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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Photovoltaic solar energy by École Polytechnique

472 ratings

About the Course

The course is an introduction to the photovoltaic (PV) applications in the general mix energetic context dominated by climate warming mitigation. The various uses of solar energy are firstly presented before a short description of the principle of the direct solar photon conversion into electricity (PV). The various PV technologies are reviewed in the current context dominated by crystalline silicon cells. The perspectives of the various technologies are then analysed in terms of R&D investments. From a more scientific point of view the basis of the solar cell operation is presented from the solar spectrum characteristics. The fundamentals of PV conversion are summarized. In particular the various sources of the conversion efficiency limitations are reviewed. The solar PV systems, from cells to grids, are also addressed, with a particular emphasis on the challenges of grid-integration of PV and the development of storage technologies. The environmental and social impacts of PV are compared to the competing energy sources. Generally PV is at advantage as referred to other fossil or renewable sources. Finally the fast evolution of economics and financing of PV is presented together with the current key players, mostly Asian companies....

Top reviews


Apr 18, 2020

Very good overview of solar energy and practical knowledge . also a lot of details on how the technology works. I am glad that i completed the course


Oct 8, 2019

Great class ! Gave a high level about the photovoltaic but also a lot of details and calculation on how the technology works ! Highly recommend !

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101 - 125 of 138 Reviews for Photovoltaic solar energy

By Smit R P

Sep 5, 2024


By elsayed r

Jul 2, 2019

very good


Apr 15, 2018

Online course on "Photovoltaic Solar Energy" is a good introductory course on Solar PV systems. This course does not go into much details or intricacies of the topic, giving just a sound overview of the World energy scenario, components of solar tech, PV cells and modules and future trends. A great number of facts, figures and charts relating to the discussion topic are presented in lectures. However, there are times when the instructor is not very clear in his lecture (French-English tone), and here English subtitles come to the rescue. The course lacks involvement of moderators/instructors beyond the pre-recorded lectures. There could be a few docs containing crucial factual and theoretical aspects that could be downloaded by those enrolled in the course. A great scope for improvement in this course.

By Claire J

Jun 24, 2019

This is a good introductory course on Photovoltaics, however, I believe much more explanation is required for the topics. Students are left to do research on their own to bridge the gap. The quiz questions are not written clearly and in some cases contain errors, further confusing students. This course would be excellent if the material was further developed and the concepts were linked more clearly (again with additional information). Overall, I think the course needs a bit of an overhaul. It's a great draft course but to become a truly value-added course to the learner, some work needs to be done.

By Ligia-Oana M

Dec 29, 2020

It is a nice introduction course, gives a good grasp of basic concepts.

The transcript and the professor´s voice are way off many times, and sometimes the transcript is wrong (different words than the professor used).

There are some problems that you kinda have to figure out for yourself, they are not explained in the course. That is fine, in a sense, it works like that in many universities, just expect it and maybe pay only after seeing if you can get there yourself.

By Tiago M

Oct 16, 2018

Course has great content and many historical information regarding PV solar energy, providing a great kick-off for people who are starting to study this field. On the other hand, there are too many graphs/info and few examples considering the course overall duration, becoming distant or confusing when we try to imagine real applications. Negative point is the lack of staff support at Discussion Foruns, in addition to errors in questions that were never corrected.

By Abdul S

Jul 4, 2020

This course is well designed to help learners to understand the importance of solar power system and equip them with tools for solar module sizing. However, there are some crucial concepts that were not discussed comprehensively in the lectures but they were vital part of the compulsory assignments which made lot of students suffer even lead them to the course drop out at the last week. Coursera must take necessary action against these issues.

By Juan C V V

May 31, 2020

Algunos vídeos están inconclusos, además de que en varios los subtítulos no corresponden al audio original o están muy desfasados. Sin embargo es un curso muy útil para introducirse en el campo de la tecnología solar fotovoltaica.

Recomiendo que para los test pongan información adicional que facilite la solución de estos, pues no siempre basta con lo visto en las conferencias.

By Nauman M

Apr 13, 2020

The course is well versed with the required knowledge and helps in the understanding of field related concepts. However, some of the modules are not part of the lectures and no helping material is available in the resources section but they are asked in the final quizzes.

Overall the course provides a good knowledge of the emerging field.

By Vishal J

Jun 21, 2019

The instructor, though extremely knowledgeable, had a nearly incomprehensible accent. Had to watch video at least twice to get a clear idea.

Lastly, the tests = please check the questions to see if they are correctly put, and then put your final answer to the key. I wasted 1 week on this,

By Karandip S

Mar 16, 2018

No help from teachers. I don't think that there was any moderator, teachers or administrator overseeing the course. We had many issues and were looking for guidance as well as someone to answer questions but there was no one to be found.

By Sylvain B

Apr 16, 2018

Le contenu vidéo est bien. Cependant les exercices manquent cruellement de détails sur les réponses attendues {ex : format de la réponse, nombre de décimales} et certaines questions aux QCM sont imprécises et induisent en erreur.

By Srivatsa S J

May 6, 2020

The course was amazing. Truly grips the knowledge of basic concepts of PV systems. Need a few improvements on the course offering university by adding few more videos on numerical.

By VinothKumar R

Apr 15, 2020

Theory based video prevention very nice but question out of some one. When ever theory is going on question prepared same as related. Thanking you.

By Rohit S

Jun 29, 2020

Language was an issue but overall it was good. The professor with french accent speaking English was little bit difficult to understand.

By Vijaylaxmi

Jul 15, 2021

Its a good course but many concepts have not been explained where we have to solve for the tests.


Jan 25, 2019

Too much graphs but really interesting. I would like to see an example to creat an autonomous

By Adrian H

May 14, 2018

The course was good but the quizzes I felt were incomplete. Overall, I recommend the course.

By Shaikh M I M A

May 29, 2020

Hard quiz because it is hard without proper video explaining the same thing


Jun 21, 2018

More support to the students would have been appreciated

By Mohamed N A

Dec 29, 2020



ves a good introduction. week-2 is really useful.


Aug 12, 2020

Substitle often doesn't match the sound

By Richard K

Jun 3, 2018

interesting content

By Carlos A G C

Jul 18, 2020

The teaching is fine (unsynchronized english subtitles but fine at the end of the day), however, the last questionaries in weeks one and three are utterly dissapointing. First week load factor quiz avoids the use of a very important topic and last week assumes things not explained and kind of unrelated to the teached lectures. There is not feedback with the answers so you do not know how to fix them and the questionaries are only 1 to 3 questions so you have to pass all the questions to approve (whose topics and considerations are not correctly explained in lectures).

Most of the topics are interesting, well explained and worth seeing, but if you yearn for a certificate then forget this course (not recommended if you want the certificate).

By lemondealc

Feb 12, 2021

The content is too dense. I'm not quite sure who this MOOC is supposed to be for. The very first test was based on a very poorly formatted excel spreadsheet. The lecturer was very hard to understand (French is his native language). I'm sure it would be a good review for an older engineer who wanted to learn about solar cell principles, but it is not a good course of a beginner to learn how a solar cell works.