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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

5,947 ratings

About the Course

This course discusses research findings in the field of positive psychology, conducted by Barbara Fredrickson and her colleagues. It also features practical applications of this science that you can put to use immediately to help you live a full and meaningful life....

Top reviews


Sep 3, 2020

This course entitled Positive Psychology changed my perspective in life and cultivated more positivity that will not only stregthen my social relationship, my personality, mindset but also my health.


Jan 13, 2021

This course has given me the whole new perspective and purpose to my life. I would recommend to everyone to do this course not only for your betterment but for the betterment for our entire society.

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26 - 50 of 1,774 Reviews for Positive Psychology

By Rabbi M F

Jul 30, 2018

I'm hoping Dr. Frederickson will receive my note of gratitude for sharing her wisdom, experience and research so generously in this affordable Coursera venue! If Positive Psychology would have been available for me to study in undergrad or even grad school, I would've continued in my psych studies. I most especially would have loved to study with Dr. Frederickson. She not only presents her material well, she organizes it in a way that goes beyond all the "motivational/happy-clappy" things out there. Her work and this course will reverberate positivity resonance throughout the world for years to come! Thank you! In the world of positive psychology, Dr. Frederickson shines brightly!

By lina

Mar 18, 2017

Thank you for this wonderful course :)

I have learnt the clear definition of "Positive Psychology" even with my limited knowledge of Psychology. Dr. Fredricks has explained profound theories in simple terms and in the same time introduced a lot of practical skills for getting more involved in positive emotions. I got what I expected when choosing this course at the very beginning. And really appreciate all your hard work :)

In addition, I would like to thank the platform designer for helping extend my learning time for me to catch up with the course after a pause, it has been really helpful to people who works full time :)

Wish my colleagues online could enjoy this course as I do :)

By Ramon L

Nov 2, 2017

Great course! My main comment about these Positive Psychology courses is that their marketing should emphasize that they are no only about the subject matter, but that they are also self-improvement workshops. In some sense they work better than going to a psychologist! The reason is that these courses are more effective in teaching one about the Positive Psychology interventions than a psychologist would be by just talking about them. This might suggest a new way for a psychologist to work. They might have their clients sign up for one of these courses and meet with them weekly to discuss what has been learned and how to use it in improving one's life.

By P S

Jul 11, 2020

It has really taught me a lot and given me a broadened view of positive psychology. I’ve got to know many interesting facts about simpler things of our day to day life. That just made me decide to change few things in the ways in which I interact with people. I learnt deeper meaning love, positivity and peace. Professor Barbara fredrickson has started to be my inspiration. She just amazed me with her knowledge and facts about greater good that I wouldn’t have known in any other way. I just felt like meeting her in person. For everyone who’s looking for positive psychology course, you are in the right place.😊

By Thomas H

Nov 7, 2021

Entering this course I was expecting more of a tutorial for being a positive person. Instead of a self-help course, it was a dive into deeper understanding of emotions and how they impact others as well as ourselves. Yes, I believe that I gained tools to improve positivity, but through a richer understanding of positivity. Fantastic course!

By Deleted A

Dec 23, 2020

I believe that everyone should take this course, especially during this time of the pandemic. The instructor presented in such an amazing and well thought out manner. I have learned more about myself from this class than I would believe possible.

By David L G

May 11, 2019

I didn't like how this course attempted to make me purchase it when I tried to complete the quizzes. Know that this course is only videos and exercises with no ability to get finished credit if you do not pay for it. I'll pay closer attention to this in the future. If any course does this to me again I'll withdraw. If it becomes apparent that this is a growing trend on Coursera I'll delete the app, delete the link to their website and utlize other services. Coursera should put a disclaimer in front of any course like this going forward. I would not have wasted my time taking the course if I couldn't get course completion credit for it.

By Annick D

Oct 31, 2015

Superficial treatment of the subject matter. Presentation was awkward and slow, and at times condescending in tone. This whole course is equivalent to a 2 hour seminar on "How to live more positively" presented at local community centre. It is not university level learning - instead it seems glib and lacking in substance.

By Ali D

Aug 8, 2016

Not a positive act to make people pay to be able to participate in the quizzes. The other audited classes allow everyone to participate in everything. We just do not become certified if we have taken the class for audit rather than credit.

By francis j

Dec 7, 2020

One of my purposes of taking this course was to get a feel of Psychology as I am considering taking up PHD in Psychology. This course has certainly opened up my interests in psychology. Positive Psychology also had many interesting topics and has given me a different perspective of many things in life. It was a wonderful experience taking this course and the practices and assignments learnt from this course has definitely had a positive impact on myself and I believe people I interact with.

In addition during these unfortunate times of the pandemic I feel this course helps us to be positive and avoid going into depression and other worse psychological conditions.

Another reason for me choosing this course was because I also currently work in the field of robotics and I feel this course gives us skills that cannot be mimicked by robots today.

Overall this course was a great eye opener in many aspects of our day to day life.


Feb 19, 2021

I WAS REALLY FASCINATED IN DOING THIS COURSERA THAT IS POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY OF WHICH I HAD OPTED FOR. I had learnt many skills in this course like all about good vibes, and thinking in a positive way, the most interesting part of my course was the quizzes where i really love to do , also learnt many informative and a valuable course. So it indeed helped me a lot in improving my own skills and i was benefited a lot . Where i had learnt that" one should learn to control one's mind and also train to be stronger than our emotions or else we will loose ourselves every time ". Last but not the least i would sincerely thank the organizers for providing this coursera for us thank u soo much. so always say people " i can, i will, and for sure i will do it ,no matter how big the battle is to strive" .

By Aedrian A

Jan 27, 2021

This intriguing course is articulate in describing the potential of positive psychology to enhance life, rather than merely restore it or alleviate suffering. Perhaps, taking this course requires one to temporarily lower her/his guard (especially preconceived notions on experiencing and achieving happiness) and give the material a chance to make its points. While, in some instances, the lectures seem too positive for one to be comfortable with, I think that a reasonable goal (instead of accepting the lectures unquestionably) is to consider and attempt at least some of the recommendations. The general setup of most of the videos (Dr. Fredrickson with 4 learners in a small group discussion format) is astonishingly effective for me, as I felt being a wanted part of the endeavor.

By Danguole J

Oct 8, 2020

Dear Barbara, I was very pleased having this opportunity. All your videos, readings was clear, with very strong examples, easy to understand. I read a lot of books about relationships, about our brain possibilities. Famous authors I really enjoyed: Dr. Mark Goulston, Dr Joe Dispenza, Eckhart Tolle and many others. You put the last point on my knowledge, which I really appreciate. Of course, I will never stop learning, but this course helped me to view my own life, to see more opportunities. Thank you so much! God bless you and the job you are doing! My best wishes, Danguole Jablonskiene

By Inka L

Nov 30, 2016

This is an amazing course. As a psychology student, I gained important understanding of my responsibilities as a future psychologist. I feel more responsible for my actions as a psychology student and promoting tools in improving people's lives. Dr Barbara Fredrickson is an inspirational professor, highly intelligent and calm teacher, and can make you understand and feel relaxed and comfortable with studies. All of the fellow professors were also an important addition to course and presented interesting viewpoints. I highly recommend this to everyone and especially psychology students.

By Joanne R

Aug 20, 2020

Wow, just wow! Thank you so much, Barbara for such an incredible course on Positive Psychology. I had learnt a little about Positive Psych during my training with Wellness Coaching Australia and was inspired to learn more about it. Your fascinating work was referenced in particular, and I was excited to discover you offered a course on it. What a true honor and delight to learn from you. This course was such an eye opener and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment including the online exercises and homework. You did such a wonderful job with this course and I am deeply grateful to you.

By Satish S

Jul 25, 2020

Thanks a lot Barabara !!! This is absolutely great research, Sharing is caring. Most of the people in the world are facing issues like negative attitude or depression due to constant pressure of EXPECTATIONS!!!!

Practicing Positive Emotions to boost your mental capacity is really great tool but we never think in that it would help us so much.

I would really request you to focus your study on what happens when we keep our Expectations in control. Our grandparents always taught us to be content and being helpful to others and Respect each and every one. I think its is a culture!!!!

By Tanya G

May 28, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. Back in high school I studied psychology in 12th grade and I found it to be very thought-provoking. I'm so glad I got to study Positive psychology. This course has actually taught me to think more effectively in life, to construct my thoughts in such a way that they bring out a positive outcome. I learned that simple actions can have a big impact on our happiness just by the learning resources I got to read that view. Positive psychology has also taught me to focus on my strengths instead of my weaknesses, also to be more optimistic in daily life.


Jun 27, 2022

GRATIDÃO DRA PROFESSORA BÁRBARA FREDRIKSON, voce ensina de forma didática, facil de entender, voce é muito agradável e o curso foi maravilhoso, tenho certeza que poderei aplicar os aprendizados em meus atendimentos. A participação dos outros professores ajudou a ampliar os conhecimentos e a vasta aplicação da Psicologia Positiva, estes mestres puderam nos exemplicar como lidam em seus trabalhos com os desafios diarios e como podem empregar as habililidades da Psicologia Positival. Este curso é expcepcional desejo muitas felicidades, muito grata.

By Tischler

Oct 19, 2015

I loved the set up of the course that Professor Frederikson included other professors and professionals in her class. It made the class lively and presented different point of views or different examples. The homework/ exercises were very interesting and thought provoking. I would recommend this class to anyone and in particular to people who do not believe that having a positive attitude / outlook in life will / can make a difference in so many different ways. I am looking forward to an additional course on positive psychology in the future.

By Minnie A A A L

Dec 11, 2020

Dr. Barbara was very clear in presenting the tenets of positive psychology and its practicality in every day life. I really love her demeanor in teaching--very cool and relaxed--yet not boring. I also like the setup of the "classes" that there's interaction and feedbacking with the students both on site with her and those taking the course through coursera. Thank you for taking the effort for making the course relevant to non-medical people like me by generously sharing your passion and knowledge about Positive Psychology, Dr. Barbara.

By Pallamraju Y

Jul 25, 2020

Positive Psychology is a great course by Dr.Barbara L Fredrickson. With here enormous in depth knowledge on Psychology and vast experience in coaching, this course has become a really an important course to improve our abilities to see things with positive approach and increase the positive psychological health of self and with others with whom we interact. As per me, this course is very important to Leaders in Professional fields. Expressing my gratitude to Dr.Barbara for creating this course and appreciate her narrating skills.

By farah q

Oct 22, 2015

I am very happy that I did the 'Positive Psychology" course as now I have a better understanding of it. I have more insight into positive emotions and my thought process is geared towards positivity rather than focusing on the negative or negativity bias. It is a very interesting and flowing course which I would definitely recommend it to everyone. I have come to ponder on the fact that with positive psychology it is much easier to deal with the everyday negative emotions.

It was very enjoyable interacting with the team on this course.

By Jacobo M R

Jan 11, 2021

Nos introduce a entender como la emociones positivas son importantes para muestra salud y bienestar. Que es necesario que las emociones positivas se incrementen y se valoren. Hace reflexionar como esos buenos momentos deben buscarse, y superar esa asimetría de las emociones negativas que ha estado preponderantemente en nuestra vida. Lo más interesante son la presentación de resultados de investigaciones como pruebas fehacientes de la interrelación entre emociones positivas, relaciones positivas, y la salud: física, emocional y social.

By Jack N

Sep 17, 2018

This is an eye opening course that explores the new field of the new field of Positive psychology. Psychologist are now working to help those they treat enhance their lives instead of only treating anxiety and other neurosis. Its free unless you want to earn credits for the course. If you monitor the course, they do not mark the tests. Otherwise you will receive the full benefit of this course.

After the first 6 minutes, I advise those who I recommend this to skip the rest of this video because it causes a strong negative reaction.

By Rogerio d L e S

Dec 14, 2017

Course Note 10 !!! Great and Necessary to the human being!

The Best Technique of All ...

To look at Life for a Positive Angle is to choose to live in Heaven!

With this course I learned the greatest secret of happiness: Make the option for the "Positive", that is, want to live all the best that life offers ... It is a course simply fantastic and at the same time necessary, especially to the Brazilians because here the negative rule prevents the human being from seeing happiness.

Highly recommend to everyone !!! SIMPLY FANTASTIC !!!