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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

5,944 ratings

About the Course

This course discusses research findings in the field of positive psychology, conducted by Barbara Fredrickson and her colleagues. It also features practical applications of this science that you can put to use immediately to help you live a full and meaningful life....

Top reviews


Sep 3, 2020

This course entitled Positive Psychology changed my perspective in life and cultivated more positivity that will not only stregthen my social relationship, my personality, mindset but also my health.


Jul 3, 2018

One of the best psychology courses I have taken. I have learned so much and how simple it is to implement these principles into everyday life. Thank you for providing this rich material to all of us.

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1701 - 1725 of 1,774 Reviews for Positive Psychology

By Mandakini M G

Jun 16, 2022


By Sudha M

Jul 8, 2021


By Suganthi T

Aug 4, 2020


By Hemanth K H S

Jun 9, 2020


By Nayeon L

Jan 18, 2016


By 1808230

Apr 8, 2020


By LaCisha I

Oct 20, 2015


By Chris F

Jul 22, 2016

The material here is good, especially for a MOOC, and it seemed like they tried to make it dynamic with the use of questions, discussion, interviews, and extension activities. I'm disappointed, however, that the course focused so heavily on Frederickson's work to the exclusion of others. While I understand that this is where she would feel the most comfortable and familiar, to start with her broaden-and-build theory and continually reference her lab's work, with the additional readings often being her books, it felt limited. I would have liked more of a discussion of the contributions of other psychologists like Seligman, Csikszentmihalyi, Peterson, Diener, Lyubomirsky, etc. Along with that, it could have addressed topics other than emotions (or been titled The Positive Psychology of Emotions), like character strengths, flow, or institution change. I love the fact that this course exists, and it's a good foundation to build on, but it still feels too narrow to claim the title Positive Psychology.

By Lothar H

Aug 28, 2015

the way this course was presented was quite unique: watching a few people from various walks of life (but most related to the University) discuss various topic and exchange opinion and experiences about positivity.

I liked the material provided for meditation about loving kindness and I have been using it on a daily (well 5 days a week) basis.

why I gave only 3 stars:

the material was overall rather shallow - after reading about positive psychology, I still very little substance it has to offer.

in addition. Barbare is not the greatest and most charismatic speaker in the world, although she did surprise me in her TED talk.

in general, human emotions are operating on a scale from positive to negative. Positive Psychology takes a one-sided approach by looking only on the plus side. That is about as incomplete as the approach of focusing only on the pathology. To fully grasp a human being, there must be a third way? is it philosophy?

By Tatiana V

Jan 1, 2021

The course can be summarized as "why it is good to feel good" or how it helps your mindset and health to be positive, while I expected a lot more practical knowledge and recommendations on stimulating positivity in others, for example, in groups or tet-a-tet conversations, study classes, workplace, peer-to-peer, colleague-boss, mother-child relationships etc. Special attention I would put to how to help direct negatively-tuned minds to positivity.

I would go deeper into self-esteem issues and how to work with unstable, easily vulnerable self-esteem, which makes people take a "negative stand" to whatever or whoever from the very beginning.

I had done many psychology courses prior to this one, and it didn't live up to my expectations, unfortunately.

By pedro d

Mar 1, 2022

Mi opinion es que el curso esta muy bien pero la certificacion es horrorosa, si bien es cierto que el curso no tiene creditos no hay nesecidad de manchar el certificado con algo como "certificado sin credito" eso es como si me diren una camisate blanca con una mancha azul.

relamente el certificado yo no pude compartirlo con nadie porque no que miran ese detalle y no entienden simplemnte te descalificaron el certificado.

Ojo, yo en mi caso tome este cruso para un grupo de ayuda en el cual soy lider, pero no puedo compartirlo con nadie porque tiene una marca de de AGUA como un programa de video que esta en forma de "Prueba"

por esa razon no tomare mas cursos aqui porque es solo gastar tu dinero a cambio de algo que no sera de ayuda

By Alex Y

Jan 9, 2016

It's a good course and the contents are very helpful. There are important components like negativity bias and loving-kindness meditation. However I somehow feel it lacks a more systematic or scientific approach since lots of the materials goes on with a free and open discussion that very much depends on subjective views or feelings of selected individuals who joined the discussion. Take another example, "What is Love" session clearly depends an individual's own view. It contradicts "triangular theory of love" and the lecturer doesn't even explain why.

By Sarah B

Jun 28, 2020

My children go to to a Positive Education school and Professor Martin Seligman has visited several times so I have had deep exposure to the concepts of positive psychology and Professor Seligman's masterclasses. I was hoping that this course would provide me with more insights into how Pos. Psychology could be integrated into the workplace. I enjoyed this class but there was nothing new or particularly enlightening. I thought it would be more scholarly.

By Janice L

Sep 18, 2020

It was difficult for me to get excited about this course. Generally I connect with psychology courses and enjoy learning about the theories of our behavior and thinking. This course was different and I think it was because the professor did not generate enthusiasm in me for her subject. I am taking this online as a retiree during the pandemic but found I needed to force myself to complete it.

By Beth J

Jun 27, 2023

Good information, however, the tone of the instructor was very boring. She was not overly hype about the topic. The holistic professor was the same way, very boring to listen to. The African-American lady was the best speaker of the five. I did learn some good things on the topic, but for me, it was easier to read the information instead of listening.

By Nicoletta M

Aug 29, 2016

It is a very interesting course. I was quite taken.

The teacher is good in her solos, and quite good while in the group. I dind't really like the massive use of the terms "kind of" (often used to explain concepts) and for this reason I still have to finish it.

I will quickly 'cause I 'm looking forward to learning something else.

By Randall L

Sep 4, 2015

The information is really great, but the format was tedious and dull. Ws hard to really get interested in the information in the way that it was presented. Contrast this with the Happiness course for a clue as to how to make the information more interesting and compelling as far as presentation is concerned.

By Claire N M

Dec 16, 2015

This did not grab my attention like I thought it would. I did not finish the course, but the assignments were entirely too pointless for me to take seriously enough to continue. I very much enjoyed the idea of studying positive Psychology, but after a few class I realized it was very much common sense.

By Yushan S

Sep 6, 2015

Really a good course for people who suffers a lot in modern society. Some ways to cultivate positive emotions on this course really help me a lot. And the most important thing while learning this course is to practicing and applying it into reality, which is really amazing~~

By Joly Z

Nov 8, 2015

A good basic course for positive psychology. Really like the panel discussion and the interactive questions. Do find it is a bit too basic for people who are in the psychology field. But recommended for people who want an introduction to positive psychology.

By Natalia S

Feb 26, 2017

the course, probably, was good, but it was presented in rather boring and slow manner, so in the end I completely lost interest, and was skipping through the lectures.

If it could be done in more lively and engaging manner, it would have been great

By Esteban D P

Feb 25, 2021

The course is very good. but I think that it should provide some spaces for sharing between the students or short workshops online through zoom or any other tool. Given the type of subject it would be better to have some interaction.


By Dörte

Oct 20, 2017

The course is intersting and giving a good new twist for the thinking but also seems a little vague.

I would have wished for more specifit technics and hard facts, how to come to positive emotions to start the positive spiral.

By Rafif P I

Dec 16, 2015

Interesting subject, but I think it can delivered in more interactive ways. It fulls of conversation with the same setting. For instance, It will be more interesting if we put in different setting of conversation.

By Mark B

Jul 6, 2017

Some good and very interesting content but buried in too many words. Often felt like an advertisement for the presenter's own research efforts (/books etc) and therefore unbalanced.