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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by University of Toronto

8,613 ratings

About the Course

Never in the history of humanity have so many people been feeling intense anxiety related to COVID-19 and the world it will leave in its wake. The intent of this course is to give you a deeper understanding of the anxiety reaction as it relates to various aspects of our current life, ranging from our consumption of news to the way we talk to our children about this. I will also give you clear strategies for managing and, in fact, turning off the anxiety response at least for short periods. My sincere hope is that you will leave this course with a better understanding of how your brain reacts to crises, along with some powerful tools for managing it before it manages you. In this course we will cover: 1.1 Introduction and Overview 1.2 Understanding the Anxiety Response 1.3 The Necessity of Strategies to Manage Anxiety 1.4 Achieving Relaxation: A Skill We All Need to Learn Now 2.1 Why Watching the News is Addicting and How to Manage Your Consumption 2.2 The Critical Art of Mental Distraction to Crowd Out Stressors 2.3 How We Think About Physical Distancing and Explaining it to Our Children 3.1 The Effects of Isolation 3.2 Some Strategies to Make Isolation More Tolerable 3.3 The Importance of Social Connection in a Physical Distancing World 4.1 The Need to Guard Against Depression: The Importance of Control 4.2 Bring it Together: Practice Makes Proficient 4.3 Invitation to Suggest Additional Videos...

Top reviews


May 18, 2021

Exceptional course. Dr Steve has explained all concepts in very practical and logical ways, and kept it very concise and eloquent. It is engaging and interesting to watch and incredibly informative.


Jun 15, 2020

Great course to understand the situation, your mind, and how you can help others! Thank you so much for putting it together. I find it very helpful even now when we are almost half year in COVID-19

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301 - 325 of 2,500 Reviews for Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19

By Sherri W

Nov 11, 2020

This was a great and very informative course. Thank you for providing it in the format and manner that was easy to both understand and apply to life during this time of Covid and all of the uncertainty that goes with it.

With gratitude,


By Red A

Nov 14, 2020

Thanks heaps to Coursera, University of Toronto and most especially to Prof. Steve Joordens! I learned a lot and this course has helped me a lot to on how to deal with the anxieties brought about by this current pandemic. Stay blessed & safe!

By Maria S M

Oct 8, 2020

This profesor was simply incredible, I have the ability to express his self so well and he made the information land really easily in mu head. Also this course is really interesting and I have helped me a lot to understand my anxiety better.

By Saksham S

Sep 13, 2020

This course has exposed me to the techniques of mind control, especially during times like these. Thank you so much professor for providing this platform to learn what is happening within us as an effect of Covid-19 and how to deal with it.

By Anette A

Jul 6, 2022

Self care has never been so well covered and encouraged. I feel empowered to deal with stress and to help others too. I wish I had finished this course before COVID hit alot of folks and colleagues who live alone real hard. Thank you.

By Pornpinun S

Apr 5, 2022

This course really helps me to know what I am feeling or being, and also teaches me how to manage myself to be better. Thank you so much. I really love this course and I recommend to who being in isolation or struggle with COVID situation.

By Nicole M

Apr 3, 2022

With professor Joordens the notion of doing something about our anxious mental state becomes achievable. With this thoughtful course, we can get to know even more about the connection between the body and the brain. I happily recommend it.

By Kundan K P o K

May 11, 2021

It is extremely enriching and that too in this period of crisis. Pandemic has instilled anciety and depression into many but this course by Steve Joordens guides us how to remain positive during the same. GREAT LESSONS! Thank you for this.

By Ng S R

Mar 7, 2021

I really enjoyed it! It allows me to reflect on myself and tell myself that everyone is going through the same feelings as I did. I was also fortunate enough to have companionship in my household and made me more empathetic towards others.

By Maine M

Oct 26, 2020

This course helps me to understand and analyze my mind, emotions and actions in the past eight months of lockdown. Thank you Coursera and University of Toronto for this kind of course which is essential in this chronic times. More power!!!

By Tanvi M

Sep 4, 2020

Very few people in the world stand out not by becoming famous but by helping others to learn and cope with the changing world

I thank all who have taken efforts to explain us the things which are present in the world but we tend to ignore.

By Santanu B

Jul 5, 2020

Great course. Much needed for a time we are in. During these difficult times we have to stay together and stay strong to overcome this pandemic, I hope a lot a people benefit from this course and I wish everyone good health and happiness.

By Rhoby C

Jun 26, 2020

This is course is practical on how to manage anxiety during COVID-19. After finishing the course, I felt empowered to manage my thoughts and emotion during this pandemic. I suggest this course to everyone even to non-psychology graduates.

By Iain F

Dec 19, 2020

A very good course in helping people with anxiety at the time of the pandemic. The tips are very useful and from a personal point of view, I found the relaxation technique to work. Thank you to Dr Steve Joordens for creating this course.

By Daniel J T C

Jul 13, 2020

I am truly grateful and satisfied for taking this course. Really very well explained with precise information and very necessary to put it into practice. It also motivates to continue learning and grow professionally. Thank you very much

By Sarah A

Mar 24, 2021

Wonderful, positive, relaxed course very well timed with this pandemic. I really appreciate knowing more about how I can be positively and calmly decisive in my presence with friends, family and strangers in my community. Thank you 🙏🏼

By Shadeen A

Mar 4, 2021

This was an exceptional workshop, I would encourage everyone to take the timeout to watch it. The professor did a tremendous job and gave great points on how to manage and deal with anxiety and depression during these uncertain times.

By Annette A

Aug 15, 2020

.This course is fit for todays concerns dealing with COVID 19. It is always a plus to instill positive reinforcements to situations as they arise so that they know they are not alone in a matter such as this. Good job with the course.

By Johanna M F

Dec 3, 2020

It's very timely and very helpful. I had a soft of anxiety experience during this pandemic and this made me feel a lot better about how to control my emotions. it also helped me cope up easily despite these things that are happening.

By Борисенко А А

Sep 16, 2020

This is the best course I have ever seen on Coursera, especially at post-Covid-19 period of time. I want to recommend this course for all who want understand how to deal with the problems of mental health during hard epidemic times.


Jul 26, 2020

the course was really helpfull because at the current senario we all be very anxious becausse of the covid but by doing this course i have studied how to overcome the anxity. thank you for putting this course and stay home stay safe


May 7, 2021

An inspiring course presented by a very real and excellent professor.

I really feel ready to embrace all the strategies presented to manage my mental health more effectively, and feel positive that I will achieve better Mind Control.

By Ana L G S

Feb 27, 2021

I would like to learn about concrete accions that we can do while we are having an anxiety or panic attack to minimize or disappear those horrible symptoms.

I really found this course ver interesting and usefull, thank you very much

By Erika K

Jan 21, 2021

Uses real world examples and easy to implement strategies to cope with the challenges facing all of us during the strange time. Calming, empathic voice. Really enjoyed. Glad I heard your interview on CBC that led me to this course.

By Clare M

Oct 30, 2020

I suffer with anxiety before COVID-19 and this course has taught how to try to manage my anxiety. I'm also trying to help someone who is extreme OCD, and suffers with a horrible case of anxiety and depression; so thank you Coursera