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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Water Resources Management and Policy by University of Geneva

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About the Course

Water management today is faced with new challenges such as climate change or the effects of human activity. Public and private stakeholders who are active in this field must develop new ways to better manage the water cycle "as a whole". The objective of this MOOC is to develop an understanding of the problems related to water management. Firstly, this course will define a resource and, more specifically, the resource of water. It will look at how water is used and the activities associated with it as well as any potential conflicts. The course will look at water management in detail through the analysis of the different types of rights and obligations associated with, for example, the development of a multi-sectorial regulation system or a watershed management approach. By the end of this course, our aim is to enable you to: 1) Identify the main issues and strategies linked to water resource management 2) Acquire the key reading material needed to understand the many variables (environmental, institutional and political) which affect water and which, in terms of management, may require adjustment. This course was developed by the Geneva Water Hub. Alongside researchers from the University of Geneva from a range of faculties, researchers from other universities and research centres will be involved in this course. Practitioners who deal daily with the political dimension of water management will also input into the course. This MOOC is designed for all those interested in the water sector. Prior training is not necessary to follow our program. The findings presented in this course can be easily reapplied to different contexts and to different scales of analysis. This MOOC is supported by the Geneva Water Hub and the University of Geneva along with the MOOC in « Ecosystem Services: a Method for Sustainable Development » ( and the one in "International Water Law" ( This course is funded by the Global Programme Water Initiatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). This course is also available in French :

Top reviews


Oct 3, 2020

This course presents complex and hard to understand concepts of water resource management in a very subtle and precise way thus suitable for all learners from all backgrounds and learning levels.


Apr 26, 2023

i have gained alot out of the course, is there a statement of accomplishment for this course? thank you very much for the knowledge gained, i am looking forward to participate in other courses.

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1 - 25 of 298 Reviews for Water Resources Management and Policy

By putrevu r


Mar 31, 2020

I, P Ramakrishna Murty ME (Water resources Development) retired from government service in the year 2018 as Superintending Engineer in Interstate and Water Resources Department of Andhra Pradesh state in India.

From the very young age I had the passion in Water sector and use to feel the bliss of the environment with cool air breeze at reservoir sites and astonishing for the abilities of the creators. Its the gods grace that I spent my entire career either in planning water Resources projects or in representing interests of the state in inter state water disputes before Tribunals and supreme court of India besides Water management issues in sharing waters of Krishna and Godavari rivers with the neighbouring state of Telengana. Thus day- in day - out my life is entangled with the subject of water and I thank the almighty for these opportunities.

In this backdrop I found my self interested in taking up the online course 'Water Resources Management and Policy' under Coursera even after my retirement. In my opinion there is no end for learning.

The course is very well designed with concepts on governance of common water Resources,Institutional Resource Regime , Integrated water Resources management, Resolving water disputes and cooperation among the riparian states for utilisation of common resource.

The course provided excellent insight in the above subject s with elaborate illustrations covering many international rivers such as Rhine, Meckong,Nile, Indus, Colorado etc .

I convey my thanks to the faculties for their efforts in rendering the course material and teaching the concepts in a most professional way.I very much recommend the young engineers in the field of Water Resources Development to avail the opportunity which will give a wonderful insight in understanding the Interstate or International river water sharing.

As a continuum I would like to suggest that Coursera may suitably design a separate new course dealing with strategies for conducting negotiations amongst the riparian states for Interstate or International River water sharing.

Thank you.

P Ramakrishna Murty,ME(WRD)

Andhra Pradesh.

By M R K


Jul 17, 2019

This course is absolutely designed for water resources management practitioners with practical examples of disputes and laws of water of trans boundaries conflicts.

i appreciate the efforts that has been done for arranging and materializing this course so efficiently and thematically.

By Cavine O O


Oct 3, 2020

This course presents complex and hard to understand concepts of water resource management in a very subtle and precise way thus suitable for all learners from all backgrounds and learning levels.

By Natalie F


Feb 1, 2018

This course was a great introduction to international water management. I feel I learned a lot about the subject and the instructors were enjoyable to listen to. The course is in French with English subtitles, but it was still easy to follow along and get a complete experience.

By Antoine S


Apr 30, 2016

very interesting course, with good examples. Just the fact it is french with quizz in english makes it not that easy!!! Some of the module are just too theoretical. But nice, very good overall

By F


Apr 17, 2020

The content of the course itself was very interesting and provided much valuable information. However, the structure and presentation of the course was lacking. The course was offered under the assumption of being English speaking. Because the videos and powerpoint slides were all filmed in a different language, the videos themselves were useless and provided no value to the course. I didn't play a single video because I can't understand French. The translations in the transcript were fine to get by; however, I missed a lot of valuable information from the slides since all of the definitions and diagrams were in French and there was no translation provided. The text transcript just stated "refer to the definition," but it was impossible for me to get the definition because it was all in French. Very disappointed in the construction of this course. It would be beneficial to provide translated diagrams and definitions for the information that is not provided outside of the slides.

By Lutine d B


Sep 23, 2016

I was referred to this course by Diplofoundation Institute (University of Malta) after completing my thesis there on water management in the West Bank. I would like to thank to faculty of the University of Geneva (WaterHub) for providing me with high-level and beautifully structured information on European as well as global water management. Very inspirational.

By Indra N


Apr 24, 2020

currently working in water resources management in Indonesia and this course helped me to enrich my knowledge within water resources management example and water policy related. the transboundary water conflict in Nile River, Mekong River and Senegal River clearly not only water management needed but also cooperation among actors.



Apr 1, 2020

After finishing this course, I would like to say that it is really important for all the countries in the world should start looking at the concerns to shortage of water in the future. So this course is the way for us to consider how to manage fairly in the future.



Apr 26, 2023

i have gained alot out of the course, is there a statement of accomplishment for this course? thank you very much for the knowledge gained, i am looking forward to participate in other courses.

By Vishal R


Jul 1, 2020

This is a very well made course, with all proper notes and well-prepared module. It was pretty comfortable to complete before the allotted time period and the content were easy to grasp

By Abdulrahman A


Nov 16, 2019

I have learnt much things in my major that will be reflected with my work also with my life

this course opened my eyes to lots of things witch must be considered especially with genuine objects like water

i also learned water management in different fields and how to deal with this issue as it integrated method IWRM and how conflicts are being sloven and a lot of various items that i achieved making me more aware and thoughtful when addressing this object

thanks for all doctors , masters and all involved who exert their effort to deliver this material as it is .

By Raoulle F


Feb 15, 2017

This course was great- I certainly enjoyed learning about water resources management and policy. As I have a legal background, I particularly found Professors Sangbana and Mbengue's discourse on the legal aspect of water resources management (Module 5) engaging. In addition, the course presented different case studies as well as various interviews with numerous resource persons that allowed me to have a grasp of the real world applications of the concepts involved.

By Vincentius K M


Aug 9, 2019

The course was very informative. I specifically enjoyed the case studies as this made it more relate-able compared to if it was more theory based. I also enjoyed the fact that both developing and developed countries examples were used for the case studies. I compliment the course administrators for a job well done. I strongly recommend anyone wishing to develop skills in water management to partake in this course.

By Andrea A E O


Jun 16, 2020

Thank you for all the knowledge shared on this MOOC. It was really helpful for better understand water management at local and global scale and the tools and mechanisms to arrange watercourses at different levels and institutions. I hope to continue learning by this way, my all admiration for the coordinators and all people that have participated on this projet.

By María C G C


Feb 12, 2016

I highly recommend this course. The class was very informative and structured in such a way that it built the understanding and knowledge of Water Resources Management in a local and global perspective in a smooth flow. The films are mostly in French, with English subtitles. And you can access to the text in English which you can download and read for note

By Francois R


Dec 22, 2017

Un bon cours, qui jette correctement les bases de la gouvernance de l'eau à de multiples échelles spatio-temporelles. Le volume de travail se limitant à de l'écoute, ce MOOC est parfait lorsque le besoin de l'auditeur se limite à l'acquisition de connaissances générales sur le sujet, ce qui était exactement mon cas. Merci et bonne continuation.

By Kelly K


May 9, 2017

This was the first course I've taken through Coursera and it was worth it. The topics covered in this course were well presented and the case studies and guest speakers demonstrated the concepts in action in the real world. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about water resource management.



May 31, 2020

This course give me alot of information and knowledgeable material. This course is very good and helpful . In this course I have gained more information about laws , rules and regulations , conflict , cooperation in water Resorces and management policy .

By Ijaz A


Sep 29, 2020

This course give me alot of information and knowledgeable material. This course is very good and helpful . In this course I have gained more information about laws , rules and regulations , conflict , cooperation in water Resorces and management policy .

By Fazla Z A


Sep 2, 2020

i have gained a lot out of the course, is there a statement of accomplishment for this course? thank you very much for the knowledge gained, i am looking forward to participate in other courses. very interesting course, with good examples.

By Muhammad H


Jun 13, 2019

I found this course very informative and helpful in water resources management. I would recommend this to every one out there of any educational level if they want to understand water management and its environmental impacts.

By Alexander R A


Apr 22, 2018

Very practical and added to my water treatment experience. There need to be availability of water before deciding on what water treatment technology is required. Great course which when fully taught in English will be helpful.

By Anandraj S


May 15, 2016

This course provided me a strong comprehensive understanding of the basics of water management and the issues associated with it, which was effectively demonstrated through case studies across the world.

By Luis A


Mar 6, 2016

The best tutors on this subject. Swiss and international case studies. Interviews with a lot of professional experts. RECOMMENDED 100% if you are involved in public/private water management sector.