Illinois Tech Bachelor of Information Technology Performance Pathway Courses

Unlike most programs that require an extensive application, with Illinois Tech's Bachelor of Information Technology, you’ll start by completing three pathway courses that give you a preview of the degree and help you start building critical IT skills.

Illinois Tech Bachelor of Information Technology Performance Pathway Courses

Unlike most programs that require an extensive application, with Illinois Tech's Bachelor of Information Technology, you’ll start by completing three pathway courses that give you a preview of the degree and help you start building critical IT skills.

Bachelor of IT Performance Pathway Courses

Illinois Institute of Technology

Below, you can enroll in the non-credit versions of the Bachelor of IT Performance Pathway courses. You may upgrade from non-credit to for-credit at any time during your learning journey and your progress will carry with you. Additional material and assessments must be completed to earn credit; this material is only available after you pay tuition.

Once you finish each Performance Pathway course with a B or higher and transfer 61 credits, you’ll gain conditional admission to the Bachelor of IT program. That’s in addition to any prior learning credit you requestOpens in a new tab if you’ve completed eligible Professional Certificate programs.

Enroll today by clicking below

Earn your Bachelor of IT from a high ranking-school

Illinois Tech ranks #1 in Illinois and #23 in the U.S. on the Wall Street Journal’s list of Best Colleges.

Invest in your earning potential

Illinois Tech is ranked #1 in the Chicago region for occupational earnings power by The Brookings Institution.

Learn at your pace, 100 percent online

After you complete the Performance Pathway courses, you can choose from six enrollment dates throughout the year and tailor your schedule and other commitments around flexible online courses so you can achieve your academic goals on your terms.

Learn more and request information about Illinois Tech's Bachelor of IT: in a new tab

CommunityJoin a community of over 100 million learners from around the world
CertificateLearn from more than 200 leading universities and industry educators.
Confidence70% of all learners who have stated a career goal and completed a course report outcomes such as gaining confidence, improving work performance, or selecting a new career path.
All courses include:
  • 100% online
  • Flexible schedule
  • Mobile learning
  • Videos and readings from professors at world-renowned universities and industry leaders
  • Practice quizzes

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