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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art by The Museum of Modern Art

1,259 ratings

About the Course

Explore how activities can foster students’ creativity and encourage them to become empowered participants in their learning....

Top reviews


Aug 17, 2017

UN curso sencillo y amigable, ayuda a tener perspectivas distintas en cuanto a las actividades relacionadas al arte y que se pueden aplicar tanto a diferentes edades como a diferentes inteligencias.


Jun 21, 2020

Great material! It was an engaging course and very enjoyable to take. I appreciate MoMA professionals for putting it together and making it free for everyone. This is a true treasure. Thank you.

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1 - 25 of 332 Reviews for Art & Activity: Interactive Strategies for Engaging with Art

By Samra K

Oct 13, 2017

This is a beautiful course, I loved every part of it, and learned a lot ! I clicked it by chance, while I was looking for something else, and then I just fall in love with it ! Even though I am not working in this field and Art is more like a hobby for me, I learned so much and I am sure I will be able to use it in different areas of my research and creativeness. I already recommended this course to all my friends who are artists, work as art professors or curators. It is really something special and students can really benefit from these strategies. Its innovative, very interesting and very creative. And it broaden your horizons and the way how you look at art. Highly recommended !

By Lisa L

Oct 21, 2016

I really enjoyed the class. It was well put together, interesting, and gave me a lot of great ideas. Great for a new teacher or a refresher for an experienced teacher looking for new lessons.

By Benjamin C C

Jun 6, 2020

Mi objetivo era adquirir mayores competencias para la enseñanza, comprender de qué manera podría incorporar el arte dentro del aula de cualquier materia y complementar objetivos actitudinales al currículo.

He realizado múltiples cursos en línea sobre docencia, enseñanza y tecnologías para la educación pero este curso ha sido divertido, claro, concreto y comprensible sobre los objetivos que me había planteado. El trabajo final es una buena estrategia para evaluar todo lo aprendido. Durante los foros se puede conocer muchos profesores que tienen muchas ideas de cómo mejorar la práctica profesional.

Con lo aprendido en el curso podre incrementar el tipo de estrategias educativas, incorporar el arte en la enseñanza y utilizar el arte como medio para enseñar competencias actitudinales.

Les agradezco a las profesoras del Museo de Arte de Moderno de Nueva York por sus clases claras y comprensibles, así como a la plataforma por permitirnos realizar estos cursos.

By Maria P

Feb 4, 2018

This course is very useful and inspiring! There are interesting ready-made ideas of activities and mainly good descriptions of its principles of creation in this course. Highly recommend!

By Isabel d N

Apr 21, 2016

It is a very interesting course.

The tasks are achievable and easy to follow.

I do not understand how your final qualification depends on an activity qualified by fellow students, many of them, as the instructions read, are not fluent in English. How can they evaluate an activity written in such?

By Galina T

Dec 18, 2017

За три месяца я прошла 6 курсов на Coursera и дождалась окончания всех, чтобы сравнить и дать объемную оценку курсам. Этот курс от МОМА очень яркий, с прекрасным визуальным рядом, и богатым, можно сказать концентрированным наполнением. Думаю, его можно пройти за одни выходные.

Курс на английском с русскими субтитрами. Тесты на английском, но они достаточно легкие, чтобы переводить через гугл-переводчик. Итоговый экзамен - сделать событие, взаимодействие с произведением искусства, применяя инструменты курса, работая с разными органами чувств.

Здорово, что преподаватели начали с трансляции своих ценностей и объяснения "откуда ноги растут". Много говорили об оценки эффективности обучения.Мы изучали множество точек доступа для изучения искусства (а по факту для взаимодействия с миром). Логический, логико-математический, музыкальный, телесно-кинестетический, пространственный, межличностный, внутри личностный, натуралистический подходы. И к ним кучи маленьких сценариев - предложений для взаимодействия.Перед экраном мы многое пробовали на себе. Несколько раз я "тестила" задачки на своем парне в музеях Питера :) Даже купили годовые абонементы в самый большой музей современного искусства Эрарта.

Про этот курс я чаще всего рассказываю друзьям и применяю полученные знания в жизни и обучении.

By Vanesa S S V

Mar 27, 2020

El curso es muy bueno, ágil en su didáctica, con un aprendizaje significativo.

A modo de sugerencia les digo que podrian enviar un certificado de participación para los que decidimos hacer el curso de forma gratuita. La ayuda económica no me sirve ya que soy estudiante, desocupada, vivimos al día con ventas de artesanías y no puedo costear el pago. pero un certificado de participación es muy útil a la hora de presentar mi curriculum. He realizado otros cursos de forma virtual y he obtenido un certificado de participación. Gracias.

By Marco L

Aug 17, 2017

UN curso sencillo y amigable, ayuda a tener perspectivas distintas en cuanto a las actividades relacionadas al arte y que se pueden aplicar tanto a diferentes edades como a diferentes inteligencias.

By Anshul J

Aug 26, 2019

Very interesting and helpful course for art educators and educators in general. Inputs are very clear and easily understandable. Brilliant mentors/instructors. Very well planned course.

By Омарова А С

May 3, 2020

The course was too similar to the Art & Inquiry Museum Teaching Strategies For Your Classroom. I went through the same one. And I noticed that both courses are not much different from each other. Almost the same discussions and the same pitch. And the assignments at the end are similar. It's wrong to do two different courses on the same basis. That's cheating. Even the work was repeated. And these huge texts from Skype discussions-- why them? Are they chi-hi-hi or mmm in the text? And the six-person evaluation made it harder for everyone. All they write in the discussion with a request to see the final project. And there is a big difference between submission and practice in the final task. That's why everybody faced difficulties in assessment. The course in general is necessary, but it is done terribly.

By Rosario A

Apr 14, 2020

Me pareció muy útil e interesante el curso. La modalidad también es buena ya que son clases cortas con textos cortos y largos y muchos recursos ya sea de obras de artes, actividades, páginas webs, etc. También me pareció muy bueno que, aún siendo un curso corto, logra integrar diferentes enfoques teóricos con actividades prácticas, lo cual hace que uno salga con herramientas y técnicas concretas para aplicar en la sala de clases, museo, o lugar de trabajo en general. También me gustó mucho poder revisar trabajos de otros compañeros y que ellos revisaran mi trabajo, porque al leer las actividades diseñadas por otras personas pude conocer otras perspectivas sobre la educación artística y las temáticas del curso, además de que los comentarios que hicieron sobre mi trabajo me sirvió como retroalimentación para mis actividades. Finalmente, es un curso diseñado para hacer en 4 semanas, pero te permite hacerlo en el tiempo que uno estime conveniente. Yo lo hice en dos días de manera intensiva porque es el tiempo que tenía disponible, y no me pusieron problemas por eso.

By Hanne B

May 23, 2017

Dear MOMA, the course offers excellent video presentations and a variety of scholarly articles that are very useful to read. The course has taught me a lot.

One suggestion, though. The course's language is English but I think it would be appropriate to somehow reach out to native Spanish speakers. When they are not proficient in English they should still be able to submit in Spanish and be graded by other native Spanish speakers. This should somehow be possible. Spanish is the most popular second language learned in the United States and Spanish is second on the lists of languages by number of native speakers.

I recommend this course to everybody with an interest in engaging any audience with art.

By javiera a m a

May 30, 2019

It is a totally necessary course, since it is important to see the museum from another perspective, where there must be interaction and other means to know what is exposed. While it is a good course, I am against the way to evaluate the last part of qualification by peers, since the grade will depend only on the tastes of the person who evaluates and not on the actual content that was passed in the course.

By Maria M

Jun 21, 2020

Great material! It was an engaging course and very enjoyable to take. I appreciate MoMA professionals for putting it together and making it free for everyone. This is a true treasure. Thank you.

By ma f

Apr 27, 2019

Muy bueno, lástima que sea un curso en inglés.

By Rosana M R

Jan 16, 2021

Hola!!!!!!!!no puedo completar las actividades porque están en ingles y no se pueden traducir al español, hay manera de solucionarlo?¿¿ muchas gracias

Es una pena porque parece muy interesante y no me da la opción

By Ana C d C S

Apr 7, 2020

Um curso muito interessante e acessível para qualquer formando, tenha ou não conhecimentos na área das Artes.

Atividades e sugestões interessantes para desenvolver com públicos infantis e juvenis. No entanto, penso que está muito direcionado para o desenvolvimento de atividades artísticas em entidades culturais e educativas (museus, galerias de arte, estudantes da área das artes). Não deixa de ser muito interessante e tentar adaptar ao público alvo para o qual trabalhamos, no meu caso, é maioritariamente com séniores institucionalidados.

Parabéns pela Vossa iniciativa e pelo curso!

By María E O

Sep 24, 2020

This is a really interesting course which offers useful resources about how to design educational activities in museums as well as multiple examples that help understanding the main concepts.

El curso es muy interesante y ofrece recursos muy útiles a la hora de diseñar actividades educativas en museos. También incluye numerosos ejemplos que ayudan a entender mejor los conceptos que plantea.

By Catudal N

Aug 6, 2021

I love the peer-review assignment since it allows me to put my knowledge into practice. I can see how others create their own activities for teaching and I hope my activity can inspire others like of theirs inspire me too.

Overall, this course is quick, concise, and is an easily-applicable course for any instructor and educator that want to integrate art into their teaching.

By Gloria I R

May 21, 2023

Very interesting, well-explained, and scalable course. Allows to approach to the artwork in a didactic and contemporary way to make it accessible to all public (children, persons with different needs, adults, etc). I recommend enjoying the lessons and reading the documentation provided. And thanks to MoMA for developing this kind of learning and reflection material.

By Mary B B

Sep 23, 2015

Straightforward course, and at the end the principal assignment allows for both the creation of classroom/learning plans for each person taking the course, as well as the ability to view others' ideas and potential learning lessons. Great for teachers looking for new projects and ideas, as well as professional teaching artists and art museum educational staff.

By Griselda A M

Jul 20, 2019

Es un curso el cual te brinda estrategias para educar por medio de herramientas muy sencillas, a estudiantes o público en general en un museo, el cual no sólo se limita a un espacio sino que puede llevarse a las aulas o incluso para con los mismos educativos.

Muy bien definido y fundamentado ya que se basa en casos reales, que en este caso suceden en el MoMa.

By Juliana C

Feb 17, 2016

Ha sido un curso muy enriquecedor, claro, practico y ordenado. Me ha dado muchas herramientas para aplicar en las actividades del grupo de trabajo de apoyo a poblaciones en vulnerabilidad. Me gustaria poder ver muchos mas cursos con este nivel tan practico. Muchas gracias por estar gran oportunidad, ya empece a aplicar y a replicar lo aprendido con otros.

By Asli C

Jan 3, 2021

This is an amazing course! I own an art studio and during covid pandemic we have to switch classes to online. I was searching for strategies to make virtual classes fun and engaging and this course helped me achieve my goal. I have already tried some strategies I've learned here and they have been very successful. Thank you Coursera - thank you MoMA.

By Assel I

May 27, 2020

Very interesting, well-structured and motivating course.

Definately useful for Art teachers and moght be very usefull for parents who want to involvev children in the world of art.

It also has benefits for yourselves as you develop skills and ability to research being not afraid of judging wrong.

Special thank to MoMA team for excellent work done