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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Managing Big Data with MySQL by Duke University

4,069 ratings

About the Course

This course is an introduction to how to use relational databases in business analysis. You will learn how relational databases work, and how to use entity-relationship diagrams to display the structure of the data held within them. This knowledge will help you understand how data needs to be collected in business contexts, and help you identify features you want to consider if you are involved in implementing new data collection efforts. You will also learn how to execute the most useful query and table aggregation statements for business analysts, and practice using them with real databases. No more waiting 48 hours for someone else in the company to provide data to you – you will be able to get the data by yourself! By the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how relational databases work, and have a portfolio of queries you can show potential employers. Businesses are collecting increasing amounts of information with the hope that data will yield novel insights into how to improve businesses. Analysts that understand how to access this data – this means you! – will have a strong competitive advantage in this data-smitten business world....

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Its a great experience to learn this course. Its very awful practically, theoretically and Logically.Thanks to the team and instructors of Coursera and Duke University.MAY ALLAH (GOD) bless you. AMEEN


Jun 21, 2020

One of the best course till now I find on Coursera, well structured everything and practice questions made me feel like real life problems as data were from real database of dognition and ua_dillards.

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1 - 25 of 926 Reviews for Managing Big Data with MySQL

By Justin G


Oct 9, 2017

Sorry, I need to give this a course a 0 but since the review won't let me submit without scoring it, I'll give it a 1. It was designed beautifully and to maximize skill building. I really like the idea of using two different databases. However, the Teradata database was down way too long, much longer than it was up. People had to pay extra than planned to continue taking the course as a result. The instructors planned everything beautifully-except developing a backup plan in case the third party Teradata server went down, which it did. If the instructors or the university with they are affiliated have no control over this additional server, leaving the students helpless, they really should reconsider their use of materials outside of which they have direct control.

By Xuan C


Aug 29, 2018

The data sets are very hard to understand. The teacher should spend more time to explain the data set before assigning excesses and quiz with them. It took me two courses to understand what Dognition is doing (the video from the CEO is a very bad introduction, he did not explain the company very well).

When you ask questions in the course discussion forum, NO ONE answers your questions.

By Swarup


May 19, 2020

Fabulous course. Very much practical oriented with lots of emphasis on do it yourself attitude that builds confidence and fearlessness in oneself. Jana Schaich Borg, our instructor is equally fabulous and I admire her hard work and dedication towards making this course very intensive, useful and practical.

Thank you very much Jana for helping us to get knowledge, hands on real life exercises and experience and some genuine tips and guidelines meted out to us through this course to make us confident and efficient data analyst!

The only suggestion is the week 5 Teradata exercise which is tough and complicated but definitely worth it. However the answer key should be made available otherwise it is very difficult to know whether one is right or not. Of course this fosters independence but it will be found difficult by average and sometimes even by above average students. Would request Jana to please take note of that.

Thanks to Coursera for this wonderful course and to Jana and Daniel Egger, Tara for her quick response during support issues, to Duke University for promoting this course and to Dillards and Dognition team for sharing real-life data for our study and practice purpose. Grateful to all of you! Thank you very much! God bless all of you!

I highly recommend this course to all SQL beginners and even intermediate developers! This course not only teaches you SQL but also you can earn some experience handling both mySQL and Teradata databases, real-life queries, experience of handling millions of records or big , huge volume of data and tips on how to become a good data analyst - will boost your career as a data analyst.

By Adam


Jan 23, 2017

My experience with Teradata has been awful. Connection issues, latency, time outs. What should have taken 45 minutes took nearly two hours because of the load times for datasets. No clock or indication of progression for the queries.

By Pablo V I


Dec 26, 2017

I recommend this course although the exercise requires more time than the average courses in Coursera. If you complete it seriously on your own you will learn a lot in order to apply it at work.

By Franklin D


Dec 14, 2017

I thought it was good overall for teaching SQL and I enjoy Jana a lot... however

biggest issues were the time taking much longer than expected and the Junyper Notebooks not functioning, giving me even more time issues.

Also some typos in the quiz answer sheets and lack of clarity in questions (when clarity is extremely important for the answer!)

By Jin Z


May 27, 2017

too long for the practise and just getting too long to finish one week

By Lola G


Aug 28, 2019

It's been almost two weeks that I cannot get log into Teradata. Really disappointed...

By changhao L


Aug 8, 2018

The Teradata cannot be accessed

By Giulio C


Jan 9, 2019

I legitimately believe this is the best source for Data/Business Analysts who would like to learn how to use SQL for analyzing datasets. They take you through the step by step process of learning everything and also provide a lot of material (weekly quizzes and exercises) to review and truly test your understanding of what you've learnt. This course takes quite a lot of time which is great because it means that if you get through it you will have learnt a lot!

By Yu-Hung C


Aug 20, 2019

Nice and well-organized course. I joined this course after self-studying on SQL for a few days. The context is really nice. The only problem is the Teradata is not stable. I tried very hard to login.

By Justin T


Mar 1, 2016

It's a good class and I learned a lot. The learning curve shoots up exponentially around the fourth week. I could see this course being perfect if broken down into two classes.

By Yannan C


Nov 7, 2018

Students need access to Teradata to complete the course, BUT the page providing login information is BROKEN. I have to quit in the middle of the course. That is a waste of our money and time!

By Danish Q


Jun 21, 2020

One of the best course till now I find on Coursera, well structured everything and practice questions made me feel like real life problems as data were from real database of dognition and ua_dillards.

By Shifu J


Nov 6, 2016

It was an Awesome course. Really enjoyed doing all the exercises. Now I feel quite confident to write any queries.

Special Thanks to Professor Jana Schaich Borg for teaching so wonderfully!!!!!

By milad r


Jan 24, 2018

The Jupyter notebook of the course had been not working for two days and I could not even see the course material in the notebook.

By Ana C H


May 11, 2018

I finished the course because I had to (I was exerted of paying fees) and then you agree on finishing the course. If I could I would have changed to another similar course some where else. Sorry but it is the true :)

I learned a lot not because how good is the teacher or how the course is taught but because reading a lot on internet.

I have taken many courses in coursera, so when I say this I have a reference to compare

By Eva


Apr 11, 2017

Really bad course. Badly taught, strange choice of assignments and quiz questions. Unfortunately, I did the free trial and Coursera didn't process my cancellation so that I had to pay for a whole month for this.

Complete waste of time AND(!!!) money!

By Scott A H


Jun 28, 2023

cannot complete due to lack of access to one of the tools they require

By V


Sep 13, 2017

pretty useless seriously

By Christine D


Jul 8, 2019

The exercises force you to think deeply about what you're doing, and use a variety of useful sql logic. However the environment works against you: both environments lack the syntax highlighting that would make these questions so much easier in sql server. The Teradata environment only allows you to view about 10 lines of code without scrolling, and has no tab or autocomplete. This was fine up until the last test where some of my queries were 30 lines or more. The last week was so painful that I would recommend other learners find a different course. Such a shame because the exercises are thoughtfully designed and I did learn a lot.

By Neal D


Feb 5, 2017

Poor performance of Jupyter and the wildly underestimated time commitments really sunk this one for me. The latter, especially is inexcusable. The syllabus is lopsided and, while organized, not enough thought has been given to the exercise workload.



Sep 3, 2018

The course content is good but its very poorly arranged. I am doing exercise and often find before continuing exercise 6, please watch 'that certain' video without providing any link. I tried to find the the link and finally gave up.

You must improve your contents in a better way.

By Chase S


Nov 23, 2023

SQL portion requires access to a server that the Duke team doesn't have access to anymore; meaning you can't complete this portion of the course as intended.

By Zhu Y


Aug 4, 2018

one star for the certificate;one for let me learn basic knowledge of SQL;the website often breaks down,so is the Teredata system ;the problem-solution system is also troublesome,hard to get the solution on time, maybe it is better to set a all-time online problem solver. No answer for teredata exercise also trap me for the hint in the teredata excersise sometimes not clear. Hope advancement for this course and the better experience of users.