Jun 4, 2020
This course is really helpful .Content is amazing and so much useful.anybody who wants to learn programming as a beginner should try this course first .Thank you for making my Lockdown so productive.
Mar 17, 2023
It was Awesome as well as very interesting too . It helped me in Increasing my work effectiveness and made me even more active towards my work . I would totally recommend this course to everyone !!
By Kristine R
•Sep 22, 2020
A very interesting and interactive course with helpful quizzes and questions throughout the modules. The two project assignments were really fun to try out, especially the game assignment. I do see the pratical benefits of students reviewing eachothers projects as this would be an impossible task for staff to undertake (lectures not given in real time, no funding for this, etc) but I have a gard time accepting that peers don’t give honest reviews and don’t take the time to double check your code or try out different results in your assignments. If the dishonest reviews are based on hasty half heartened tries or just due to a lack of understanding the English language and the instructions given, I don’t know, but it bothers me that other people’s lack of engagement is what determines your final grade. As for the programming language; Scratch is not something to rely on if you’re Interested in pursuing a career within programming.
By Shashank K S
•Apr 30, 2020
This course is ok but it is not providing any certificate .I think certificates motivates us to achieve our goals.It gives courage that Yes!!we have completed this course
But you are not providing us a certificate 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
But we are happy that we have learnt a lot. We will be happier to receive your certificate.
By David S
•Sep 2, 2020
This course covered the basics of computer programming and software engineering. Though it use scratch desktop as it programming tool, knowledge from this course can be applied in any other programming language with regards to the approaches to designing a program.
By Xin X T
•Jul 30, 2020
Good if you dont have any basic knowledge of progamming.
By Nayara G H
•Dec 25, 2022
It's a course that sums up very properly the terms and elements used in Programming. However, I particularly think that focusing mainly on the game "Scratch", overshadows the importance of Programming as a profession. Sometimes it felt like I was learning how to play a game, only, and not actually taking a course on Programming. My suggestion would be to add more practical elements to this course, to make it feel more professional. There's one single video, for example, in which the instructor shows us in practice how a code would look like in a Programming language. It would've been good if this had happened more often. Showing real codes, exploring the programming languages, giving context to situations in which programmers put their abilities in practice, etc.
By Lena S
•Mar 22, 2023
This course is not well updated to the Scratch app. Most of the instructions is based on what the app used to be like not what it is now, and makes it confusing. I wanted to look at this myself first for my son and wonder how may others try and have issues. I already know how to do this, so for me its not as bad, however I cants see this not being very irritating and making someone feeling helpless when they dont understand or woder why its not like the video.
By Kea D
•May 17, 2021
Course is nice but the other participants are mean persons. Do not put much effort into the peer-graded assignments because you will be graded down by some idiots. Not a nice experience.
By Dac K N
•Aug 20, 2020
where is may certificate
By Onkar S
•Jun 22, 2021
Waste of time.
By Mireille F
•Sep 27, 2020
I really enjoyed the course, well designed in terms of progression and good presentation. I had knew basic programming in R, Python & Java, but it is so much more fun when you can see immediately your code in action via animations, games etc. Now I have to figure out how you go from the root language programs like Python onto visual ones like Scratch.
I have some feedback on how the course could be improved - don't know where else to post this: a) the course description should emphasize that it uses Scratch V2, not the latest version, in bold, e.g in 'About this course' and 'Introductory note', so to download V2 to follow the course, and once completed continue practising using V3 b) there should be an additional 'FAQ' section in the course content list, gathering all recurrent threads from Forum Discussions, e.g. reminder to use Scratch V2 not V3, and differences between V2 & V3; this would reduce the incorrect uses of the Discussion Forums (e.g. multiple duplicate threads) and save time about known recurrent topics/issues c) the project submission page should not allow submission unless a file has been uploaded to it, and if possible only a .sb2 or .sb3 file d) the peer-review process should indicate what to do if wrong file type or no file uploaded in the project page to review (from an old forum thread I gather that we have to flag the submission rather than submit a failed - on all counts - review).
By Rufus F R j
•Jan 3, 2021
This course is put together very well. Although frustrating at times, I learned a lot in a very short period of time. The instructors planned the course in such a manner that a beginner can start thinking like a computer programmer. Learning block programming is a good way to start to learn programming. The learner has to really want to learn this stuff, and it is so rewarding when one creates something from Scratch that one is proud of. It is also very rewarding to be able to follow along with another learner's though process because one is able to understand what the programmer is attempting to do. From doing peer review, one learns from peer review, and the learner begins to understand why coding is such a collaborative effort. It is truly insightful to see how someone else approaches a problem different from one's self. I love this stuff! Now I am going to have to take a course in some beginning language like Python. When I can afford it, I am going to get this certificate. Thank you to the instructors, developers of this course, and thank you to the Coursera platform and Coursera team.
By Sabrina S
•May 16, 2020
I loved this course. It's perfect for beginners to get a basic understanding of how programming works: You will learn about general concepts and basics that are essential for programming (from user documentations to iterations), you will gain an understanding of how to approach new programming projects, how to modify, test and debug programs, and so much more. And all of this new knowledge is taught to you in a playful and fun way: By writing your own little games and programs from week one! A very hands-on course. I really liked that! Also, Dr. Areti Manataki's passion for programming is highly infectious and inspiring! The course is well structured, and I can really recommend it to everyone who wants to dip a toe in the water and introduce themselves to programming :-)
By Angel N
•May 19, 2020
Great course! Lessons were very well planned out in small steps for beginners and it really did introduce me to programming. For someone who has no background but interested to learn a new skill it is very informative. However it would be good to combine the videos into longer videos (ie 10 mins) instead of 1-2 mins or even like seconds as I have to keep clicking the next video. Interviews with people in the industry is very interesting as well. It would be good to learn other programming languages too as Scratch does seem like a really basic program for learning.
By Christina P
•Jul 9, 2021
The only thing I didn't like was the peer review. I submitted work with all the appropriate instructions and content but was marked down by several users that couldn't see/hear the content yet the others that reviewed was able to see this content. Giving me a 50% on my 1st project. Even on my 2nd project 1 person was marking me for content that was there that others had seen. This gives a false hope of doing things right or people upset that you did a possible good job yet they mark you down so you don't get a good grade.
By Luis G
•Jul 15, 2021
Great course, very useful as tool to learn the fundamentals of programming & software development, especially for beginners. I enjoyed the video approach and "follow-along" way of learning, and I picked up a lot of key concepts throughout the course. I've already started and completed other programming courses on Coursera since I finished "Code Yourself", and I'm finding a lot of concepts much easier to understand now that I have this base knowledge.
Thank you & congratulations on your well-run programme!
By Cheryl N
•Jul 6, 2024
Thank you for providing this class for free. Areti explained the programming concepts in a way that was understandable to me even though this was my first exposure to coding and she made it fun so I enjoyed learning them. Her simple real life analogies made it easier to learn a subject that can be very complex. I also gained an understanding of real life application of computer coding from the interviews that she and Ines performed throughout the course. I highly recommend this course.
By Alastair M
•Feb 24, 2022
As a former teacher I appreciate the skill of the tutors and how fluently the online elements were put together. A thoroughly enjoyable experience and a journey from zero coding knowledge to enough confidence to begin some projects with my grandson. The progression from hand-held walk-throughs and periodic quizzes to more open-ended tasks was excellent, with just the right balance between explanation and practice. Learning coding seems a lot like learning languages! ευχαριστώ!
By shaurya r
•Jun 4, 2020
The application provided along with the course ( scratch ) is extremly helpful. Especially , the code palletes make the whole process of coding and learning enjoyable. Areti is a fantastic teacher and explained all concepts lucidly. Only improvement I can suggest is delete button on sprite can be placed prudently awayso that learners don't delete the whole code by mistake. Overall, I would recommend this course to all the learners. Thanks to the course makers and Coursera.
By Teresa M
•Apr 29, 2023
I learned quite a bit from this course and I started from only vague understanding of basic programming concepts. I really liked the presentation style and found Mrs Manataki's explanations clear and easy to follow.
One small niggle is the audio when "Cody", the mascot, speaks: he has a peculiar robot filter on his voice that makes him hard to understand and given that he asks pertinent questions this was a bit annoying, but fortunately he's not present a lot.
By Aditya J
•Jun 25, 2020
I loved this course and according to me this is the best course if you are new to programming world.I also got a certificate after completing this awesome and full of fun course and I thank the whole course team and especially Areti Mam for this and my whole journey.This course helped me in clearing my basics and created my interest in the wide field of Computer Science and programming.Thank you so much for all the marvelous stuff and valuable certificate!
By أحمد
•Aug 21, 2020
I knew nothing about programming before this course, it gave a good idea about the concepts and its applications. the short quizzes during lectures where very useful and the assignments made me deeply understand all the concepts I studied in this course.
If you're a total beginner I highly recommend you check this course, however if you have a decent background in programming, then this might be too simple and primitive for you.
By Mia G
•Mar 7, 2022
A good introduction to the language/concept of computer programming. I'm going to look for a Java beginners course next, but doing this Scratch course first has helped build an understanding of the fundamentals and basics of thinking like a programmer (for someone who has never programmed before like me!) I'd recommend giving it a go. I feel a lot more confident and capable now at the end than what I did at the beginning :)
By jacinda r
•Jan 11, 2021
I really enjoyed the course. It took me a bit to get my brain working in the right direction, as I think artistically rather than linear like the program, but I got through it and had fun (and struggled a bit) doing the programs and games. The teachers were great and all the feedback from the other students for the assignments was very helpful and useful. This course makes me want to keep learning about coding.
By Anh T
•May 26, 2020
Awesome!! It's fun and really easy to follow. Scratch is also friendly to beginners. The video presentation provides a very good flow of the basic terms while the bonus interviews give us practical insights into the real world of programmers. I have no background of computer programming. As an absolute beginner, I find it really useful and inspiring. Now I'm moving on to Python. Thank you!! Muchas gracias!!
By Virgil Z T
•Jan 15, 2021
Great introduction to programming, especially if you've never tried it (with experience it's also interesting, a bit different approach than classical console mode algorithm based ones). Many of object oriented concepts, basic structures, loops, variable, methods, class and object -like things will be familiar later on so. Amusing challenges, well designed courses, real life interviews.