Sep 25, 2020
This course really is foundational. The instructors are awesome, the labs are relevant and they all work! I have gained so much knowledge just from this course. I can't wait to further this knowledge.
Aug 4, 2020
I enjoyed all the presenters of the videos, they really took their time to get me involved and explained all the content clearly. I also enjoyed the videos that talked about current and future trends.
By Biplab K B
•Sep 4, 2021
Good to be updated on the changes that have taken place. Top marks for the instructor.” “Overall the course is going to be very useful in my day to day job.” “Really well done; made a dry subject really interesting, and clearly has a passion for traffic management that shone through!
By Joselito B
•Dec 31, 2020
it was very awesome learn in the Google. Technical Support Fundamentals help me a lot, i wish to finish this as soon as possbile because I take a lot of courses in Google although it is a financial aid but it is great. I learn a lot in this course. look forward to the last 3 courses.
By Andrea F
•Nov 30, 2020
Hola mi nombre es Andrea y vivo en El Salvador estoy muy feliz de haber aprendido muchas herramientas, tecnicas y funciones en el area de IT soporte. Las cuales llevare acabo en mis funciones para una mejor oportunida laboral y mas divertida como lo es la tecnologia. Gracias GOOGLE.
By Dylan
•Nov 6, 2020
It's a really good course to understand the basics of IT in general. It gives you good foundations to keep up with an important toolset that you need to master in order to succeed in the Technology Field. Higly recommended for everyone, no matter what their educational background is.
By Safraz J
•Apr 5, 2020
I was very pleased with the Technical Support Fundamentals coursework. I've been involved with tech for a very long time. I feel that this course is a great refresher for seasoned techies like myself but is also a great learning experience for those of you who are new to the field.
By Juan S S F
•Mar 22, 2020
Fue mucho más de lo que esperaba. El contenido es tan completo y fácil de aprender que siento que vale mucho más de lo que cuesta. Espero que más personas puedan tomar este curso y aprender un poco más de lo apasionante que es tener conocimientos de un profesional en Soporte Técnico.
By Chi-Minh J
•Mar 12, 2020
It was good to hear from professionals that work for Google and to learn from them what makes up Computer Science. I conquered my doubt of understanding binary.. I liked that I could pause the video and go thru and take notes. The labs are understandable once you get a feel for them.
By Macias L K
•Sep 12, 2019
I really enjoyed taking this course! Learned new things that i have never seen or learned before. I really loved the hands on experience, the videos, the quizzes, the note taking and the reading itself. The audio videos helped a lot, it made me feel like if i was physically in class.
By Justin M
•Mar 5, 2018
The course provides a solid backbone of information needed to learn about the beginnings of an IT career - touching on the OS, basic network information, building a PC from scratch, and the customer service 'soft skills' needed to work with the public, it's a good fundamentals intro.
By shahzad s
•Jul 20, 2023
It was really an amazing journey, the topics were very precise and to the point. Each instructor knew his/her field very well and their teaching technique was excellent even if you're not an English speaker you can easily understand thanks to the subs. So Yeah overall it was amazing
By Alaa J
•Mar 14, 2023
I'm very happy with the course I've just completed. it provided me with a lot of useful information although I've been working in the IT Sector since long time but it still we keep learn new things.
Thank you, Coursera for this amazing course, I'm looking forward to my next course.
By Mohammed S
•Sep 10, 2022
i tried to go to some labs , but i coudnt , they gave me user name and password but they are not working , please i need soulution for this problem i finished every thing required me but i couldnt submit the lab assiment , i am almost done , please please i need help , thank you .
•Mar 31, 2022
Lo recomiendo a todos los que quieran empezar en el mundo de las TI y que tengan pocas bases en el area. Los instructores son claros y profesionales; las consignas no son excesivamente pesadas para empezar; y se encargan de cubrir todo lo fundamental pare iniciarse en la disciplina.
By Esteban G
•Mar 25, 2022
The course allowed me to get a basic understanding of the IT field and the variety of options for IT support. This class was my first time working with Linux, and I was excited to do the VM exercises. I would recommend this class to everyone looking to learn more about the iT field.
By Matheus S
•Apr 26, 2021
Que curso maravilhoso, não apenas o conteúdo mas também os professores. A oportunidade de conhecer um pouco da história de cada um deles me faz querer aprender mais e um dia fazer algo que amo assim como eles aparentam fazer. Encerro ele ainda mais motivado e animado para continuar!
By dBull A
•Mar 1, 2021
The course was surprisingly well done. I felt engaged and interested throughout the entire training. I am so interested in moving forward with my goals after finishing this course. I would recommend this to anyone on the fence and wanted to know if they could do this as a career.
By Adam L
•Jan 10, 2021
If you are wanting to make a future, make a better step in life, this course is the way to go, even if you can't figure out how a computer operates, this course teaches you from the ground up, and even if you are a veteran of the IT world, this course serves as an amazing refresher!
By Santhosh R
•Oct 10, 2020
I found this course to be very useful in understanding the basics and giving an overview of what is to come. I became more curious as the weeks progressed and started doing my research and reading. I can go into a technical forum now and understand what everyone is trying to convey.
•Jun 7, 2020
I really love this course. it motivated me somehow to achieve the goals that I have set for me earlier but attend them. but now I am confident that it will achieve them. thanks, google and Coursera.
I know its not proper review that you need but it's me I thought to share what I feel
•Aug 23, 2018
Awesome content, easy to follow for a non tech individual like myself.
Phenomenal the way the video and lecturer stayed in sync.
Am always interested in learning and mastering new things.
Technology is here to stay and the advancement of humankind is dependent on the mastering of same.
By alvaro a
•Jul 20, 2023
es lo que hecho toda mi vida desde niño reparando todo lo tecnologico en toda la vida lo he hecho en paralelo a mi carrera, ahora quiero emprender un rumbo en la tecnologia me dedicare a esto si encuentro trabajo en esto primero y mil gracias por la oportunidad¡¡ gracias google¡¡
By Ogbonna N J
•Feb 13, 2023
Good day, it has been a wonderful opportunity i have learned a lot and creating loads of awareness already two persons are willing to take this course and i will gladly put them through thank you to all the best tutors i have had at this course i really appreciate and love you all.
By Austin B
•Jan 12, 2023
Very fun course to re learn and start from scratch to get to know everything about IT, building a PC, setting up a network, learning about operating systems, basic computer functions, beginner coding, using Virtual Machines, working with customers, and preparing you for interviews.
By Demetria G
•Jun 15, 2021
The program is very informative. It’s easy to follow. The quizzes helped a lot. I like the fact that you can look at videos, over and over again, if you didn’t pass that lab or test. It was very rewarding reaching the end of a week and passing that overall test. You did a good job!
By Conrad S
•Aug 12, 2020
I thought that the course was excellent, informative, well-paced, and updates with the latest information were very helpful. I am a seasoned IT professional but picked up a number of interesting items especially in the hardware, networking, and customer service sections. Great job!