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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Big Data by University of California San Diego

10,928 ratings

About the Course

Interested in increasing your knowledge of the Big Data landscape? This course is for those new to data science and interested in understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. It is for those who want to become conversant with the terminology and the core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems. It is for those who want to start thinking about how Big Data might be useful in their business or career. It provides an introduction to one of the most common frameworks, Hadoop, that has made big data analysis easier and more accessible -- increasing the potential for data to transform our world! At the end of this course, you will be able to: * Describe the Big Data landscape including examples of real world big data problems including the three key sources of Big Data: people, organizations, and sensors. * Explain the V’s of Big Data (volume, velocity, variety, veracity, valence, and value) and why each impacts data collection, monitoring, storage, analysis and reporting. * Get value out of Big Data by using a 5-step process to structure your analysis. * Identify what are and what are not big data problems and be able to recast big data problems as data science questions. * Provide an explanation of the architectural components and programming models used for scalable big data analysis. * Summarize the features and value of core Hadoop stack components including the YARN resource and job management system, the HDFS file system and the MapReduce programming model. * Install and run a program using Hadoop! This course is for those new to data science. No prior programming experience is needed, although the ability to install applications and utilize a virtual machine is necessary to complete the hands-on assignments. Hardware Requirements: (A) Quad Core Processor (VT-x or AMD-V support recommended), 64-bit; (B) 8 GB RAM; (C) 20 GB disk free. How to find your hardware information: (Windows): Open System by clicking the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties; (Mac): Open Overview by clicking on the Apple menu and clicking “About This Mac.” Most computers with 8 GB RAM purchased in the last 3 years will meet the minimum requirements.You will need a high speed internet connection because you will be downloading files up to 4 Gb in size. Software Requirements: This course relies on several open-source software tools, including Apache Hadoop. All required software can be downloaded and installed free of charge. Software requirements include: Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.10+, Ubuntu 14.04+ or CentOS 6+ VirtualBox 5+....

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2019

I love the course. It goes deep into the foundations, and then finishes up with an actual lab where you learn by practice. I greatly benefited from it and feel I have achieved a milestone in big data.


Jul 14, 2017

First of all i would like to take this opportunity to thanks the instructors the course is well structured and explained the foundations with real world problems with easy to understand the concepts.

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2326 - 2350 of 2,489 Reviews for Introduction to Big Data

By Robert L

Aug 15, 2016

Very informative but the structure is a lecture where the concepts are basically read from a paragraph. Perhaps I'd give more stars if I only saw diagrams.

By Yanpei L

Mar 11, 2017

Was expecting more hands on stuffs, the class is too conceptual. The sound volume of the videos is not consistent, hope Coursera can improve a bit on this.

By Marta L M

Oct 30, 2017

Interesting concepts and basics about Big Data. However, it could include more practical exercises or quiz to continuously learn and evaluate the student.

By Federico A G C

Sep 25, 2016

A little bit too conceptual and very basic. Hadoop hands on and HDFS should be much more intensive. However, good material, well presented and explained.

By Akash C

Nov 20, 2018

The Content of the Course is Very Good.But the examples are very Outdated. And the English Slang they Spoke is Difficult for an Indian to Understand.

By Rao, R X

Oct 17, 2018

It was a good Course.. we should have some kind of a helpline or a chat bot which will help in the installation process of virtual box or Hadoop etc.

By Kashif H

Nov 17, 2018

Too much theoretical descriptions video lectures . very less programming approach and videos. It should contains more programming practices videos.

By Allyson D d L

Sep 15, 2021

The course is too long for just an introduction. Only the third week is interesting. The quizzes are hard because you must memorize the slides.

By dan s

May 4, 2018

I thought the material was really relevant and timely, however, it would have been nice to have some more assignments to help internalize it.

By Deleted A

Jul 25, 2017

Very basic stuff. It's nice to have a very easy, very general introduction to the thematic, maybe it's not worth so many lessons though.

By Kim U

Jan 17, 2018

We get a superficial introduction to tools used in the big data field, but all in all, the course feels a bit like a catalogue.

By Maria S

May 30, 2020

It was very good until the last part of the course, when you have to install de VM and run hadoop. I found it very unclear.

By Lucas P

Nov 20, 2016

There should be some reading material to assist learning. The course was too expensive for the small content it provided

By Tushar S

Sep 15, 2016

I'd recommend this course be taken as audit. Doesn't add specific value to your skill set! But, it's good to know :-)

By Sukanta C

Aug 7, 2020

Very long lectures. Can be short with more examples. Felt too many jargons in the very beginning of the course

By Stefano F

Jul 21, 2020

I was hoping for something more in depth but if you don't have any basic knowledge this course is right for you

By Damien G

Jun 1, 2018

A lot of theory, at a quite slow rate. I hope we will go deeper in the following courses of the specialization.

By Sara M

Nov 23, 2020

Great for basics, but needs to be updated. So much of the material was from 2013-2015 and cites "by 2020..."

By Krishan G

Nov 4, 2020

Data presented are bit old. The newest data and trends will help specially for highly changing technologies.

By Pana A

Oct 18, 2018

Too slow and broad for technical guys. Ok if you have really no idea what is big data or the concept behind

By Francisco H

Aug 20, 2019

It was very elementary and buisness oriented concepts. I was expecting more content on technical aspects.

By Byron F

Apr 27, 2020

I suggest to have best support of the technical exercises. It is difficult if you do not have experience

By Li J

Dec 20, 2018

thanks for the efforts of making this class, but I feel like the first 3/4 of the contents are tedious.

By Nyssa N

Feb 7, 2025

The AI grading for the Map Reduce assignment was irritating but otherwise the content was informative.

By Nesrine E

Oct 23, 2016

Good introduction to big data. I would prefer that the hadoop lesson have more practical exercices;