Jul 12, 2020
I really enjoyed this course, it would be awesome to see al least one training example using GPU (maybe in Google Colab since not everyone owns one) so we could train the deepest networks from scratch
Sep 20, 2020
Excellent, solid insights into working of models as well as providing references to the original work. THe assignments give practical examples of models one might want to implement for their own use.
By ç¾…ç¿Šèª
•Mar 22, 2020
Very great experience of computer vision!Lots of interesting DL/CV information is in the course!
By Ahmed S S A
•Jan 12, 2020
It is really a great course, and i am sure it will benefit me in my career in Autonomous Driving.
By Shahriyar R
•Oct 18, 2019
Practical aspects are powerful in this course, especially the inline code explanations are great.
By Jamil H
•Sep 16, 2019
A very useful course covering theoretical and practical approach of convolutional Neural Networks
By Kirk B
•Jan 17, 2019
Andrew Ng is hands down the best teacher in this space. Excellent lectures and a well run course.
By Brandon d T
•Nov 26, 2018
Great, interactive course. Learned a lot and there were a lot of relevant real world applications
By Man M S
•Nov 25, 2018
Very good course. It gives lot of technique and ideas that will help in solving complex problems.
By Carlos H B
•Nov 12, 2018
Excellent course.. Andrew and his team know how guide this complex subject to us. Great exercises
By khaled a
•Oct 22, 2018
thanks for the fourth time to coursera and donors for the financial aid and andrew for the topics
By George R I
•Oct 19, 2018
A great introduction to CNN including history, theory as well as plenty of programming exercises!
By DrDee
•Jun 13, 2018
As usual Andrew Ng does a fantastic job explaining CNNS and educating deep learning enthusiasts !
By Vitaliy
•Mar 7, 2018
Good exercises but sometimes hidden details. (Where does my tripple_loss function is applied to?)
By 林胜义
•Jan 1, 2018
you will learn how to build a convolutional nerual network for image procession. Very impressive.
By Prabu S
•Sep 26, 2023
Only AndrewNg can explain such complicated concepts in such small few minutes of Lecture Videos.
By Ricardo C E
•Feb 12, 2023
Muy interesantes los conceptos presentados y los algoritmos y arquitecturas de redes muy útiles.
By shashank k
•Jul 14, 2021
Gives really good insights of CNN and computer vision application. Must do course for beginners.
By Syed M T
•Jan 18, 2021
Best course of this series. Really helpful. Thankyou Andrew and the amazing Coursera community !
By Vinaya S R
•Nov 18, 2020
Very Wll explained by Andrew N G.However,it would be nice to explain all the lab materials also.
By Bobby J
•Oct 29, 2020
Great, but quite difficult for beginner like me if the mathematical intuition isn't clear enough
•Jun 15, 2020
No one other than Andrew N.G. could have made CNN this simple, Thankyou sir, extremely grateful!
By Rohankumar k G
•May 19, 2020
Best course as a foundation for convolution neural network and computer vision to several extent
By Ondar A
•Apr 29, 2020
great course! Thanks to the authors! I would also like to learn the GAN topic in this course! :)
By Digvijay S
•Mar 15, 2020
Very insightful and informative course. A must have to understand the concepts of Deep Learning.
By Ignacio G G
•Jan 10, 2020
Super complete! A lot of valuable information and knowledge about convolutional neural networks.
By Namburi S
•Dec 6, 2019
An excellent course with real-world applications which helps one to start off with in this field