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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by University of Toronto

8,613 ratings

About the Course

Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My sincere hope is that you will leave this course with a better understanding of how your brain reacts to crises, along with some powerful tools for managing it before it manages you. In this course we will cover: 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Understanding the Anxiety Response 1.3 The Necessity of Strategies to Manage Anxiety 1.4 Achieving Relaxation: A Skill We All Need to Learn Now 2.1 Why Watching the News is Addicting and How to Manage Your Consumption 2.2 The Critical Art of Mental Distraction to Crowd Out Stressors 2.3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3.1 The Effects of Isolation 3.2 Some Strategies to Make Isolation More Tolerable 3.3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World 4.1 The Need to Guard Against Depression: The Importance of Control 4.2 Bring it Together: Practice Makes Proficient 4.3 Invitation to Suggest Additional Videos...

Top reviews


Jun 15, 2020

Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19


May 18, 2021

Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.

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176 - 200 of 2,500 Reviews for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19

By Diane W


Jan 29, 2021

I came across this course listed on a work website to promote mental well being, I have encouraged several people to take this course as I found the information quite relatable in the current state of lockdown. This was my first coursera course but will not be my last. Thank you Steve for an interesting and digestible course.

By JoAnn L


Nov 10, 2020

Professor Steve Joordens has a calm and reassuring way of presenting valuable information! Professor Joordens gave us tools to take the negative aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic (i.e. distancing from loved ones, infection anxiety) and genuinely relax to see things in a positive way. The course was enlightening and worthwhile.



Jun 13, 2020

I undertook this course because I have always prioritized 'Mental Health' as an individual and in times like these where we are clueless on how to deal with our anxiety and vulnerability this course has been a blessing in disguise. Special thanks to Steve Joordens for making and curating this course in a simple and crisp manner!

By Bidisha M


Jul 25, 2020

Teacher's opinions matched with my opinions that's makes me feel so good , I also say my family the same things. I just enjoyed to learn this course and feel free. Thank you for increasing my mental health in this covid-19 situation. Thank you sir , Coursera . I love to learn more psychology courses form this teacher in future.

By Fanny M C P


Dec 1, 2020

I am so glad that I decided to take this course!! It has helped me a lot and I have learned something that will help me for the rest of my life, not only for the currently situation we are going through. I would like to congratulate you, Professor Joordens, for sharing your knowledge in such a warm way that I really enjoyed.

By Naema I


Jun 21, 2020

Honestly, after sitting at home for two months in lockdown, I finally got myself to do something productive. This course was so helpful! I've been struggling with anxiety for years now and COVID just made things harder, but this definitely helps me cope. I'll be sure to pass on the information to family and friends. Thank you.

By Bartholomew D F


Sep 30, 2020

There are many things I have been doing since adolescence and never had a name for it. Not only did I learn the names for the techniques, but I learned new components to put it all in perspective. I cannot believe that I am unknowingly on the right track. Thank you so much for being a great teacher (external locus there? LOL)

By Stella M A


Jul 7, 2020

Thank you very much! This course was extremely helpful and i recommended for all my family and friends. By the way, in my university we have a project that work with people who has anxiety and depression using exercice phisic to manage this disturbis. We proposed to then to do this course and the feedback is amazing. Congrats

By Fatih E


Dec 19, 2020

I am proud of myself that I have learned what to do against many mental problems I have experienced during the pandemic and that I have successfully completed this course. I think your suggestions and content are very useful. Thank you Professor Joordens and Coursera for giving us different perspectives in this short time.

By Reena C


Dec 28, 2021

Very useful course, really helped me a lot to know a lot about psychology, Anxiety and Depression and gave me a lot of ideas on how to handle stress. Especially since one of my close one is going through depression and I wanted to know ways in which I can handle the current situation. Thanks a lot to Sir. He is too good !

By Flavia R


Oct 12, 2020

This course represents what I was looking for in this difficult times. Not only it helps to manage in some ways the anxiety we feel but it also offers an overview of all the physical reactions of our body. It is extremely clear and helpful. I have to thank the author for having discussed this serious and difficult topic.

By Sandra S E


Jun 21, 2021

I like the simplicity yet informative way he presents the course. He make s what he's teaching relatable. The course offer suggestions that are doable and I really appreciate his suggestion on starting a group that will communicate with others who are totally isolated and/or with other people in their lives. Great Job!!!



Jun 14, 2020

Thank you Sir Dr.Steve for your humbleness of feeling for teach us in good way. Your expertise and casual way of approach that makes us very comfortable. Its like we have known you before.I have learned about how to control my mind or any distraction. This course is too good. Thank for giving this great platform to us!!

By Marta B H


Feb 7, 2021

Thank you very much! I will review it, listen to it many times. I liked all aspects of it... except at the end, when the Professor states leaving us his email address: It cannot be seen, his picture is on the top of it while he is stating that. I liked his tone of voice: very calm, assertive, and directive. Thank you!

By Doris A


Feb 19, 2021

I enjoyed the course so much that once I started, I couldn’t stop until the end. The strategies provided by the course instructor are very helpful and easy to implement. I particularly enjoyed the guided relaxation technique at the very beginning. Now I can differentiate between the sensation of tension and relaxation.

By Constance M


Dec 9, 2020

I really enjoyed the course on Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During Covid-19. The techniques I learned will help me manage my stress and anxiety, not only for Covid but also for everyday life. Keep sharing the knowledge that you to help others to gain knowledge and understanding about themselves and others.

By Catherine V S


Mar 31, 2021

The speaker, the professor is so much knowledgeable about the course. I really learned a lot. It is very interesting and helpful specially now in this trying time of crises which brought about by this pandemic. Thank you for this free course and I am hoping for more courses that you would offer to us. Stay safe.

By Jane L


Mar 28, 2021

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. Prof Joorden’s relaxed but knowledgeable approach was just what I needed to keep me engaged. Coping with COVID has had its challenges for me and Prof Joorden’s perspective and his take on the impacts the restrictions were are facing right now is having on all of us was beneficial.

By Jess


Nov 2, 2020

I'm glad I found this course. This has been a hard year and as a lifelong sufferer of anxiety it has been extra tough. It helped to remember that there is science behind how and why your body reacts the way it does to stress, specifically the news, and that there are solid, conscious steps you can take to manage it.

By Ivette G


Aug 31, 2020

Excelente curso. Muy bien estructurado. Lenguaje sencillo, cumplió mis expectativas. Entendí porque reaccionamos y como poder controlar esas reacciones. Me encantó el dominio del profesor y el desarrollo del temario dentro del contexto actual que estamos viviendo a nivel personal y global. La traducción excelente.

By Trupti G


Jul 15, 2021

Thank you very much for this well prepared course. I got a golden chance to attend the courses provide on COURSERA for free. This course was give knowledge about mental health. The session was both informative and thought provoking. The topics about sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems were intresting.

By Lori G


Nov 19, 2020

Thank you! We studied this together as colleagues and had weekly discussions on the topics of the course. It was great to "socially connect' with colleagues in this way as it made the learning more meaningful and we learned from one another, too. I'll be recommending this to others.

All the best and take good care!



Sep 26, 2020

Great course! Even though I am a psychology graduate and heard these tips from news and other mental health professionals before, this course really convinced me with scientific evidence why we should try these tips. Thanks Dr. Joordens! (P.S.: Dedication to healthcare workers was really thoughtful and affective.)



Jun 22, 2020

I believe the course is a perfect guide towards fighting with anxiety during this uncertain time. Well, we have always lived in a uncertain environment, so this is absolutely a perfect course for beginners to understand about the aspects of human psychology during uncertainty. Highly recommended to all age groups.

By Gokula K S


Oct 11, 2020

In this Covid situation everyone needs to know ,How to control our anxiety,depression .This course really helps me to figure out what to do to take care of mental health.Social connection importance and Guided relaxation many more.Professor engaged and structured the course in the right way to control our anxiety