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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Algorithmic Toolbox by University of California San Diego

12,499 ratings

About the Course

This online course covers basic algorithmic techniques and ideas for computational problems arising frequently in practical applications: sorting and searching, divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming. We will learn a lot of theory: how to sort data and how it helps for searching; how to break a large problem into pieces and solve them recursively; when it makes sense to proceed greedily; how dynamic programming is used in genomic studies. You will practice solving computational problems, designing new algorithms, and implementing solutions efficiently (so that they run in less than a second)....

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2017

I liked the fact that the algorithms are not just the introductory searching and sorting algorithms. The assignments are fairly difficult (I have decent scripting experience), but not impossibly so.


Jan 20, 2021

The course was really amazing which provided deep knowledge from basic to advance that how algorithms works and how to design algorithms. Thanks to all the expert teachers who taught in this course.

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51 - 75 of 2,576 Reviews for Algorithmic Toolbox

By Bikash D

Jan 16, 2019

All i read in college is the theoretical concept about the algorithm and not it's implementation in actual programming language.

This course made me code the algorithm and in the process i learned lot about the chosen language as well as how we can efficiently write the code.

Thank you.

Keep up the good work!

By Abdu M

Feb 26, 2019

Very nice course. Covers a lot of ground, theory and practice. Homework assignments are interesting. The autograder can be a pain, and most of the time you're not even sure what the problem with your algorithm is, but that's all part of the fun and challenge.

By Tuan N

Feb 17, 2019

The instructors teach in clearly way. The assigments arenot too hard and can be solved with some google search or look in forum. Good course for beginer and also all of people who want to revise algorithms.

By Awaneesh K

Jun 2, 2019

This course on algorithms is exceptionally good. Video lectures are very helpful. I especially loved exercises as each of them was unique & required a lot of brain storming.

By Mohammed R

Jul 12, 2019

The specialty of this course is the order in which they present the manner . It is very helpful especially if you are just starting to get a hang out of it

By amar s

Jun 27, 2019

Learned lot of thing about Algorithms,Programming And Lot More To Learn,and It's great to

Watch Videos,

complete assignment and quiz.

By BVPKY_Official

Jun 27, 2019

I have learned how to do stress test of two different logic, that helped me a lot while choosing the best algorithm.

By Rishi B

Jul 11, 2019

Great learning. Now I am a tad bit more confident about my algorithm skills. Need to practice more though.

By Luis G A A

Jun 2, 2019

Excelente curso, mientras lo realizaba recordé algunas técnicas para hacer algoritmos eficientes

By calvin x

Mar 15, 2019

Grader system is really nice to use; it helps to improve my debugging ability a lot. Good job!

By Vladimir N

Jun 12, 2019

Very good course to get into algorithmic thinking, design and algorithmic problem solving.

By Abhijit H J

Nov 23, 2019

The content taught is the lecture is not sufficient to pass the practical assignments.

I request you to use a dark background on slides.

The working of the pseudocode is not clearly explained with examples. I find difficulty in understanding the working of the pseudocode on examples.

By Alyson L V

Nov 3, 2018

To much talk about how to calcule the Big(O) and no enough explaining about the content


Jan 17, 2023

Outdated. The course is More than 6 years old. Tech courses should be removed after 5 years. Coursera is just not doing that and this may waste a lot of learners time.

By Keshav T

May 29, 2021

I am thankful to Coursera and all the professors who taught this course.

This course helps me to understand all basics of algorithm. Looking forward to use my knowledge which I gained from this.

By Steven G H

Dec 5, 2017

This course is undoubtedly valuable. I definitely learned some skills that I am glad to have had real practice in. That said, you really have to do the majority of the work yourself. I have the CLRS book, the Dasgupta, and have watched a host of supplemental videos on YouTube, MIT OCW. This course is not an "all-in-one" solution. It's sorta like a high-level guide and tough challenges and a grader. The videos are decent, but by Mithras' eyelash they can be incredibly boring. Furthermore they don't take advantage of the video medium properly. The visual aids are really sub-par.

Also, be ready to repeat the course. I signed up in the late-summer and it took me all Fall. While I certainly was busy, the lack of support, the digging I had to do, the note-taking I had to do, the processing I had to do on my own all added a lot of work. I'm curious as to whether I've gotten better at "taking Coursera Classes" and will have better luck next class. I'm pessimistic.

By Shan-Jyun W

Sep 27, 2016

Bad teaching quality.

By Sawin G

Apr 5, 2023

I took the Python for Everybody course before this and this course was incredibly challenging for me. What should have been 6 weeks took me closer to one whole year to complete. The professors were very difficult to understand and used inconsistent wording or jargon that was definitely not necessary all the time. The course assumes that you have a certain level of understanding in discrete mathematics, but the supporting math course they recommend is no longer available. Overall it's outdated, there are no dedicated helpers in the forums, the teachers are not available and partway through the course (perhaps due to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine) some of the explanatory videos disappeared with no explanation and I had to find them on youtube. I can't recommend this course if you're a beginner programmer like myself. It's just too advanced. I did learn a lot, but I also spent about 500 USD on the coursera subscription just to get through the class. With maybe twice that kind of money, I could have taken a real time course with actual teachers.


Aug 25, 2022

The Course content is scattered at best, the instructors may be the best at what they do, infact they are one of the best, but not at being instructor, beside the very very strong unclear accent, the course material is just read from a slide with little to no actual teaching, i actually like to take serious and monotonous letures but this is not even a lecture to begin with. The assignments does not focus on the "Algorithms" part as much as it focuses on getting every single edge/test case accounted for, for that practice there are other platforms, not coursera.

By Naman S

Aug 23, 2020

Has there been 0 star option I would definitely give it so. Of many courses which I have completed on platforms like cousera, udemy, edx etc. this one is worst of all. It not anything but wasted my time. I regret enrolling this course. Even after watching videos 2-3 times I often have to watch other videos from youtube. The way of explaining by teachers is not fascinatig. In a nutshell if you are reading this comment please do not waste your time in this course. Rather watch youtube videos or learn from other platform.

By Manuel S

Sep 5, 2023

1) The Task which you need to fullfill this course must be found in the discussion forum

2) The Task which must be fullfilled in Week5 will firstly explained in Week6 (+Each week has a different Teacher)

The worst corse i have done in Coursera!

By Shiv W

Oct 30, 2018

This Course is really very helpful in understanding the basic algorithms and various efficient problem solving technique. Week assignments are very good and helped me evolve my skills in implementing solutions and to consider every possible kind of instances for a problem. I loved the lectures and the way professors explain things and touch every aspect of the topic. I enjoyed this course very much and have learnt much more than what I thought I required. I am really very thankful and grateful to the professors and the Coursera. Thank You Very Very much. :)

By Shreyansh K

Aug 3, 2017

I always feared coding problems on divide and conquer and dynamic programming. The way this course gradually took me from easy stuffs to advanced was awesome. After doing the course, I feel confident on coding difficult problems. I also appreciate the granularity of topic that this course covers. I took many courses but nowhere until now, I have seen courses that cover how to test and debug your code. Great Course and much take course in case one wants to get good at competitive programming. Good Job teachers. Your efforts are appreciated.

By Nandan K

Oct 10, 2017

Really nice course that get's you started to the world of algorithms. It has a balanced progression and introduction to basic concepts, but highly recommend to do all the optional assignments since they help absorb all the presented material to the fullest extent. But to solidify the knowledge gained, I would recommend to solve more problems on the introduced concepts since I feel this course falls short in number of diverse problem statements to be able to think on how to apply the concepts in different scenarios.

By Eugeni A

Nov 29, 2018

I recommand for everybody. Teachers explain all from the basic level, and you shouldn't be afraid, you will understand all algorithms from this course. I like this course and this specialization very much

Для русского язычного населения тоже очень рекомендую, английский базового уровня, преподаватели с хорошим произношением, просто огонь. Сам курс вам тоже очень понравится. Очень нравится, что сначала дают теорию, а потом сразу к этой теории задачи, чтобы вы всё смогли отработать

Thanks for this course