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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Addicted Brain by Emory University

2,218 ratings

About the Course

This is a course about addiction to drugs and other behaviors. It will describe what happens in the brain and how this information helps us deal with and overcome addiction. It will also discuss other topics, such as government policy and our vulnerability to take drugs....

Top reviews


Jul 24, 2020

One of the best course. Before I took up this course I have negative feelings towards the drugs addicts. But this course completely change my behavior and opinions towards them. Thank you so much.


Apr 2, 2018

I learned a lot from this course that I have been able to use in a ministry capacity. If you are trying to help others with addiction or understand it for yourself, this is the course for you.

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501 - 525 of 542 Reviews for The Addicted Brain

By Victoria G

Oct 16, 2021

As a Psychopharmacology major a lot of the course was easy for me since the material was material I've already learned in neuroscience and my psychopharmacology courses. The course does an overall solid job of teaching the student about the mechanisms of action of certain drugs and how they can neurologically cause addiction. It also does a pretty solid job at teaching the sociological viewpoints as well; such as environmental risk factors and etc. A bit of a problem that I found was the professor had an entire lecture on the opioid epidemic yet didn't speak about how the opioid epidemic was caused largely by Purdue Pharma and other companies promoting their drugs by lobbied lawmakers, sponsoring continuing medical-education courses, and other unethical ways. Which is understandable considering it's a basic course but if you're going to have an entire lecture on it it might be worth it to explain the major fuel in the crisis. The professor was also very solid on how marijuana legalization may do more harm than good due to more availability. Which is understandable in terms of neurological risks/ addiction (and considering this course is an addiction course) however it leaves out the part how Black people are 4 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than white people. From my personal opinion, marijuana should be treated like alcohol within our society so I feel as though the professor pushing how marijuana legalization isn't a good idea because it's not approved by the FDA is a bit dangerous for progressive policies and unrooting the systematic racism within American drug policies and laws. But despite my couple of concerns this course is in all a very solid and well built course, loved the way the professor spoke about neurology but I would have love to seen some more intersectionality be discussed when the professor speaks about legalization since a big part of drug criminalization ties into race. But for a basic addiction course, very solid.

By Karen S

May 6, 2017

I was a bit disappointed about the lack of exposure to different models for thinking about addiction and the effects of addiction on the brain. Current theories were presented as "facts"; correlations were presented as causation without further considerations of alternative perspectives. It was a satisfactory very basic overview of current thinking about addiction, but would benefit from a wider consideration of different models.

By Luiza M R d S

Jul 27, 2020

I think it should have "Introduction" somewhere in its title because the lectures are not so deep. Anything that it covers can be found in the professor's book or in any pharmaceutical book. So, if you have some knowledge about it, maybe this course isn't for you. But if you want to start on this topic, it may be helpful.

By altug k

Jun 14, 2016

The course satisfied me in various aspects. It is brief and clear. Thank you for our instructor for nice presentations.

Nevertheless, I would expect more about pharma and treatment apporaches. More about drugs available in the markets and new trends.

Psychotherapy applications / demonstrations would be very useful.

By Ellen W

May 9, 2016

Knowledgeable professor. Distracting background. I prefer direct eye contact rather than having the professor sometimes filmed not looking directly at the camera. But the course gave excellent information and I enjoyed it.

By Joshua J F

Sep 3, 2015

I learned some important concepts, but all of the material was repeated many times. If the redundancy of information were eliminated, imagine how much more students of this course could learn!

By Dorothy H

Jul 2, 2016

Worth skimming fast through for free to learn a little something about the brain. Don't expect to learn much about the brain though. The title is a little misleading.

By Giuliana B L

Jul 8, 2020

Muito sacal. O professor apenas lê e fala com uma voz bem cansativa. O curso em si não trás muitas informações diferentes das encontradas facilmente na internet.

By Nathalie A

Jan 4, 2016

Maybe too easy... And too focused on the society more than on the brain itself. Enjoyed it though.

By Kostadin K

Jun 17, 2016

Well, I expected more and more debt, It seems the course is oriented to the general public.

By Tri N

Aug 20, 2015

I will rated number 3 because I want to learn more new stuff about protections of my body.

By Alicia D R

Jun 30, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed this class, and appreciate all of the information it entailed.

By Adrian L

Dec 29, 2019

very general information. good, but id prefer more in-deptht teachings.

By Cibils T

Sep 13, 2015

Somewhat too simple, but still a good basic introduction.

By Ellie I

Jan 13, 2017

Did not like that I have to upgrade just to take a quiz

By DI, K

Jan 5, 2016


By Marci B

Oct 2, 2015

Very interesting as lay person interested in topic.

By Shamal G

Sep 4, 2020

The extra reading material provided is outdated

By Michael C

Oct 26, 2015

Interesting but really introductive

By Amanda R

Oct 31, 2017

Looks to be an interesting course.

By Ivan S

Feb 16, 2016

So simple, not enough informative.

By catalina p

Jan 17, 2023

Very basic.

By Mr.R.N.RajaRavishankar

Oct 22, 2020


By David D

Jan 10, 2017

Information strays between ridiculously shallow and unnecessarily deep (e.g. the stuff about GPCRs is so far removed from importance when discussing addiction). Most of the time the questions are poorly worded and thoughtless, and the whole thing reminds me of a bad high school class. Some parts border on misinformation, does seem almost as if it's been underwritten by the DEA. Paints a very distinct picture, a picture with an agenda and really incomplete portrayal of addiction. Points for trying though.

By Anne H

Feb 6, 2018

I may be a bit harsh in my review because I found the material to be so basic as to be a poor use of my time. This conclusion is furthered by the dull presentation. It was very slow, lacked depth, and was delivered in an uninteresting way. Such a critically-important and fascinating topic could have been so much more engaging. Thank you. Anne