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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,948 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Feb 19, 2021

This was really time-consuming but it was really worth learning. Although in the end, it seems to be very basic things, they would be essential through whatever you want to accomplish in the IT field.


Apr 19, 2020

the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course

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1926 - 1950 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Ms. S S

Jun 23, 2020

get a opportunity to learn basics of computer networks through

The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking.

Thanks Coursera

By Abhilasha v

May 10, 2020

It was Amazing journey got the opportunities to learn many things about Network, Internet, All the layers and many more.

By Abhishek B

May 3, 2020

Great course for people who want to know more about computer networks and those who are willing to pursue a career in IT

By Jeylen P

Feb 19, 2020

Despite the fact that I am only a high school junior, I feel confident in what I have learned about computer networking.

By Shankul V

Oct 7, 2019

Very informative and concept clearing course. I think these skills are a must for anyone involved with computers itself.

By David G

Mar 23, 2022

Some modules were very dry, but were presented in a way that made them less so. Very detailed and informative lessons!

By Cesar S D S

Feb 17, 2022

Es bastante exigente, muy al detalle, hay que dedicarle mucha paciencia y atención. Is tryhard, but excelent to learn.

By Benny T H L

Nov 25, 2021

The course presented relevant updated material so that candidates would be able to hit the ground running. Great Work!

By majid m

Nov 24, 2021

Content wise this course is excellent, Great course and I learned a lot from it, much more than I initially anticipated

By Frances T

Nov 10, 2021

It was very educational but took a long time to grasp well because a lot of information is condensed into a few minutes


Aug 29, 2021

It was challenging and tough. But I feel empowered because I now know more than I ever known about computer networking!

By Richard K

Apr 1, 2021

It has opened my eyes to many things i never knew before. Perfect mode of instruction. Adequate instructional materials

By Juluri S

Sep 29, 2020

Awesome content by Google. Every video is short but has much content to learn more. Keep confidence and enjoy learning.

By Satwik D

Sep 24, 2020

Fantastic!, Just absolutely amazing work google does in creating courses! Love the plugins which provide real practice.

By David S

Aug 17, 2020

It was hard. There a lot of concepts and definitions you have to recall. But don't let that sway you. Keep learning! :)

By cristian s p p

Jul 29, 2020

i enjoyed the course, i learned many things, i widespread my knowledge about networking. Thanks google, thanks coursera

By Ricardo A (

Jul 18, 2020

I could see there is a long way into a deep knowledge of all those new technologies from this next internet generation.


Jun 29, 2020

Thank you Coursera for this Platform and I'm also Thankful to the Professors and Instructors

Thank you Google...!


By Doug S

Mar 27, 2020

This course does a good job of covering computer networking. You learn how it works and how to fix it when it doesn't.

By Ashish G

Dec 10, 2019

Great course. Recommended for absolute beginners.

I recommend searching the internet heavily while taking this course.

By Vikas K G

Sep 26, 2019

I learnt so much about about networking and communication of computer system.

I I'm totally satisfied with this course.

By Antony C

Feb 20, 2019

The course contains a lot of information, but also plenty of resources to learn more, which is what everyone should do.

By Frank C

Sep 17, 2018

This course helped fill in many gaps I had in relation to the tech support of networks. Lots of things make sense now.

By Ashley M T

Mar 14, 2024

This course is challenging but worth every bit of time put in to learn. Definitely a recommended course to go through.

By Anthony H

Sep 4, 2023

This is so amazing and I recommend those that are interested to come try this courses because you can learn a lot here