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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Indigenous Canada by University of Alberta

23,067 ratings

About the Course

Indigenous Canada is a 12-lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations. Topics for the 12 lessons include the fur trade and other exchange relationships, land claims and environmental impacts, legal systems and rights, political conflicts and alliances, Indigenous political activism, and contemporary Indigenous life, art and its expressions....

Top reviews


Aug 31, 2020

This is a great survey course about Indigenous Canada. As a participant, I have learned and unlearned so much about Indigenous Canadians, and more important, this course has inspired me to learn more.


Feb 24, 2021

Excdellent course! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn the material presented. Thanks you so much! All the work that was evident in putting this course together was worth the effort!

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1026 - 1050 of 7,907 Reviews for Indigenous Canada

By Velvet M


Nov 10, 2020

I absolutely feel that the content of the course should be taught to everyone as it teaches greater knowledge and awareness of the past and how it relates to the present. The instructors were well-versed and engaging. Thank you for this opportunity to learn more so that I may take these teachings and pass along knowledge to others I will engage with in the future. With deep appreciation and respect, thank you.

By Angelina K


Nov 3, 2020

Made me laugh, made me cry, stirred and surprised me! The course opened my mind and filled me with wisdom and understanding. This experience marked me for life in ways that I will be forever grateful to know the stories and struggles of the First Nations people both then and now. Take this course if you're ready to be elevated and soar to higher heights mentally, emotionally, spiritually and intellectually :D

By Arndrea S


Oct 31, 2020

This course is fantastic. As a Canadian, I feel I have had little to no true education about Indigenous culture. This course was a great foundation to start to dive into not only the many issues Indigenous peoples are facing with the Canadian Government, but it lays the foundation to help you learn from the beginning before settler society up to today. I am looking forward to continuing my journey of learning.

By Janet S


Apr 4, 2020

Thank you for offering this course. I learned so much. I had to unlearn a great deal as my educational K-12 and university education, prior to this course, so Eurocentric. I am glad that my son will be a part of an educational system that will provide more than that one view. I have invited my colleagues, my students' parents, and my family to also participate in your course. It is excellent. Thank you.

By Julie M


Aug 8, 2023

I sincerely wish to become an ally to indigenous people and those in my community whom i would like to know better. I would like to help anyway i can and will always be seeking out ways to be an ally. I am also interested in obtaining a certificate for this course even though i originally chose to audit it. I am also interested in further education through University of Alberra. Thank you to all Juliet Myers

By Tara G


Mar 23, 2021

This was one of the most informative courses I have ever taken. I feel like I have a greater sense of history with our indigenous people and better understanding of how we are where we are in history. This course was incredibly well done and the reading resource material is phenomenal and I highly recomend this course to every Canadian, especially if you are working in any capacity with our indeigenous people

By April H


Nov 24, 2020

I found this course very well designed and the presenters were easy to listen to and understand. I was able to be focussed as the information was being presented. I loved the personal interviews and stories shared. I learned alot about other First Nations groups/peoples/culture/teachings/art, etc.

I look forward to other topics/courses reflective of the Indigenous culture.

Wela'lioq (thank you very much


By Miranda B


Apr 25, 2024

A fantastic course ! This course was so informative and one I wish we were taught in all schools. The readings, and lecture notes were well-written and easy to follow. The quizzes at times, were challenging, but it was great they allowed you multiple opportunities to learn and try again. Thanks, University of Alberta and all those involved in making and producing these lectures, readings, lessons and videos.

By Raymond I


Feb 19, 2021

Provides insight and understanding of Indigenous worldview and culture and the historic and lasting impacts of colonialism. Non-indigenous Canadians would benefit from learning about the legacy which materially benefits them in perpetuity and the opportunity to share and come to some understanding of the experience and lived reality of Indigenous peoples. Presented with pride and reverence. Thanks to all.

By Cheryl R


Dec 28, 2020

This course was moving and thought-provoking. I had previously participated in a Kairos Blanket ceremony so I was totally interested in taking this course. It was extremely professional and very thorough. The lectures were great and the collages that each section had were absolutely amazing in the symbolism that each component represented.

I am not sure how to thank you for this information and experience.

By Patricia D


Mar 27, 2022

This course is essential learning for all Canadians. I'm an immigrant and so did not experience the history my my K-12 schooling. I am much more thoughtful, knowing the history, when I read news articles about First Nations issues. The course was well rounded and substantive. Thank you to all who participated in the reserach and delivery of this course. From Tricia in Vancouver, age 70 and still learning.

By Jessica P


Aug 17, 2021

Thank you so much for offering this course so publicly and freely. I have learned a lot about the history of the land and have a different perspective now. As an elementary teacher, a Canadian, and an ancestor of immigrants, it is my responsibility to share my knowledge and new perspective. This should be mandatory course for all teachers, and ideally ALL high school students. With much gratitude, Jessica

By Jill T


Nov 13, 2020

This was an excellent introduction and overview to Indigenous perspectives in Canadian history and more contemporary issues. It inspires me to learn more. As I learn about First Nations leadership models, worldview, social mores, spirituality, and respect and responsibility for the land, the more I think settlers sadly missed an opportunity to adopt and share attitudes of great benefit to life on earth.

By Shannon J


Nov 2, 2020

This was an excellent course that provided very interesting, multidimensional view of some important topics relating to Indigenous peoples in Canada. I left the course with more (and better) knowledge than I started with, and I would love to learn more about this very large, very interesting and very important subject. Thank you to the faculty, presenters and everyone who collaborated to offer this course.

By borhan a


Sep 29, 2020

It was so powerful influencial course that I was driven faster than the required time to complete the weeks modules. I am currently working on restorative justice and practice in academic medicine in developing relationship between doctors and patients for patients safety and satisfaction. This course helped me to get into the depth of knowledge regarding restorative justice and practice in ancient period.

By Maryann A


Sep 21, 2020

I enjoyed this course immensely from beginning to end! Never a dull moment, so much information, such truth and very eye opening. I look at the Indigenous community with a much different lens than when I first started the course. Although I am Metis' myself, I did not have the "whole" cultural background that I've learned through this wonderful course. Thank you for bringing such incredible insight. Merci'

By Roxanne G


Sep 8, 2020

Thank you to the teachers and all contributors to this course. I've learned so much. This gave me a much better sense of the ongoing battle that ingenious peoples continue to fight for in order to reclaim their culture and have their honest histories told. I, for one, wish to be an allie and will continue to educate myself in order to better understand. Thank you so much for your help in this journey!

By Jonathon R L


Aug 7, 2019

Very interesting, learned a lot, great presenters. Excellent course to take to become acquainted with the current state of indigenous affairs. Also provided a perspective that I had previously not been exposed to. Would benefit greatly from a more dynamic presentation of the content--while the videos are well-done, delivery felt very static after the first few modules and made it difficult to stay focused.

By Colin A


Mar 7, 2022

This is a comprehensive introductory course on Indigenous Peoples in Canada. I am very grateful for the time, effort, care, and attention to detail that has gone into its creation. The truth as I see it, is that every Canadian, new, and old alike, should have this education and knowledge in their own personal learning tool kits. Well done and I will recommend to as many people as I can. Many thanks, Colin

By Amie E


Feb 17, 2022

I've learned a lot from this course! I appreciated the insights from the Indigenous presenters. I heard about this free course on Orange shirt day. I am of Metis desent and valued learning the history of Indigenous people in Canada. I didnt have this opportunity in school. I recommend this course to anyone wanting Indigenous perspective on the history of Canada and some understanding into current affairs.

By richard g


Sep 27, 2021

As a non Nation member who works at a First Nation Government in a leadership role this course provides much context to the impacts of colonialism that exist today. Context is important and plays a key role in how communications are received and provided. Great course. This course due to its required generalizations to cover all of Canada also provided a path into more specific and localized learning.

By Oleh H


Aug 28, 2021

Thanks a lot to the Faculty of Native Studies for creating such rich, wide view and detailed course about Indigenous culture. Hope to see the continuation in the field of Modern Spiritual and Mental health practices as well about Aboriginal veterans, Education of the Youth and International cooperation. I would like to spread First Nations culture in my country for the new generation. To all my relations!

By Rose A S


Feb 19, 2021

This was an Incredible course!! Very thorough, clear, easy to understand and although a few of the quizzes I had to do over it made me realize that just because this is a free course does not mean it is easy:) Thank you to the Instructors and to the University of Alberta. This will add to my knowledge of Indigenous Culture, values, beliefs, holistic way of life and connection to the land.

Rose Ann Swanson

By Eamonn M


Nov 22, 2020

The course was excellent; informative, inspiring and at times moving. The module on Residential Schools was hard to watch at times. Overall the course was a terrific grounding in the subject, particularly for me as a complete newcomer. The structure and organization was very well thought through and flawlessly executed. The audio and visual content added vital dimensions to the overall immersive feel.

By Robert V


Sep 28, 2020

Wow! history is crazy. thank you for this course. it's very powerful. At first some little mistakes slowed me down, but once I turned that off and paid attention to the big picture taking shape, i could appreciate the richness. I ended up needing more time to read more current and historical stories. Keep up the great work. This is something Canada and the world really needs to know (as I'm sure you know)