May 5, 2023
This course is fantastic! Though I am a skilled project manager; there are some good takeaways from this course; and Google Instructors talk about the best practices used at Google in a lucid manner!
Jul 16, 2024
This course provided alot of information in a very clear, easy to understand and follow manner. The tools that I was left with will provide to be valuable throughout my career in Project Management.
By Azmine T W
•Mar 28, 2021
Great one. Though peer-review section needed to be more supervised.Many low-level submission, people are just trying to pass and get the certificate, not learn. That's not good. I will decrease values.
By ömer
•Jun 9, 2021
I think the course was great. But, ı can say that the grading system is not very healthy in my experience. When I was reviewing the peer’s, I came across my submission. I thought It was a page error or something. But I realized submission was completely stolen without changing a word or dot. I reported it immediately of course.
But I may never see that and nobody could not understand that person stole it.I guess that happens a lot and I am really uncomfortable with sharing the contents now. So, I recommend changing the grading system.
-1 star for grading system
By Emily A
•Feb 7, 2022
The content is good but the grading system is terrible. I could bet money that some people submit reviews without even opening the linked documents. I've gotten points taken off for missing content that was very clearly included, labeled, color-coded, and in bold. I've recieved wildly different scores on the exact same assignment from multiple people. I tested this out because one of my assignments I failed the first time for having components marked missing that were 100% there. I re-submitted the exact same assignment with no changes-- got a 100% that time. Plus if you get a poor grade you have to resubmit and HOPE someone reveiws your work, because if nobody reviews it, you just sit in limbo unable to complete the course.
The idea of these courses is fantastic, but peer-grading in this manner just encourages people to click random points and not actually provide legitimate feedback. That defeats the whole purpose of having graded written work. And if that's the way it will go, they should just eliminate peer-reviewed work in favor of the quizzes and tests, etc. Or maybe have a project that you have to submit at the end that is reviewed by a professional or something.
By thilina f
•Apr 15, 2021
Good Course. But need to have a moderator or someone to make sure the peer review assignments are done right.
By Quyen T
•Jul 17, 2021
The course materials fail to meet my expectation. The graded assignments are way easy, and doesn't allow learners to test their knowledge. Most of the quizzes are definition questions which requires memorizing than applying critical thinking skills. I don't think a successful project manager doesn't need to practice critical thinking skills in her day to day tasks as there are a lot of negotiations and decision makings are taking place.
The experts shown in the course are added randomly and doesn't communicate what the previous video are talking about nor they give a so-called satisfying experience sharing moments. They mention project this, project that but not their way to resolve a certain problem they face in their work. I don't care what role you hold at Google, I just need them to share what is challenging in their day to day tasks and how they turn the situation around... Give me real life examples! Reading a book on project management can perhaps benefit me more than this course.
By Florent B
•Jun 22, 2021
Great program! I enjoyed the lessons being taught in language that is not too technical. The hands-on assignments were of great value; though I wish we had instructors grading the assignments and provide more relevant feedback. After completing the course, I reviewed the PMI PMBoK for about a week and took the PMI CAPM exam and passed. Grateful for the Google programs! Florent
By Frank G
•Oct 22, 2021
Often, this course felt like propaganda for Google, and the peer-reviewed elements were an absolute waste of time. No meaningful review was ever once provided. I completed the course because I started it, and I finish what I start, but were I to do it over again, I would avoid this course and instead have taken the entry-level certification program at the Project Management Institute.
By Adam L
•Dec 8, 2021
I completed this while studying for my PMP. While they are different , this was a nice intro into project management. I really enjoyed the quizzes and the assignments. All in all a very nice course.
By Paul R
•Jul 29, 2021
I am trying to comeplete the course, but two assignments show that they are ungraded and I can't complete my certifcation. Legit have finished everything and it has been over three weeks in waiting for my grades.
By Petra F
•Apr 18, 2021
This was a challenging capstone. You apply everything you learned so far and you actually feel like a real project manager! I had a lot of fun completing this specilizion. I would recommend it even if you're not a project manager. A lot of the skills you learn here are valuable and could be applied in other areas of your life
By Luca S
•Sep 27, 2021
I really enjoyed all the activities in this course and overall had a great experience; however, it was very difficult to actually get my work reviewed so that I could pass the class and get my certificate. There needs to be some accountability to the learners here -- I don't think it's right for the discussion boards to be constantly full of frustrated learners trying to find people to review their work, and it sets up a quid pro quo atmosphere that doesn't necessarily contribute to thoughtful learning and assessment.
By Hussain A
•Mar 29, 2021
I will recommend this professional path to everyone, its the best guide to understand the Project Management in a very flexible, updated & rich content.
By Vicky C
•Jul 27, 2021
Very nice design on the course structure and guide you through step by step to complete the capstone project. I've working as a marketer for 6 years this is very practical compare to my day-to-day work.
For previous 5 courses I think it's fine for peers to grade the assignments but for the final project assignment review it would be great to have a moderator or instructor to review it, since it's more complex and not just the students answers enough bullet points then content/answers has to be in right context too.
By Glenn H
•Apr 12, 2021
What a fabulous course. Very in-depth, practical, and the coaches did an amazing job explaining all the different concepts. I'd recommend it to everybody starting out in the field of project management or to those who wish to brush up on their skills. I enjoyed every minute of it!
By Brian a
•May 19, 2023
I have several certifications in project management, but it you are just starting out this was the most comprehensive and dealt with subject material in a similar way to an actual job. Great course.
By Varsha S
•Apr 15, 2021
The capstone project is really helpful to implement everything that we learnt throughout the course.
By Andreas L
•Apr 4, 2021
Putting everything that was learned to test in actual assignments was a great experience!
By Huy Q N
•Jun 28, 2021
A lot of practice exercises made me more confident in real life project
By Stacey G
•Aug 24, 2021
This course helped me put some of the skills I have learned into practice.
What worked: I love referring back to notes and was grateful for that option and for the ease provided for taking lots of notes.
What didn't work: I was super stressed about not preparing an ROI, SoW, detailed budget, or even not finding the answers anywhere to questions like "How many tablets do you need?" It felt like I skipped so many steps and so much information was left out.
Thank you for this class and I hope that someday someone there will say, "We taught her the skills she needed to do such a great job!"
By Nandini J
•Jan 4, 2024
The Modules 1 and 2 were really good, as in we were asked to work on a Project Charter and a Project Plan and I found them challenging and at the same time interesting. However, I have a critical feedback too. The course is too lengthy and has too many peer-graded assignments. You may want to refine your course a little more and condense it further, because it is tedious. For me as someone who has two other jobs, I don't have a lot of time to give towards a course, so the shorter the better. But good job with designing the course overall, and the course instructor was great. Please take my feedback seriously, as I feel learners can feel disengaged if a course is very lengthy.
By Smirnova K S
•Jun 13, 2021
Одним из минусов курса является его странная составляющая. 8 работ, котоые оценивают люди-достаточно большой процент человеческого фактора. Такая практическая работа интересна именно после каждого блока курсов, сразу после практики и недельного теста, а так уставшие люди после долгого прохождения уже скорее хотят закончить, нежели делать реальный кейс для портфолио
By Yanping W
•Jul 17, 2021
It is a amazing course with thorough and well designed contents! I have finished all 6 courses and enjoyed learning so much!
I am truly grateful that Google created this course and Coursera provided the platform with such value yet with minimal cost. It only cost me $117 (I finished in less than 3 months).
Thank you Google! Thank you Coursera!
By Óscar R
•May 9, 2021
The toughest course. But the more important because you put in practice all what you learnt in the previous five. Thanks!
By Luisito J B
•Jul 12, 2021
Great course. Great work putting this together.
By Diana S
•Sep 16, 2021
The "real-life" situations are often not very realistic and the details provided are not enough to complete the activities properly. Also, because there are a lot of peer-assignments it's very hard to get the course completed because the review process takes a long time