Sep 3, 2019
I love the content and the wealth of knowledge this course has brought to my conscious. Very informative and interesting. Many different platforms for learning; reading, videos to watch or listen to.
Jun 26, 2021
The course is a complete package on learning about women's health. Anne Firth Murray and her team has done such a great job of bringing all the modules together. The content is relevant and precise.
By Amin M a K a A M G
•Oct 19, 2022
This was a fantastic course and the professors and speakers kept us completely engaged and the level of difficuly was medium. I highly recommend this course.
By Artur G d A
•Sep 15, 2020
Certainly the best course I have ever taken in the area of law, I am sure that I will take it into my life, at the same time becoming a better human being.
By Brianna F
•Sep 11, 2023
It was very educational and the topics are very eye-opening. As much as I enjoyed it, it really saddens my heart that this happens more than we like to know
By Rachyeta D
•Sep 12, 2020
Course is Excellent. I want to finish the course before 30th September. However, I am unable to unlock few of the assignments and quizzes. Kindly Help asap.
By safiya B
•Nov 14, 2019
International Women's Health and Human Rights Exposed me and exploits me to accessible information that previously not known to me.but now fully loaded 👍
•Sep 11, 2024
One of the most excellent course in course era for a broad understanding of Human nature and problems based on gender. brilliant one for social sciences
By Angela G
•Apr 15, 2021
While I have always been an advocate for Women's Rights, I thought I knew everything but I learned SO much more with this course! I highly recommend it!
By Boniface O
•Mar 16, 2023
An eye opener especially for me with a medical background looking at women's health with a human rights lens. Well thought out and structured course.
By Nancy N T C
•Jul 18, 2021
Excellent course for those who want to address the problems and proposals related to women and the construction of a more dignified and just society.
By Madhuri R
•Oct 2, 2020
What a brilliant course!
There is always more to learn. The fresh perspective provided by the course material helps the learner grow as an individual.
By Madison S
•Apr 29, 2019
I absolutely loved this course. I would highly recommend to anyone. It is filled with fascinating and engaging materials on a wide variety of topics.
By Ekaterina P
•Feb 1, 2021
Amazing course structure that provides a holistic view on the subject and an incredible selection of reading materials. So grateful for this course!
By Tripti M
•Oct 3, 2020
filled with lots of knowledge and facts ,very helpful for any person who are interested in understanding the condition of female all over the world.
By Senamile M
•Jan 9, 2023
Detailed, insightful thorough. The material was well researched and Presented. Providing great foundation to learn about the challenges women face
By Randa W
•Aug 20, 2022
I loved this course because I had a chance to read essays from all over the world, and learned by exposure how things are in other countries.
By Eva D
•Feb 25, 2020
Extremely well-structured and enriching course, even for expereinces humanitarian aid workers. Great resources and excellent community. Thank you!
By Rayane L
•Oct 31, 2021
This course is AMAZING! We need to talk about the problems around the world that just and exclusive women suffer. Thanks for this incredible job!
By Jhansi L T
•Jul 19, 2020
The course was very informative and eye opener. Iam very happy to be a part of this course. Every topic of this course was very knowledgeable.
By Acacia D
•Mar 5, 2021
Loved this course. Extremely stimulating and so relevant!! This course has given more meaning and motivation to a lonely lockdown. Thank you :)
By Olivia T
•Aug 18, 2020
A fascinating, insightful and useful course. I feel grateful to have taken this and I feel empowered to go forward and continue with this work.
By Phoebe v D
•Nov 16, 2018
This course was extremely informative, the information and topics were relevant and up to date. I learnt a huge amount undertaking this course.
•Jul 23, 2020
One of the best course I had ever watched. I am very much grateful that You gave me a chance to learn from you. It was a wonderful experience.
By Simona I
•Jun 22, 2020
So insightful, and Anne Firth Murray so passionate, talenteted did an amazing course.
Thank you for your love and dedication to help the world.
By Inggrit I
•Nov 15, 2022
the material and lecturer are great. i am glad get to finish this course, its eye opening and sharpen entirety of my analysis on women right.
By Jacqui “
•Aug 24, 2019
Exceptional course content very educative, informative and eye opening. My women health skills and human rights knowledge have been enhanced.