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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods by Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

2,437 ratings

About the Course

Antimicrobial resistance is an increasingly pressing global concern. This course offers unique and comprehensive insights into the challenges posed by AMR, exploring its mechanisms, implications for public health and laboratory methods as well as tools for identification. Participants gain learning experience on how bacteria become resistant and which mechanisms lead to the outcome of resistance. As part of the course, you will also receive demonstration and training in methods for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) and detection of specific resistance in the microbiological laboratories. Additionally, it will take you through various techniques employed including culture-based methods such as agar dilution and disk diffusion assays which determine the susceptibility of bacteria to antibiotics. Molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing are also outlined in detail equipping you with basic understanding. These methods provide valuable insights into the prevalence and mechanisms of AMR, aiding in the development of effective treatment strategies and surveillance programs. In our new version an additional module including detection of specific resistance mechanisms has been incorporated....

Top reviews


Dec 31, 2020

As a microbiology student, I can say that I've learned so many theoretical and practical methods involving antimicrobial resistance as well as bacteriology in general. Huge thanks to great lecturers!


Jul 23, 2021

V​ery clear and informative to give insights about what's happening in the area of antimicrobial resistance, as well as the urgency to do identification and surveilance of antimicrobial resistance

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476 - 500 of 511 Reviews for Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods

By isswa i


Jul 8, 2023

good experience

By Alejandro S M


Mar 26, 2017

Muy instructivo

By Ahmed I K


Oct 23, 2016

good course

By Ahmed A


Jun 12, 2021




Dec 30, 2020

Very nice

By Marim H M F G


Nov 17, 2021


By Petronio R


May 14, 2020


By Simone P


Jul 3, 2017




Sep 29, 2020


By Henrique


Aug 13, 2016

lectures are too long, it lacks clinical correlation.

the course focus only technical lab issues, when you look for antimicrobial resistance course, the last thing that you need is tech theory. Of course that some concepts are needed in order to provide fundamental basis, but the main goal is and always will be how to interpret antibiograms and infere the most probable mechanism of resistance. So there is a need for clinical correlation. If its not present, the course should be entitled "Laboratory methods for antimicrobial resistance"

By Shabnam M T


Apr 21, 2017

Thank you so much for the interesting course. My thesis in master was on Antibacterials and (and more subjects) I am much interested in Microbiology. I am going to continue my PhD in Microbiology and this course was a kind of review for me with some new details. Especially ResFinder was really interesting to me. Thank you so much for the class.

By Gabriela K P


Oct 11, 2016

I loved the first three weeks for the really well presented background information. Weeks 4 and 5 did not give me any further interesting knowledge. I also missed lectures on qPCR, NGS and other molecular methods for the detection of antibiotic resistance genes, as these methods are up and coming. Overall, thank you for setting up this course

By Andrea D


Mar 7, 2023

Dear Team,

the questions almost for the ESBL and especially for the Colistin resistance are too difficult. I did not want to take my state examination on colistin resistance, sorry for this comment. All of the rest of the course topics were very interesting and very explained. Thank you ver much for this!

Best regards


By Maria M G


Apr 17, 2021

I would suggest changing some of the teachers of the course due to their poor english which makes it more difficult to understand the lesson in question. Especially the ones in charge of the WGS and the colistin resistance lessons



Oct 8, 2016

Es un curso interesante, aunque le faltan lecciones que realmente expliquen el trabajo real del laboratorio. Pero da muchos conceptos básicos mas desarrollados que nunca viene mal recordar o ampliar con información más actual.

By Sara R


Dec 8, 2016

The course is really interesting and I found it really useful. However, there are lots of repetitive lectures and I think they could be grouped and summarized or even expanded for topics avoiding the repetitions.

By Dibya S


Apr 14, 2020

There is a lot of repetitive content throughout every lecture. The content covered a lot of interesting areas and it was interesting.

By Aaima A


Feb 11, 2021

Its a good and informative course.I learned a lot of beneficial information from this course.It's just amazing



Nov 25, 2023


By Minhaz M


Jun 30, 2020

As a microbiology student, i am very grateful and also a leading step toward my goal..☺☺

By brinda r


Jun 26, 2020

lectures regarding first, second and third generation antibiotics will be useful.

By Alejandra D J


Oct 28, 2017

The course is basic and easy to follow. It often felt repetitive

By saad N


Mar 31, 2020

Thank you i really like the course i wish it wasn't too detail

By Mayar A E R B


Aug 30, 2022

i liked dr. lina covaco to teach more she is so talented

By Manisha G


Jul 25, 2020

Most parts could have been way more succinct and concise.