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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Biomedical Visualisation by University of Glasgow

497 ratings

About the Course

Visualisation is a rapidly progressive specialty in academia, research and industry, and becoming the future of science. With the advancement of digital technologies and their applications, biomedical visualisation is an evolving and popular field. With new techniques and technologies to image, process and analyse data related to the human body, and its biological processes, it is at the forefront of the digital revolution. Why not view our course trailer video. Copy and paste this link into your browser By the end of this course, you will be able to: Define and describe anatomical terminology related to the human body. Describe the various body systems, what comprises them, and how they relate to function. Create your own 3D modelling and animations using industry standard, open-source software (Blender). Analyse various visualisation techniques and methods, and be able to apply them to areas of biomedical science. This course is the first of its kind on Coursera. It explores the structure and function of the human body including terminology used. It showcases visualisation techniques available using technology to image and display data related to the body and biological processes.. It also provides training in the creation of animations, and examines the applicability of different types of reality. You will learn from experts in these fields and with the knowledge you will gain from this course, be able to evaluate and apply how best to use visualisation in your own discipline. No prior experience is necessary but should be able to learn at an intermediate level....

Top reviews


Jul 22, 2020

Biomedical Visualisation course was very helpful towards my recent bachelors degree. It really taught me VR, Blender software and many more skills which are important to Biomedical Engineering.


Jun 12, 2020


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26 - 50 of 125 Reviews for Biomedical Visualisation

By Sharmi M

Jul 12, 2020

It was very interesting!!

By Brenda I B Z

Jun 29, 2020

Really useful course


Jun 29, 2020


By Eduardo C Q I

Oct 13, 2020

I finished the course and I can say I am glad I took it. I'll make a quick summarize of my impressions. Hope they are useful for instructors and future students:

Week 1 is a fast overview of anatomical terminology, a little bit of general physiology and a little bit of history. It was good to refresh some concepts I had forgotten.

Week 2 is where they talk about 3D- modelling softwares and terminology and is when you are taught to use Blender. I liked the videos (though one of them appeared small on screen). They were very well explained. However, as they say, they are only introductory. We go straight to the point to create the femur model. Anyway, the articles were awesome and informative.

Week 3 and 4 are specifcally about VR,MR,AR and, in general, ER. You learn a lot about the terminology used in the field, the vast amount of applications there are, the institutions, companies and projects that have been developing such incredible technologies, biomedical-related ER technology and its limitations, advantages, disadvantages, challenges, etc. You will end up with a very valuable idea of the state of the art in these fields.

So, summarizing, I finished with a much clearer idea of the state of the art of ER in biomedical areas, which is extraodinary. The most valuable things for me were the informative and interesting articles shared and the small introduction to Blender software, but mostly the articles. The video lectures are also amazing. Short (except one of them) but concise and very interesting.

What I didn't like was that you are not taught to do a simple animation in Blender. I thought it was going to be there in week 2, but it wasn't. That's the only thing that let me down a little. But only a little. The rest of the course was so enriching.


I would love to see the Master in coursera, or at least a much more extended course. I would buy it immediately. So, I encourage you to consider making an online version of the master, or a specialization. I know the master is unique in the world, and therefore so special, but please consider this.

Thanks for the small window you open for us to see and explore the paradise that's there outside. I now know what to keep studying: extended realities for visualization and interaction. I feel more motivated to do it. I am amazed for the things we can create. This is a passionate field you helped me discover.

By Jokūbas L

Jun 10, 2020

Definitely a course worth taking since this field of study is still not very mainstream. The videos/podcasts were very engaging and interesting. Perhaps this course is a little bit reading-heavy I'd say. All in all, it made me consider doing a medical visualization Master's degree! Thank you.

By Neti R

Jun 7, 2020

It was a wonderful experience. Although I joined a bit late, but the course is so designed that I did put extra time to complete the course in the stpulated time. Nice course, would like to have more such courses soon...

By Aura M F P

May 25, 2020

Excellent course. Only one video did not like me because the image on it was not enough clear to allow the visualization for following the steps in blender. But the topic and resources were very interesting.

By Ehushubhamkishoreshaw

Jul 2, 2020

course is beautiful but there is a lot of reading that is why 1 star less rest course is best for biomedical engineers and other branches too but specially for biomedical engineering i suggest this cource

By s m

May 29, 2020

It is very useful for me . It helps me to understand the Future technology thank you University of Glasgow . Thank u so much.i am happy for your work of teaching

By carrhj

May 8, 2020

A great introductory course covering a wide variety of 3D technologies. I have learnt a lot and will apply this new knowledge in my own work.

By Shaivee T

Jul 10, 2020

It was very great experience learning biomedical visualization. I would like to complete much courses on related topics. Thank you .

By msivanov

Oct 21, 2020

Looks like a more basic course rather than intermediate. Lectors in interviews are all keen and enthusiastic. Watching it was more inspiring than informative. A lot of materials are given in writing form or with links to research papers, which is not bad for me. But the explanation of biomedical visualisation could have been done with more examples and more hand-on projects. For example, add more lessons with blender.

By Ahmad M

Apr 3, 2021

It's a good course; I learnt a lot. However, I found something very very irritating; the name of the course is Biomedical Visualisation, however as I see, a very small portion of the course was related to biomedicine. I would rather call the course: "Computer Visualisation", "Virtual and Augmented Reality", etc. It clearly gives small attention to the biomedical aspect of visualisation.

By Mariana A d O

Nov 8, 2020

I think it would be better if we had more classes on the use of Blender, or maybe explore other softwares such as SolidWorks. Overall, the first 2 weeks were amazing and the last 2 a little less interesting.


Apr 29, 2022

Beautifully organized, easy to follow week after week.

I am a Medicine student and I found the first week as a refreshing review of what I already studied at University, but then the other weeks have been a total "immersive" jump into the future of medical and technological - but not only - fields.

I have had the pleasure of attending this detailed but not too overwhelming course and I want to express my gratitude towards the highly skilled and prepared people that worked in this project.

By Andrés E H M

May 3, 2021

Un curso muy informativo y que estudia muchos casos de uso donde la realidad aumentada, virtual, mixta y extendida, entre otras, se pueden aplicar. El material está muy completo y lo recomiendo a todo profesional de áreas de salud, estudiantes y público general que quieran expandir sus conocimientos en aplicaciones que éstas tecnologías ya brindan y van a seguir generando para beneficio de la salud a futuro.

By Жанна Т

Feb 19, 2024

Уважаемые преподаватели, Организаторы данного курса по теме "Биомедицинская визуализация!.. Хочу поблагодарить всех лекторов и участников данного проекта за исчерпывающую и увлекательную подачу материала. Вся информация дана лаконично, но в то же время весьма доступно для понимания. Желаю Вашему коллективу успехов и процветания. С глубокой благодарностью, ваш курсант, М. Битенова.


Dec 6, 2021

I had the chance to take this course in a time when the importance of distance education has come to light once again during the Covid-19 pandemic. I had the opportunity to see what people who set their heart on medical education do for education, training, diagnosis and treatment. I wish to be a part of this team in the future, and I would like to thank everyone who contributed.

By Benezer L

Apr 20, 2021

The best course ever. Big thanks to Paul Rea, Professor

College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, Amy Webster

School of Life Sciences, University of Glasgow. Thanks a lot to Mr David Collins, Miss Jenny Crow, Dr Craig Daly, Mr Nigel Hutchins, Dr Claudia Krebs. Professor Niall MacFarlane, Dr Neil McDonnell, Dr Matthieu Poyade, Catherine MacRobbie.

By Yujin O

Jul 18, 2024

I liked that the course provided research papers in medical fields about how AR, VR, XR are can be used and what the limitations are. I also found it helpful to create 3D modelling of human femur bone using Blender. I wish there were more graded class activities to create 3D models of human body parts and place them in AR or VR environment.

By Kumu K

Feb 25, 2024

I freaked out at the beginning thought the technology that been taught can be perceived or not, but the course designing took me through a very smooth journey, and I overwhelmed with the outcome of this innovation, hats off to the team who made this possible!

By Cristofer A C V

May 1, 2023

The course is quite complete and up-to-date, it shows the current reality of what biomedical visualization is and helps to understand its present and future in medicine and biomedical engineering.

By melih c t

Aug 1, 2023

I think the course is an enlightening experience for imaging systems that can be used in many different fields in the future. Also, I would say the "Blender" program was the biggest bonus.

By Kamila B

Nov 23, 2023

Un excelente curso introductorio. Me hubiera encantado realizar más actividades prácticas y realizar actividades con mayor acercamiento a proyectos de la Universidad de Glasgow.

By Andrew S

Apr 9, 2022

The myriad possibilities of using virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality in various fields of biomedicine and beyond, which have honestly been mindblowing.