference. Recommend this course for obtaining good health & mental fitness.

By Luz E P G


Jul 18, 2020

I really loved this course, a lot of very interesting topics were discussed. You don't really need to do a lot of things to improve your brain's health, but discipline is the key. As a biological sciences student, this helped me a lot to improve my knowledge in this health-related topics.

By Mihai L


Feb 4, 2019

Interesting gathering of materials. Some of the stuff is already in research but this tends to be hard to aggregate (effects of intermittent fasting and exercise are not news to me, on meditation though it is interesting).

Overall worth studying also the materials/research papers linked.