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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles by University of Alberta

1,256 ratings

About the Course

Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles is a four-lesson course teaching a comprehensive overview of the evolutionary changes that occur when air-breathing terrestrial animals return to water. This course examines the diversity, adaptations, convergence, and phylogenetic relationships of extinct marine reptiles. Students will explore three major groups of marine reptiles: ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and mosasaurs. Watch a preview of the course here:

Top reviews


Apr 23, 2020

I really enjoyed the course & finding out about the creatures that have fascinated me for years. The course was very well structured in logical sections that enabled me to study when I wanted.


Apr 2, 2016

An excellent introduction to the sometimes overlooked marine predators that lived alongside the dinosaurs! A lot of detail is presented here, so be prepared to act like a sponge and soak it all up.

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326 - 350 of 356 Reviews for Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles

By Carlo


Sep 9, 2017

Good class! Covers a lot of material very clearly in four weeks. The use of the media is good with in-video quizzes, interactive geologic time scale and phylogenetic tree of life. Course notes are provided for each lessons (they are very well done). The presenter, Scott Persons, a PhD student at the time if I am not mistaken, is great, though he is very surprisingly not credited on the homepage of the course, which is a shame (especially given that he has also written his scripts among other things...) Unfortunately, too often the course sounded too much like a catalog of facts. More scientific reasoning would have been nice.

By Dorothy F S


Nov 9, 2020

Covers comparative evolution and explains how groups adapted to marine environments. Nomenclature-all the subfamilies, etc. was confusing and the evolutionary tree was hard to understand. It would have been good to be able to see all the groups at once on the tree. Liked the updates on research and the maps showing where specimens have been found, Could have gone into the geology a little more.

By Guy M


Apr 11, 2020

There is a great deal of content in this course and as always the course materials are excellent. I would prefer at least two presenters to break up the style of the single presenter used. I find his presenting style quite hard. He sounds patronising when he introduces the quizzes and his pronunciation is at times rather odd. Phil Currie could teach him a thing or two.



Jun 22, 2018

It's pretty good, though be prepared to be beaten to death with MANY often confusing and nearly unpronounceable taxonomic terms. Can't be helped I guess. Those who took the early vertebrate evolution course will be pleased to note that Mr. (Dr.?) Persons is a bit more subdued in this one with a bit less theatrical style.

By Raena S


Aug 31, 2017

Very cheerful and concisely-speaking instructor! Although the course was vast in information to take it all in and could do better with more questions and quizzes. Very educative videos and data about ancient marine reptile palaentology. Beautiful course!

By Ian A


Mar 8, 2020

This course is a great gateway into this fascinating part of our earth's history, I look forward to learning more from other courses that are offered and would highly recommend this course to others.

By Robert P


May 11, 2020

Loved learning about these animals and learned a lot of things I didn't know already but the amount of video content each week was too much the theropod/bird class progressed in a much nicer manner.

By Katherine M


Oct 16, 2016

Can be extremely complicated with all of the unfamiliar names, and I'd lose focus. As a result, I had a hard time keeping up. I'd recommend pausing and returning another day if you lose focus.

By Stephanie V


Aug 20, 2017

Very informative and well presented. The videos could perhaps have been a little shorter. More videos of c. 15 mins are more readily digestible than fewer at c. 30 mins.

By Brian D M


Jun 10, 2016

excellent course would love to see more on early crocodilians and turtles, I know turtles have a debated history but would be awesome to look at possible origins.

By Marike S


May 25, 2017

Thank you for a wonderful course. Ancient Marine Reptiles isn't my main area of interest and I still enjoyed every second!

By Kiran E


Apr 17, 2021

It was okay, could do better with explaining but still would recommend to anyone interested in paleontology.

By Andres A


Oct 24, 2017

I would like more information about taxonomy an evolution. The couse focus mostly in the aquatic problem

By Walter P


Jan 15, 2020

Great course! Very well done. The only flaw: subtitles in some lessons are not in syncro with video.

By Nicole G


Jun 1, 2021

really enjoyed. links didn't work (embedded multiple choice quizzes did work though). thanks!

By Francine


Mar 23, 2016

A very interesting course, but it's a pity one can only do the quizzes after payment.

By Nicole R


Aug 17, 2021

ive very much enjoyed course and found some things i did not know previously

By Om A


Dec 19, 2024

Its good but I wished it would have more details, but overall its great! :)

By André V


Sep 24, 2020

Nice intoductory course. More questions and quizes would be nice. Thx!!

By Erick J A


Mar 20, 2016

It would be great if even the auditing students cool take the quizzes.

By Yvette H


Jan 3, 2021

Good content in videos - readings were also well done thanks

By Clotilde A


Feb 2, 2019

Great course, interesting topics and explanations, thanks !

By Richard K


May 13, 2017

very well presented course

By Stacey C


Oct 29, 2020

While the information presented in the course is top-notch, it's held back by the use of Flash for many interactive aspects of the videos and also large PDFs for the reading material. Flash is an outdated app that is not terribly secure; I'm unwilling to download it just for a free course. That meant I had to skip valuable learning material that really ought to have been presented in some other way; Flash is just not necessary. As for the PDFs, I realize that is a standard format but these must be exceptionally large files, because each week's reading assignment took 20-40 minutes just to load. That's WAY too long. If the files are that big, break them up into chapters so we can load them and get on with learning.

I hate to only give this 3 stars! The material was excellent (5 stars), it was just so held back by the awkward presentation aspects mentioned above.

By Sayantan S


Jul 15, 2020

The course was pretty informative but it lacked a couple of things. Most important of which was the lack of pictures. I believe that using more pictures of actual fossils can be a lot more helpful. Many examples of fossils being found were mentioned throughout the course but only a handful of them were shown. Showing pictures of the actual fossils excavated helps us to visualise these animals properly.