Jan 18, 2021
This course has exceeded all of my expectations! If you are on the fence and wondering if it's worth your time, ask yourself this: "Who else is going to put forth the effort towards my well-being?"
Jun 3, 2019
I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.
By Hazel W
•Jun 9, 2020
I truly enjoyed this course from start to finish, especially during the time of the pandemic. The content was interesting, impactful and valuable - I definitely shifted some of my thinking as a result of this course. Everything was presented in a clear and approachable manner and having the rewirements and final challenge formatted into the course really helped to drive the information home. I highly recommend this class!
By Marsia G
•Jun 8, 2020
This course changed my life especially during these challenging times with COVID-19 and the Social Justice Crsis we are experiencing. And despite these turbulent times my well-being and happiness increased by using the tools and strategies I learned and un-learning things we have been told about achieving happiness. This course has given me the map I needed to continue this journey and sustain my happiness and well-being.
By Michelle M
•May 20, 2020
This course was recommended to me by a colleague. I am the unofficial office "mindfulness" champion and have been studying and practicing self-care for the last 4 years. I have always been very mindful, but meditation is something new for me over the last couple of years. This course has helped me better understand how social comparisons and hedonic adaptation have played roles in my life and shaped some of my decisions.
By Kathi L
•Jul 21, 2021
I loved this course. Ok it was free, but that's not even why. This course was full of information. You could take a deep dive, a light skim or anything in-between and get the benefits no matter what. I got a lot of info I can use, some that confirms what I knew but all that's beneficial. The teacher is well spoken and knows her topic. The classes are organized and clearly explained. I recommend this course to everybody.
By Lisa L C
•Dec 25, 2020
I loved this course and it came at an ideal time. It helped me cope with the changes in my life due to COVID, motivated me to get back in shape with regular exercise, and I now I meditate regularly, not something I would have anticipated. The science is very important to me, having a medical/health background and the strength of the evidence is impressive. I recommended this course to many of my friends. It’s a true gem!
By Alexa T V
•May 20, 2020
I truly enjoyed this course, the professor, and the material alike. I would recommend this class to anyone who would like to get to know themselves better and strive for positive thinking in their everyday lives. The assignments were straightforward and pertained to the information that was learned throughout the lectures. I will continue to use strategies and practices from this course in the fuVery positive experience!
By Patricia S
•May 14, 2020
The class was very informational, not just is a read and study type, but more informal. I love how Ms. Santos made it comfortable and more like we were all friends, then sitting in a stuffy classroom listening and taking notes. Don't get me wrong, we learned a lot. She is very knowledgeable and even brought in persons that had developed some of the techniques. I would gladly take another course from her. Thank you.
By Sofía G
•Mar 21, 2022
It was an excellent course. I loved! He taught me a lot about self-awareness and how to improve your level of happiness through simple and effective strategies. I understood many misconceptions that we have to increase the level of happiness and I realized the real situations and actions that make a person happier. I am very happy and grateful to have taken this course and I recommend it to everyone. It's very valuable!
By Joy B
•Sep 25, 2020
I found this course very useful in my daily life, especially in the midst of the pandemic and spending a lot of time at home. It helped me to break through patterns that create unhappiness and improve my mental and physical health by teaching techniques to incorporate a daily exercise routine. I would definitely recommend this course to everyone, especially those working in tech and those affected by the Covid pandemic.
By Rahul G
•May 27, 2020
The course introduced me to the concept of PERMA following the guidelines from Seligman’s theoretical model of happiness what we can do to maximize each element to reach a life full of happiness.
The course has not changed my definition of living the good life while it has helped me immensely by validating a lot of the guiding principles that I follow in life along with helping me pick up a few more over the past weeks.
•Feb 14, 2021
I would like to thank Laurie Santos so much for creating this course. I have been able to learn more about what I should be focusing on in life, in addition to strategies that I have been able to implement into my daily routine. I truly feel like the techniques that I have learned about in this class (i.e. meditation, gratitude journaling, spending more time interacting with others) will benefit me the rest of my life.
By Rob A
•Oct 23, 2020
Fantastic course! Many of these skills and concepts I was already practicing and familiar with from other resources. So, taking the course was a nice refresher, a confidence booster, and the new materials (e.g. WOOP), were nice additions for me, personally. Thank you to Laurie, et al, an Coursera for making this freely available. I have confidence and faith that it's making a significantly positive effect in the world.
By Hwee K M
•Jun 8, 2020
I particularly liked and benefitted from the practical aspects of the course. Many of the factors contributing to well-being were already known to me before I started the course. However, to learn about the science behind it added another dimension of "urgency" for the practice. The Final Rewirement Challenge was particularly useful to kick-start or reinforce a habit that hopefully will last.
Thank you Professor Santos.
By Defne Ö
•Jul 6, 2022
This is such an important course to take. I feel like a lot of times happiness isn't given importance to because it isn't a smart or efficient goal. A lot of people just blindly course through life trying to reach happiness without ever succeeding. Professor Santos does an amazing job of providing scientific evidence on reaching happiness while also not undermining the strength to do so. Such an imporant life lesson!
By Catherine M
•Apr 10, 2022
I found this to be an excellent course, packed full of research findings on well-being as well as many practical tips, techniques and recommendations on how to rewire our brains. I took detailed notes on the seven weeks comprising the main course material, printed out some key excerpts, and plan to continue reflecting on the ideas, working on my own well-being and sharing my notes and learnings with others. Thank you!
By Angela B
•Nov 12, 2020
Information packed course, which was presented in a very lively manner! Really enjoyed the presentation by Laurie Santos, her approachable style, the videos, additional readings, interviews,... Only "not happy" that the course is already over - which it would be longer or there were a few more courses from Laurie Santos to deepen the knowledge and practise the exercises. I have already recommended the course to many!
By Lesley A W
•Aug 30, 2020
I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their well-being. The content of the course is fascinating and provides valuable insight into how our brains are wired. Continuing to follow the lessons from the course afterwards should help improve lifestyle and happiness significantly. Laurie is a good tutor who comes across as personable and is able to captivate attention in her delivery of the material.
By Cissy M
•Jun 15, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this class and it was very timely during the pandemic. Some of the things were reminders but a lot of new information about what really makes us happy. I enjoyed the science and the articles discussed. It was the right balance of evidence of data without overwhelmingly boring statistics. I would recommend this class to all adults especially if you are struggling with what is important in life.
By Rajesh K
•May 2, 2020
I really find the course helpful from Laurie Santos as it integrates a lot of research data and it makes us aware to value the right things which will assist to live a purposeful life with great experiences and memory along the journey. I'm thankful to Yale University and my lecturer Laurie Santos for making this course available and I respect their vision to help students to identify the things that matters the most.
By Barbara S
•Apr 14, 2021
Well presented and thought out. I enjoyed the lectures and the topics and learned both about the science of happiness and some practical tips. The instructor did an excellent job, and I also enjoyed the interviews she did. The one thing I would change would be to have a short lecture every week during the last 4 weeks, which I think would help reinforce what I had learned and keep me motivated for the re-wirement.
By Sylvia S
•Apr 12, 2021
This course is excellent! I loved that this course contained both the science and information on the research studies but also included a section allowing us to apply and test the theories we had learned about on ourselves! This has helped me greatly improve my own well-being!
In addition, I found Professor Laurie Santos incredibly engaging, interesting and an excellent lecturer! All in all a great course! Thank you!
By Francesca S
•Dec 4, 2020
Dr. Laurie Santos' course is excellent. She strikes a balance between an accessible communication style and content which is grounded in research. This principles of this course that could make a significant difference to how anyone may consider their lives in terms of well-being (and happiness) and many younger persons could benefit from having access to such a well-being course as a part of their school curriculum.
By Julia V
•Oct 1, 2020
I successfully completed The Science of Well-Being course from Yale University on Coursera! This course taught me so many valuable insights on how to create a happy life and lifestyle. Most of the tools are simple and applicable to everyday life. Considering COVID, mental health is everything, so I want to thank MediaCom for providing this free course. If anyone is curious to hear more about this course, let me know.
By Padma N
•Aug 29, 2020
first week felt it was bit slow and boring but it all started from 2nd week... I started taking notes, did the assignments...and started tracking the rewirements on the excel sheet for 6 weeks at a stretch...I really felt noticing positive changes in me... Thankful for the wonderful course and to the professor. This course can help inculcate positive habits that are really powerful in enriching our happiness index.
By Vaishali a b
•Aug 27, 2020
I absolutely loved this course.. Interesting, Scientifically backed, and just joy to participate in..Fantastic course on well-being. I learned a lot of easy strategies for myself,and to share with others,to increase happiness in every aspect of life.. Happiness starts within us. We just need to find it at the bottom of our hearts. ❤️
Lot of thanks to our wonderful Instructor Laurie Santos. Thank you Yale and Coursera!