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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Animal Behaviour and Welfare by The University of Edinburgh

5,247 ratings

About the Course

Animal welfare has been described as a complex, multi-faceted public policy issue which includes important scientific, ethical, and other dimensions. Improving our understanding of animal welfare, involves the fascinating study of animal behavior as well as the challenge of accessing the emotions of animals. This is the On-Demand version of this course, which means you can start the course at any time and work through the course materials at your own pace. The materials and quizzes will always be available to you. You can come and talk about the course on Twitter using the hashtag #EdAniWelf...

Top reviews


Apr 28, 2020

Its a nicely designed course. It sheds light on many animal care practices and welfare. Very well instructions and quiz sessions are arranged. Many important learnings and takeaways from the course.


Jun 22, 2020

This course was very informative and interesting! I enjoyed the lectures as well as the instructors and also loved that it focused on many different kinds animal welfare issues. Definitely recommend!

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76 - 100 of 1,318 Reviews for Animal Behaviour and Welfare

By Katerina P


Nov 27, 2019

Very helpful, well organized, eye opening course! Loved it! It made me want to study more on the subject of animal welfare and behavior.

I think this course would be beneficial for everyone today, regardless of if they have animals in their life or not, as it gives a very solid perspective, demystification, and understanding of what a good animal welfare means, how to assess it and how to objectively view the problematic of animal welfare in different areas, such as pets, farm/production animals, wild animals in captivity, etc.

I highly recommend this course!

By Desai N H


Feb 10, 2021

Got to know cutting edge research being conducted in animal welfare science. Relevant research crux was shared throughout the course, it is the best part of this learning experience. Covered the animal kingdom which we interact directly or indirectly in great diversity. The professional manner in which all the instructors curated the course is admirable. Mentors' quick and continuous support in discussion forum made the journey more exciting. Tests were also insightful and in a way taught welfare concerns afresh and it will be remembered for long!

By Jana R B


Aug 16, 2016

What an informative course! Your Professors (all women, and which I find very impressive and inspiring) are so knowledgeable, so broad-based, as well as detail-oriented in their quest to bring animal rights to the forefront of worldwide consciousness. I would love to visit University of Edinburgh someday, I'm an alumnus of University of Montana (B.A.) and Gonzaga University (M.A., and Ph.D. candidacy). Thanks so very much for offering this most important course for free and to make it available for certification so that it can be added to any resume.

By Brittany R


Oct 14, 2018

Very informative, and it helped me see aspects of everyday life that were definitely "out of sight, out of mind" as it often is with lifestock (for those not in farming or thinking about what they eat/where it comes from), wild animals in zoos and conservation sites, as well as animals used in lab testing which I had always been curious about since I work at a cancer research journal. I'm interested in learning more and advocating for animals in any way I can while still trying not to anthropomorphize them so much (as humans are wont to do).

By priyanshu k


Aug 13, 2022

I can see other side of coin after completing this course. Facts and figures actually helped me in understanding the requirement of welfare. I am from India, and can totally understand the requirement of Animal Welfare. I am into dog training profession, and can see the cruelity on daily basis. This course will help in many ways, specially, making people understand the necessity of Animal WElfare and I am going to ask them to provide atleast Five basic necessity. Thanks Coursera and thanks team. Appriciate your hard work and research.

By Eddy L


Feb 25, 2016

This is a very nice course. Thank you so very much for it.

It covers so many aspects of Animal Welfare. At the introduction, it is explained on how to have a useful discussion on such a delicate subject.

With so much information and facts given, one can develop their very own opinion on this Animal Welfare.

I find it very important to cover Animal Welfare for anyone, who works with any kind of animals.Alongside this course I studied Dognition and Basic Horse Management. Soon I will be starting Dairy Farm Management and Horse Nutrition.

By Melanie M


Mar 2, 2018

This is a great way of getting some education on the subject. I love animals and hope to work for an animal welfare charity as my next career move. I currently work in an Aquarium but in the operations side so I hope this shows potential employers my passion on the subject. For someone that is older and unfortunately can't afford to study full time, these courses are a great way of testing the brain! Really easy to learn whilst keeping up a hectic lifestyle! Thanks Coursera, I have already signed up to The Truth about Cat's and Dogs!

By Moss V


Mar 29, 2023

Such a great insight into animal welfare! I enrolled in this course to prepare myself for a leap back into education (specifically education within the animal husbandry field), and after completing this course I couldn't feel more ready. I particularly appreciated the unbiased approach to topics such as farm animals and captive wild animals; I think that as humans we often get caught up in our own ethical opinions, but the teachers on this course put emphasis on keeping the welfare of animals above of our individual human views.

By Irenke B


Aug 23, 2020

This course was so much more than I expected it to be! I learnt a lot and I'm excited to put the knowledge I gained into use in my new career path. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to know more about AW. The only downside is that a lot of the additional resources aren't accessible unless you can buy/rent the books or have access to research papers (if you're in university maybe?). But the actual course content was informative in itself. I look forward to learning from other Uni of Edinburgh animal-related courses :)

By Hawra


Aug 21, 2020

A great introduction to animal welfare! Comprehensive and option to watch previous years' livestreams :)

The discussion forums seem lovely too, but I didn't use them much. But when I did open them, I saw a comprehensive post on goat and sheep care, I think, as an addition to farm animal care which was the week's topic. It was quite comprehensive and also had detailed input from someone with actual goats. I'm sure that might have been more but I didn't out much time going through it, but I would love to someday in the future :)

By Alex L G


Feb 19, 2023

Amei demais! Acabei de receber meu certificado, mas ainda assistirei o modulo complementar e refazer 2 tarefas em que não consegui acertar 100%. Fiz várias anotações e descobri muita coisa, a parte do bem-estar nos animais de fazenda realmente me tocou, planejo um dia começar uma dieta livre de carne e ver como esses animais são tratados me fez ainda mais querer me formar como veterinária para animais de fazenda! Muito obrigada pela oportunidade de assistir a essas aulas maravilhosas, todos os palestrantes foram incríveis.

By Suneet C


Jun 23, 2020

The course was very engaging and stimulating. The lectures were very passionate about Animal Welfare and this made it more fun and interesting. The course has also challenged me to think about certain welfare aspects I had no previous knowledge about. In addition, the additional material and optional module were interesting topics to consider and think about especially for a student like me in the veterinary field. I would like to thank all the lectures for their help and for delivering this informative course.

By Deleted A


Nov 18, 2015

Five weeks in and this is one of the best courses going, This is a course every potential animal carer should take before considering 'cute' and 'expensive' just because they come with a certificate of pedigree with names one can't pronounce of prize winning ancestry. Drive past the puppy and kitten factories and go down to ones local RSPCA centre or council pound instead, you will never regret it. Rescue animals are the best because they will never forget your kindness for giving them a nice comfortable home.

By Khalisya A P


Nov 21, 2020

As a veterinary medicine student in Indonesia, I feel that subjects about animal behavior are not too emphasized in our studies. Through this course, I have learned many new pieces of information and eye-opening facts about animal behavior and welfare. Even though the standards of how we should treat animals may be different in Asia and Europe, hopefully I will still be able to use this course as a reference in my future career. Thank you to Coursera for letting me learn through this course for free.

By Loreta M


Mar 28, 2018

A brilliant course - suitable for beginners and amateurs interested in animal behavior welfare. Every lecture is engaging, full of useful information, encouraging discussion and thirst for more info! And there's plenty of that as well - every lecture provides extra reading material, quizzes to test what you've learned and a taste at the end of every week. AND you get an extra lecture at the end. This course reiterated the things that I already new, and provided some fresh material to think about.

By shalini k


Oct 6, 2020

all round course to understand about the welfare of pets, strays, farm, and wild animals.

this course has provided me with lot of knowledge and understanding of what we assume and what is it in real with the animal. being a animal activist who helps strays this course was necessary for a deep understanding of lader of aggression and how to improve the welfare of shelters, welfare principals, animal experiences, the five freedoms, care, and many more. thank you team for such a wonderful course

By Jane R


Jul 31, 2022

this was done during a Covid isolation period so appreciate it would probably take longer to do 'normally'. I found the course very confronting at times but understand that nothing can be sugar coated. Excellent. I am 66 years old and when 15 I was told by the school careers officer that I could not work with animals vecause that was man;s work! Been a long journey. Im now a Clinical Therapy Dog handler and Story Book Dog handler. Still looking for as much info as I can get. Thank you!

By Katrina P


Mar 23, 2020

As a year 8 student in Middle School(junior high) This entire program was very easy to understand and showed me some key terms in Animal Behavior and Welfare. This has surely taught me well and it very much will help me with getting a job that uses this information in the future. I really enjoyed this learning experience and I'm glad to give it 5 stars as I feel it is a wonderful program! Thank you for this experience and I hope that others that do this program enjoy it as much as I do!

By vadali s s


Mar 28, 2018

This course has been amazing, i have learnt a lot more about animals and their behaviors as pets, strays and in captive. i received a better opportunity to understand the animal welfare issues around the world. Few videos that were shown in this session were heart touching. The course actually showed the sour truths about how animals suffer and how miserable their lives can be if not treated well. overall this course is very interesting and suites quite well for animal lovers.

By Sylvia M


Mar 16, 2016

Opened my eyes to a lot of what is going on especially in the animal food industry, and animal behaviours and animal welfare that we don't consider when a visitor to a zoo or game farm. If more of us became aware, and understood the issues as well for both the industry and the animals, new policy via populace advocacy might help even further. It is taking too long for this, considering we live amongst animals for companions, and eat animals for survival. WEll most of us do.

By manaswini g


Jun 3, 2020

This course was an wonderful experience, as I got several new perspective about life of an animal, the parts which were distressing did add on a lot of knowledge. I have interest in knowing and studying about Animal Rights and Psychology. So if such a course could be structured. This course structure is just what it needs to be and I feel so satisfied pursuing this course. Thanks for creating the course, to all the ones who taught us the course. Huge thanks to all of you.

By Fanny A


Apr 18, 2021

It's a very good introduction to the animal welfare subject, covering different topics. The course doesn't treat subjects in depth but instead provide a very good introduction. I would add to that that the resources available are of great quality and more in depth. The teachers are good to my own opinion, and the format is very engaging. I would recommend this course to anybody with a slight interest in animals and animal welfare. The content is of a very good quality.

By Bhavya B D


Dec 19, 2020

Thank you Coursera for providing me this great opportunity to complete this very interesting, informative course on Animal Behavior and Welfare. As an animal lover and an enthusiast it really helped me with a lot of learning with animal behavior. I would also like to thank Coursera for sponsoring courses to the students of St. Agnes college Mangaluru, India. This made us receive the most valuable certificate for extra credits after completing the course successfully.

By Wolf


Aug 3, 2019

As someone who studies animals and trains many there were some points I wasn't quite on ball with but many I still agreed with on your reasoning. Personally I've always thought animals felt emotions (I mean how can a human feel it and not an animal if we are all animals with the same common ancestors) so I often try to read their body language to understand how they may be feeling to what we are doing. This was a good course though with some good readings and videos.

By Sravya c


May 3, 2021

It is common and known to us that animals are categorised in 4 different areas; farming, pet ownership, wildlife & sanctuaries and slaughtering. However, much is happening without our knowledge and awareness with animals in depth, and probably without our understanding on animal communication vs. human's translation and selfishness. This course opens the path to introduce us to the world of animals' behaviour and welfare and everything that lies between it.