Aug 18, 2017
It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Aug 18, 2016
Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.
By Aaron F
•Apr 8, 2019
This course reinvigorated a belief that I can learn and retain information useful to my life. I have been out of school for about 7 years and was anxious to go back or do studying of any kind. I happened upon this course through an article of self improvement and it was a fantastic find. It helped me understand some of my self defeating beliefs related to learning and how to move forward with useful study and retention techniques. Thank you Dr Oakley and Dr Sejnowski for this wonderful class!
By Kartika
•Feb 26, 2021
Incredible class. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to take this class. I am currently working towards changing my career path and Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski have been so encouraging. Dr. Oakley is an inspiration. Changing focus from Social sciences to Mathematics has been daunting to say the least, but listening to her experience, I feel very encouraged. I look forward to many more classes by the duo. I have already enrolled in Mindshift! Thank you Professors, you are the best!
By Mike M
•Sep 17, 2020
I've done a lot of learning skills courses before, but none were as directly relatable as this one was. The presenters are engaging, informative, and fun. I've already begun using some of the techniques and reference materials shown in the course. (Anki is so simple and so effective!)U sing tools and techniques from this course, I've upped my learning skills, and I've finally gotten around to doing something concrete about my procrastination! I've already recommended this course to others.
By Breno M
•Dec 18, 2018
It's amazing learning about the things helpful to keep learn. I have a lot of difficult to understand and keep focus in a task, but this course help me to understand how my mind work and how I can improve my skills, develop new skills and have new goals. It was my second MOOC, I had difficul to keep the course because my time is short, I work and study at the same time, but I know it's very important this course to help me understand myself and improve my professional life and private life.
By Bee O
•Jan 27, 2018
Suitable for students of ALL ages. If you are interested in becoming a better learner overall, regardless of your course of study I HIGHLY recommend this course. The techniques discussed in this course will help to relieve much of the anxiety that we all share when it comes to learning something new. Learning is a lifelong endeavor, why not strengthen your learning habits now! It is never too late to become a better learner, and "Learning how to Learn" will help do just that. Happy Learning!
By Amanda U
•Jul 31, 2020
This course is exceptional! Thank you for presenting such complex material in such an accessible way. I also appreciate the pop up mini-tests and the way the questions have been written, as this helps with acquisition. Also demonstrating the power in what you are teaching as you are modelling the techniques. This is a great start to building confidence for students and those who would like to return to studying at a higher level. Much appreciation to you all for providing this opportunity.
By shaunaqkulkarni
•Dec 16, 2019
This course has changed my perspective of learning and made sure that I learn with an open mind. The techniques mentioned in this course are scientifically backed and have helped me with my focus. One take away that I highly recommend everyone should try is the Pomodoro Technique i.e. Learn with complete focus for 25 minutes, then reward yourself with a break of 5-10 minutes allowing your brain to do it's job of (unintentionally) recalling things you've learnt in the topic you are learning.
By Odysseas C
•Dec 21, 2017
A must for every student, working man or woman out there. The course depicts the biological concepts behind learning and the necessary psychological elements that everyone must know to become better at it. It's a course that should be taught in every university as the first class when you enter it. Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski will take you on a beautiful journey that will make you understand better your brain, mind and make you fall in love with learning. Thank you for this awesome course!
By Inna F
•Nov 27, 2016
I think that this course is really fundamental and it is necessary to learn best practices how to learn new material and how to broad our passion and other interest. I think this it is amazing course, but English is not my native language and for me it is a good idea to start this course again and to repeat it. Also I was not very active and didn't collaborate with other students, so I think it is necessary also to fix this part :)
I also very appreciated the Tutors and enjoy their speeches.
By Jessica C M
•Aug 25, 2015
I haven't finished the course yet, but I liked it so much that I convinced my husband and my mom to enroll in it as well. The content of this course is so important that I honestly think it should be a mandatory class for everyone who is genuinely interested in learning, which could be a teenager on High School or an adult starting college. Finding this course feels like finding a treasure, thanks for creating such an amazing course and making it available on Coursera to the general public!
By Moysidis P
•Dec 25, 2020
The content of the course is very useful and the instructors are very knowledgeable about the process of learning. The examples provided by they instructors are very creative, following the practices they also teach in this course. The course manages to explain in depth how the brain works and how we can use that knowledge to improve our learning processes. The knowledge provided by this course can be used any possible field that you are working or studying or trying to improve in general.
By Dan N
•Aug 25, 2020
Simply put, this course should be taught in schools. The insights I have gained into how we learn have been astounding. The videos are enaging and fun, all thanks to Barb and Terry's endearing nature. I liked that the science behind why these methods work are explained rather than brushed over or dumbed down like I have seen in other courses.
I am yet to find the degree or subject I would like to master but I do know the techniques taught in this course will play a big part in achieving it.
By vignaux
•Jun 6, 2019
Ce cours est vraiment passionnant. Il m'a permis de mieux comprendre comment mieux utiliser ma façon d'apprendre. Nous utilisons tous des techniques plus ou moins efficaces.Grâce à ce cours de très bon conseils et des exemples sont proposés. Super et inévitable.
This course is really exciting. It allowed me to better understand how to better use my way of learning. We all use more or less effective techniques. Thanks to this course very good advice and examples are offered. Super and smart…
By Artur M
•Jul 22, 2017
Perfect. Now I know how the brain works. I understand that procrastination is addiction and you just need to put effort into starting doing something. Just go through bad feel in brain like through the brick wall. Time after time it will be easier to start, because brain will remember rewards that await. Also, it's very important to focus on process, not on the final product. Thank you very much for course authors. Also big thanks for creating such a wonderful MOOC system, coursera admins!
By Marcus H
•Mar 20, 2018
I can't express how much I enjoyed and resonated with this course. I wish I'd had it several years ago when I returned to school to finish my bachelor's degree. It would have made a huge difference. As it is, I'm confident in newfound abilities to study and absorb new skills and subjects as I move forward as a lifelong learner. Bravo, and thanks to the makers for allowing so many of us to audit the full course. I'll be recommending it to everyone I know who begins an educational endeavor.
By arnuld
•Mar 4, 2018
If there is only one MOOC you can take, this would be it. It is not a theory class, instructors talk about practical methods and explain the science behind them too. In fact, it is one of the most practical courses I have seen. You can use the techniques in your professional and financial life too. If you are interested in becoming better at learning things, just go take the course.
NOTE: Honors section of the course is optional but if you do it, you will learn some really useful things.
By Асель Т
•Sep 8, 2023
Этот курс раскрывает важные идеи о том, как эффективно учиться и запоминать информацию. Курс объясняет работу памяти, особенности фокусированного и диффузного мышления, причины прокрастинации. Даются конкретные советы по организации учебного процесса - техника помодоро, чанкинг, использование анкирования и визуальных образов.Особенно ценными мне показались идеи о важности переключения режимов мышления, физических упражнений для стимуляции нейронных связей, создания продуктивных привычек.
By Katie T
•Jul 31, 2021
A very useful course no matter what stage you are in life. Especially helpful to younger students to save time in their studies. However, this course is also very helpful to people beyond school in more easily pursuing new interests. For example, I'm trying to pick up new skills in my free time, but often procrastinate or feel daunted at the time it will take to pick up these skills. However, this course has helped me learn how to be more efficient with my time and better improve myself.
By Геннадий С
•Feb 4, 2021
Удивительный курс, который помогает вам осознать свои способности к обучению, понять на что способен наш мозг и как он помогает нам в учёбе. В курсе приводятся не только техники, помогающие получать вам больше от изучения нового материала, но также различные техники по применению уже изученного вами материала. В дополнение в нём присутствует много интервью с поистине интересными людьми. Всё это помогает вам стать действительно мастером в обучении. Огромное спасибо авторам за данный курс!
•Oct 4, 2020
This course helps us to know more about our brain , how our brain gasp the concept that we study and how can we make our brain remember the things more easily.
It speaks about various techniques like memory palace and others which will help you to increase your memory .
Also by understanding the techniques taught by them and the various facts given by them about our memory and working of brain we can improve the skill of how to learn and make our concepts last for long without cramming.
By James W
•May 19, 2020
Loved this course. Its all about the process of learning, rather than the product of learning. The course builds a basic understanding of key principals of neuroscience in order to explain how humans learn, and therefore teaches the pupil how they can more effectively.
Some of the lessons I had heard before, but now I understanding WHY they are so important to apply in learning. Knowing this, I have already changed approaches at work, as well as in my personal learning.
Highly recommended.
By Nancy J
•May 6, 2020
Learning How to Learn not only help me with organization with the tools trick and tips, also help me understand how people's mind work, it gives enough information to know your intellectual abilities
I definitely recommend this course to anyone because it was extremely helpful to me. my friend my family and everyone I let them know how much this class help me. I also will recommend the book A Mind for Numbers. Thank you so much to all stuff members hat provide this free helpful course.
By Magali L C
•Apr 18, 2020
Today more than ever, we are facing a huge problem around the world, called COVID-19, thereby, we need a powerful tool for adapting to the increasing rate of change. This course give you methods of learning how to learn, it doesn't matter the field of study. Provide you a useful technique to overcome procrastination like "Pomodoro technique", and also some extra reading material and interviews from interesting people who share they're own tips of learning in order to achieve their goals.
By Bryant B
•Mar 25, 2020
Great course. I took it in preparation for returning to Uni to get a Computer Science degree. I have Intuitively known I am a much naturally stronger 'creative' person than say a math person, but It was great to dive Into the deeper science behind It and how I can leverage my existing strengths as well as broaden and deepen my current weaknesses In learning particular subjects. Instructor Is pretty great and I recommend for anyone looking to enhance their learning In all aspects of life.