Sep 4, 2022
Positive Psychology is a good way to tackle the government around the world to change from unjust policies like capitalist to fair and justice policies in order the help the needy and poorer citizen.
Jan 23, 2020
Dr Seligman is a very charismatic professor. He presents the course in a very interesting and engaging way. I enjoyed the coursework as well as the reading. I will be delving further into the subject.
By Tara S M
•Mar 8, 2020
Well-presented with a variety of lectures on many diverse topics related to Positive Psychology. Mind-broadening research paired with engaging story telling makes this course a pleasure to take. Thought provoking questions, quizzes and written assignments ensure you've captured the essence of what's being taught. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to better themselves and the lives of others in their families, work and communities.
By Fede C
•Jun 7, 2018
I have really engaged in this course! I have been applying the apprenticeships in my day to day, sharing them with my wife, in order to improve our relationship and prepare to receive our first daughter. In addition, it has been a very important impulse to continue with my professional development as a teacher and researcher in sports education. I have renewed my commitment to introduce positive psychology in sports education for young people.
By Vani V
•May 16, 2020
It was an absolute pleasure to learn about Positive Psychology from Dr. Seligman himself...The course was really insightful and helped me understand the basics of Positive Psychology and also areas where it can be applied and the impact thereof. I'm glad I enrolled for this program and am looking forward to attending the other programs in sequence to complete the Foundations of Positive Psychology specialization!
Best regards,
Vani Vasudeva
By Kristīne B
•Oct 1, 2022
As a part of my professional education in becoming a language coach I have taken a course on Positive Psychology. I look forward to applying some new techniques I learned during this course with my clients, my friends, my family and myself in order to increase well-being and all elements of PERMA in our lives.
I highly recommend this course to all educators, journalists, health workers and ... especially I recommend it to the politicians!
By Gita
•Dec 28, 2017
Dr. Seligman, thank you so much for doing the work you are doing. It has changed my life in many ways, especially by providing a framework for authentic happiness, built from evidence-based materials, polished with craftmanship. Most of all I thank you for being the instigator of a new and viable language about the positive side of being human. I know the work will make my life better going forward and I believe it's only begun. Good job.
By Johanna " B S
•Dec 31, 2018
Amazing, transformative course! I especially loved the filming style that put me in THE Martin Seleigman's actual classroom. This made the experience all the more real to me. He is a hero to me, and I felt like I got to take a class directly from him. This class was the perfect mix of didactic teachings and opportunities to weave my own personal experiences into the understanding of the course material. Really really stellar course.
By 王玮
•Nov 2, 2022
A science based course, backed by years of experiments and practices, instilled by many brilliant thought leaders in our world, is available at your hand. In a digital era where sitting behind computer screen and keyboard unleashes so much hate and aggression against other human beings, this becomes the shining light that can actually guide our path to a better future, where anyone can live with positive emotions and better health.
By Vijay C
•Feb 28, 2022
Learning from Marty, the founder of positive psychology, was a great experince. I wish I had had access to Marty and other positive psychologists' valuable work in my youth. Then my life would certainly have been more meaningful and I would have been a far better professional than I am today. The valuable lesson of the course is -- how to live a meaningful and happy life despite the usual ups and downs we all face in our lives.
By Adriana S
•Dec 21, 2020
Excelente! A,abordagem do curso nos remete a uma reflexão profunda de não apenas valorizar o positivo, mas também a lidar com os desafios da vida da melhor forma possível, mantendo uma visão positiva na forma e conduta que agimos. Afinal, o bom é o não tão bom fazem parte das nossas vidas. A Psicologia Positiva nos remete a uma nova abordagem, de não apenas reparar o que foi lesado, mas também como aumentar o que nos é valioso.
By Rhick D E
•May 2, 2020
This course is indeed a pre-requisite for anyone who wants to study positive psychology. Within four weeks, you can learn how this field will soon change the world. All the videos, materials and activities will help you to acquire the basic to average knowledge of the concepts under positive psychology. This will alter your view in psychology and will make you passionate to work towards the success of this visionary science.
By Julia A
•Aug 22, 2020
A great course. I was already a devotee of positive psychology from reading books and journals by Martin. I have been practising positive psychology to some extent in my life already. However, this course offers the empirical rationale for consideration and implementation of positive psychology in our lives. This was a very innovative, interesting and compelling course that kept me on track, informed and engaged throughout.
By Teresa B
•Aug 10, 2020
Life changing!!! I loved the course because it is not fluff, but actual factually verified and tested methods to improve your well being. Understanding Positive Psychology on this level is a wonderful base from which to fcreate a life of flourishing! instead of running from self-help book to the next hot "guru", this course will teach you everything you need to know to lay the foundation of a life of flourishing. I love it!
•Jul 16, 2024
I learned a lot from this course. Thank you so much University of Pennsylvania and University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City Philippines for the wonderful and enlightening experiences. It greatly helps me personally and professionally to practice positive psychology. The resource speakers were all experts on the field of Psychology, and they all delivered quality and comprehensive discussion about the course. Congratulations!
By Giorgi O
•Dec 10, 2020
I had an outstanding journey in learning this amazing course! Every slideshow has a very positive music at the beginning that made me feel very comfortable. All the materials were well-organised and very insightful. Many thanks to Professor Martin E.P. Seligman(and his colleagues) for his phenomenal teaching skills and I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity that the University of Pennsylvania and Coursera gave to us.
•Apr 11, 2021
This course is an eye opener for me! I have been to many motivational talks and they taught us to be positive and rehearse many positive statements in front of our mirrors every morning! Nothing stays more than 2 months as we get bored…you know! Now I can see myself getting more positive when I practice positive psychology, that is, seeing through the lens of Positive Psychology! Thank you, Professor Martin E.P. Seligman
By Dennis T
•Apr 26, 2020
Thank you! Thank you for offering this course and all of its incredible insights. I am honored and blessed to have. been able to participate in this course and learn from the father of positive psychology. His approach to improving the lives of others, I believe will go down in the annals of history as one of the biggest breakthroughs in the mind, body, and spirit connection to one's overall mental and physical health.
By Angelica C
•Jun 22, 2020
So energised to learn that this science has been in the making while I was struggling with the inadequacies of conventional psychology. So very grateful to Dr. Seligman for his enthusiasm and generosity of spirit in founding and sharing this learning.
I do hope though that we can extend it's application even to communities that are not free and are oppressed. That is what interests me as that is the need in my country.
By Sourav B
•May 26, 2021
I am very much happy to have been taken this course by Martin Seligman. I am always inclined to learn and read more about human behaviors, emotions, thoughts and well-being. Well, this course has been an wonderful start to my inclinations. I am also quite interested to make a world a better place by whatever ways I can and I am pretty sure positive psychology will make a great difference in my life ahead.
By Franco A B S
•May 14, 2020
Un excelente curso para incrementar el conocimiento sobre los fundamentos de la Psicología Positiva y sus aplicaciones en ámbitos como el periodismo y otros ámbitos profesionales, que podrían ser un aporte en la mayor difusión de este movimiento que ha tenido un notorio incremento en los últimas décadas.
Asimismo, aporta investigaciones que permiten profundizar en los conceptos de esta ciencia para su desarrollo.
By Elizabeth F
•May 13, 2020
I was delighted, stimulated, and excited that I could have the opportunity to take this wonderful course online and not have to go to Philadelphia. I learned a lot and was very interested in all the applications of positive psychology in our society. I am taking course two and am enjoying it as well.But of course I wouldn't know of this course if I hadn't take Martin E.P's Seligman's Visionary Science course .
By Maureen S
•Jun 13, 2021
Excellent introduction to Positive Psychology - great opportunity to learn from Dr Marty Seligman, truly a visionary for a new approach to well-being, and to addressing life's challenges! This online course kept the process engaging, with interspersed exercises and quizzes, to facilitate learning. I hope to incorporate many of its principles and strategies in my daily work ... as well as in my personal life!
By Danijela A
•Mar 20, 2024
Tečaj koji mi je omogućio napredovanje u osobnom i profesionalnom rastu. Svidi mi se način na koji je koncipiran - red predavanja, red pitanja za promišljanje, gostujući predavači, domaće zadaće, testovi. Profesor Seligman je doista odličan predavač i voljela bih da sam mogla njegovim predavanjima svjedočiti u živo. Ovaj tečaj preporučam svima jer se tiče svakog pojedinca koji želi dobrobit u svojem životu!
By Gunda S
•Feb 29, 2020
I loved it. It engaged me and I felt the urge to continue working on it as much as possible. Well structured with Videos AND text to re-read and take notes. Good mixture of videos and readings. I also liked the personal assignments and inclusion of opinions. The lengths of each part , videos and texts, were very manageable. It was nice to have a few different presenters and also links to other sources.
By Yuxian S
•Nov 1, 2019
This course is wonderful in that it provides a comprehensive view about the development and implications of positive psychology, which is relatively new but very useful. I gained many insights on our well-being and the influencing factors. I was inspired about the infinite possibilities this subject has and aspire to further advance the course by introducing it to more people and doing research as well.
By Alexis B
•Dec 17, 2017
This was an amazing course. I would recommend it for any beginners who wish to know more about Positive Psychology, it's history and where the future is going. Having some knowledge of psychology can be helpful as there are terms referenced in the modules that are related to that industry, but I think the average person can figure it out. Thank you for creating this informative and inspirational course.