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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking by Google

50,948 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals of modern networking technologies and protocols to an overview of the cloud to practical applications and network troubleshooting. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: ● describe computer networks in terms of a five-layer model ● understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications ● grasp powerful network troubleshooting tools and techniques ● learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run ● understand cloud computing, everything as a service, and cloud storage...

Top reviews


Feb 19, 2021

This was really time-consuming but it was really worth learning. Although in the end, it seems to be very basic things, they would be essential through whatever you want to accomplish in the IT field.


Apr 19, 2020

the course was really helpful in understanding the basics of networking and the practical knowledge that was provided through the videos and the assignments is good. thank you for such a good course

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1751 - 1775 of 10,000 Reviews for The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

By Eswar P

Nov 23, 2022

Excellent, I learned more from this course. Thank you very much to Coursera for give a wonderful opportunity to learn this course.

By Mark O O

Sep 18, 2022

the best way of training, it has been hardwork and perserverence, I've learned alot and i believe you can too, just never give up.

By Cecilia M

Mar 2, 2022

Wow... This stuff amazed me. It is tough to grasp some of the concepts, but the way in which it is presented makes it much easier!

By Amber P

Aug 5, 2021

The amount of information I learned about networking internals was astonishing. It really helps open my eyes to what is out there.

By Uche

Mar 12, 2021

The teachings of this Google IT support is the best i have ever taken. Kudos to the entire team. I am enjoying my learning so far.

By Richard C

Nov 11, 2020

Challenging, yet at the same time engaging enough for someone with very little background in the field as myself. Time well spent!

By Stephanie G

Oct 29, 2020

This course took very complicated material and made it fun and easy to learn. The instructor was clear and encouraging. Thank you!

By Sambhaw S

Jul 31, 2020

best course I have taken in Coursera till now covers all the basics of networking, and I like the way the curriculum is instructed

By Abhishek R B

Jun 22, 2020

It was an amazing course and a great teacher to learn with.

This course covers all the aspects of networking protocols and devices.

By Rinchen L

Jun 10, 2020

I'm extremely thankful for the service that Google and Coursera has provided. Love it! I'm grateful for the great detailed videos!

By John M

May 27, 2020

Super dense information, but I feel it has given a better understanding of how computers work/communicate and that is pretty cool.

By Govind S

May 6, 2020

The instructor was great! I learned a lot about computer networking through this course, more than what I've learned from college.

By Tanner B

Mar 10, 2019

I really loved this course. The teacher was very good and easy to understand, though sometimes he had his head in "The Cloud." LOL

By Michael D

Mar 6, 2019

This was a challenging course. Although I had some knowledge of how it worked, I learned a lot of new and very useful information!

By Alonzo W H

Jul 27, 2018

Tough course, but very appreciative of all the information on how computers work, ipv4, the cloud etc!

Kind Regards,

Alonzo W. Hill

By Nick D

Mar 23, 2018

Very well done. Information was very compact and efficient but easy to understand if you put the time and effort into the process.

By Rey D J

Mar 22, 2018

This was way more difficult but I definitely enjoyed it. I am actually got more interested in networking after taking this course.

By Khaled M A

May 26, 2024

Thanks a lot. This is my complete feedback on LinkedIn:

By James R

Dec 28, 2022

This was an amazing course. They did an excellent job of explaining everything. The test and quizzes really helped a lot as well.

By Shaheryar A

Nov 9, 2022

Believe Me Completing Coursera Courses And Achieving Certificates With A Lot Of Knowledge Is The Best Experience In The World.

By Van K

Sep 13, 2022

From a scale of 1-10 my enjoyment was 5 while the difficulty was a solid 8. It was probably the hardest course I've done so far.

By Sarthak S

Jan 16, 2022

It was an amazing experience for me to learn and master all these brilliant topics.

Thank you so much for such a great learning !

By Mohamed I S (

Nov 13, 2021

Coursera, the pradise is where every thing is already prepared and we get every single thing we dream. Just Coursera is like that

By Keran N R

Jul 15, 2021

Tuff but very interesting , Very good tutor easy to understand,

It is a 50/50 devotions, you have to help yourself of course.


By Luis N

Oct 13, 2020

Excelente forma d aprendizaje, siento que he aprendido más en este curso que en mi materia de Universidad sobre Redes. Estupendo