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Learner Reviews & Feedback for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers by Johns Hopkins University

16,850 ratings

About the Course

Do you realize that the only functionality of a web application that the user directly interacts with is through the web page? Implement it poorly and, to the user, the server-side becomes irrelevant! Today’s user expects a lot out of the web page: it has to load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices: from a desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. In this course, we will learn the basic tools that every web page coder needs to know. We will start from the ground up by learning how to implement modern web pages with HTML and CSS. We will then advance to learning how to code our pages such that its components rearrange and resize themselves automatically based on the size of the user’s screen. You’ll be able to code up a web page that will be just as useful on a mobile phone as on a desktop computer. No “pinch and zoom” required! Last but certainly not least, we will get a thorough introduction to the most ubiquitous, popular, and incredibly powerful language of the web: Javascript. Using Javascript, you will be able to build a fully functional web application that utilizes Ajax to expose server-side functionality and data to the end user....

Top reviews


May 31, 2020

Many thanks to the creators of this course! It was a very solid refresher for me, even though I have spent in web development a few years by now. I thoroughly enjoyed every lesson. Thank you, Yaakov!


Jun 11, 2020

Actually the best online course i hv ever learnt,especially the professor yaakov is quiet outstanding.And a field trip in a online course sounds rare and good!!Thank You Coursera and yakkov for this!!

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401 - 425 of 5,841 Reviews for HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers

By Hanadi H

Aug 12, 2019

I liked the course very much! Everything about it is great. Yaacov meticulously explains needed information. The slides are adequate. It's nice to have the information spoken by Yaacov as printed for further comprehension and follow up. The field trip for the website was really good. It's the first time I get exposed to the life of Jews and I found many similarities with my background. Of course there are so much information concerning the course that I need further readings (from the Readings list) and perhaps to restudy the course on my own to have a really sturdy base in web development. Thank you!

By Ruslan R

Apr 3, 2016

This covers provides excellent coverage of the most fundamental concepts of front-end development. The presentation style in the lectures was very clear and easy to understand and the information in the lectures themselves, particularly the ones on CSS and Javascript, was quite comprehensive. I have learned much more about CSS than I ever knew before and have even been able to apply that knowledge in my full-time job as a software engineer. This has all been possible thanks to this course. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to understand much more about front-end development.

By Linda L

Dec 16, 2020

This is the best programming course I have ever hade! As a high school teacher in physics, math and chemistry, I can definitely recommend Jaakov as a extremely pedagogic teacher! He is structural and clear in the video lectures.

Despite the content of HTML, CSS and JS, the history and knowledge around the programming Jaakov talks in this course helps me to understand the core knowledge in a fun way. The working environment settings in the very beginning of the coures and the example (the Chinese restaurant homepage) is easy to understand and fun to follow. The source code is also very helpfull.

By Arpan P

Oct 22, 2020

This is probably one of the best online courses that anyone can get not only in Coursera but across any online teaching platform. And it's all because of having an wonderful course instructor as Yaakov Chaikin. Thank you Sir. You have made me understand the fundamental concepts of HTML, CSS Framework and JavaScript so much easily and precisely. Also as you said, not many computer science courses take us on a field trip! Although virtual, it was fun. And that's what added the cherry on the cake.

Definitely this course deserves a 5 Star rating. Loved it! And learned a TON.

By Mahmud F U A

Jun 23, 2016

A perfect gateway into web development. I would recommend this course to anybody who deals with websites in general. Even if you are not a developer, you can take this course just to know how websites do the things they do. It's concise yet very complete, and very rewarding.

All the content is structured very well: the topics are divided into small morsels, if you will, perfect for learning. The instructor, Yaakov Chaikin, is one of the best teachers I have come across and the assignments are engaging and pose just enough challenge to help you learn. Five stars any day.

By Paul S

Oct 18, 2016

It's an all-rounder course with a great introduction to HTML, CSS and Javascript/jQuery/AJAX. There's enough formal background to tell you why things are they way they are and what each HTML, CSS, JS component is meant to achieve and how to do it. Great links to external resources as well. The practical examples and assignments do all they should to reinforce that. The course gives a very good base to build on by yourself, or continue further with more advanced material. It definitely helps to have some programming experience for the latter material on Javascript.

By Vinicius d N S d S

Sep 26, 2016

Great course! I really enjoyed it. It helped consolidate a lot of important knowledge, in order to create high quality, modern web applications.

I do have one suggestion though, which would be creating a version of this course directed to Ruby on Rails. The framework has numerous helpers for building frontend and a lot of things displayed in this course could be approached differently with the help of Rails. I would've enjoyed having this perspective, since I'm taking the Ruby on Rails specialization.

Nonetheless, congratulations on the great course you guys put up!

By huzefa s

Apr 20, 2021

This is a great course for anyone who wants to learn front end web development. The material in the course is designed in such a manner that it does not take much time and yet provides in-depth knowledge about the subject. Five stars for the members of the John Hopkins university team and coursera which spent huge efforts to deliver and create this course. You people have done a fantastic job of creating a course which does not take much time of the learner yet leaves him fully prepared to take challenges he may face in the industry of front end web development.

By Carrie H

Nov 28, 2020

This was an excellent course. It covered everything from html, CSS, the Bootstrap framework, responsive design, JavaScript, and Ajax and JSON parsing for getting data, and rendering it dynamically. I was impressed with the simple and concise explanations of some of the more nuanced JavaScript concepts like closures, how the 'this' keyword references can vary, and using IIFEs for namespacing. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in learning about front end web development. It was definitely thorough coverage for a course of this length.

By Yijie Q

Jul 25, 2016

I've learned bits and pieces of HTML, CSS, and Javascript in school and work. With that said, this course was an easy one for me, nevertheless it helped organizing my prior web dev knowledge, and had definitely shined lights onto some details that I didn't know before. Yaakov did a great job explaining the basic concepts, as well as tapping into the common tricks and pitfalls.

I'd recommend this course to anyone who's just starting to learn web development, as well as those who'd like to put their previous on-the-spot learnings into an organized piece.

By Genelle P

Mar 3, 2016

I am really enjoying the class so far. The professor and teaching assistants have been very responsive to questions in the forum. I've been looking for a HTML/Javascript course that wasn't a super beginner level course as I have some programming experience but am trying to learn more, and this class fits the bill. If you are very new to programming I wouldn't recommend taking this as the professor moves pretty quickly, but if you're like me and want to learn web development and have some programming knowledge under your belt, this class is made for you!

By Matthew A

Sep 11, 2021

Didn't pay for the full access, but I can say this course is one of the best I have taken on Web Developing. Each video was greatly constructed and well planned out. Professor Chaikin made the videos so entertaining and easy to follow along, even took the time to break down each line of code which I appreciated. Thank you so much for this course, not only did it help me grow as a web developer, but it even helped me brush up on my programming fundamentals as well. This really does deserve a 5 star rating. Hoping and expecting more great course videos!

By Luznery d C V M

Jan 11, 2017

Highly recommended course!

Because I improve my knowledge of CSS3, I learned to develop an environment working with Git, create pages in GitHub. I wanted to create my first page in GitHub and I made it through this course. I also improved my JavaScript skills and learned Ajax which is totally new to me. And finally and no less important the assignment of module 5 was super incredible. I thank the Instructor Yaakov Chaikin is a great instructor super inspiring and the whole team of mentors were fantastic, they were of great help. :)

Thank you very much!

By Kavi S

Jun 28, 2020

I am a second year undergrad from India. Before enrolling into this course, I was in dilemma whether or not I should take this course up because web development was something that didn't interest me much. After entering the course too, I was reluctant to do it. But once, it started off, it grew all the interest in me and I would not deny it that it is all because of Mr.Yaakov Chaikin. His way of teaching is so engaging that now, I love Web development and I am even thinking of enrolling in your AngularJS course too.

Thanks Yaakov and yes, Coursera


By Hafiz R

Feb 9, 2024

Such a great course. I needed some refresher and some self validation. This course helped with that and more. As a front-end developer, there are things we don't use often so we forget and its very difficult to recall. Courses and instructors such as Yaakov helps us keep up. So grateful for this course and the way presented by Coursera. My first experience with Coursera and it was wonderful. Can't wait to take on the next adventure. Yaakov is a wonderful instructor/teacher. I miss his lectures already. I will take his next class God willing.

By Станіслав П

Feb 19, 2022

My name is Stanislav Polivtsev. I am working in the field of Web Development ( During this course, you get new systematic knowledge in Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS). For me was the interesting part of CSS and JS with practical assignments. You can always find some interesting patterns that you usually don’t use in the work. The course was well designed and give a field for more deep investigation in Web Development. Special thanks to Instructor and Coursera team. Regards. Stanislav Polivtsev.

By Kshitij G

Feb 28, 2016

I am super confident even with just two weeks into the course of coming out as a really skilled developer, and hopefully have a fairly advanced "developer's intuition". Best part is he has worked diligently on the minutest of details and been careful how on-line learning can be difficult.

I have never done coding, and have often wondered what could be special to it.

So.. guess the course approaches a specialisation successfully allowing retention of that "excitement & curiosity" that almost always is inherent to learning.

Five stars already.

By sargon h

Jun 27, 2016

Yakoov is one of the best instructors I ever had on coursera. I am planning to take additional courses from him as instructor. This class is great. I was expecting just the a basic refresher course on the basic web technologies, but I ended up getting more than what I expected. The coverage is just enough to getting off the ground and explore more complex topics. Also, the responsive design coverage was completely appropriate and timely, at least in my case. I highly recommend taking this class and others offered by Yakoov Chaikin.

By Peter W P

Jan 5, 2021

Starting into module 3 it´s high time to rate this great course. I am delighted not only by the high quality instruction videos but also by the completeness of this course. Starting from downloading und installing all necessary tools, introduction to version control with GIT, using HTML und CSS till the essentials of requirement engineering everthing is covered. And all that is presented in a diction that allow non-native speakers to follow easily. I am looking forward to the learn about Javascript in the modules still to come.

By S.D.Dheeraj G

Jun 8, 2020

The course is structured pretty well and interesting. Great Work by Coursera and the instructors. Although I feel like week 4 and 5 is a bit fast. They have a lot of content and depth in them which need certain time for students to get a grip on them as I suppose most of the students enrolled here are doing WebDev for the first time.A week may be added for this purpose(Just my humble suggestion). Anyways, I wholeheartedly enjoyed the course and it gave me a pretty good insight into WebDevelopement. Kudos to JHU .. !! <3 :)

By Sahas N

Apr 6, 2017

Absolutely loved Mr.Yaakov's teaching. I began learning web development long ago before dropping it as most of the tutorials out there were not exciting and really lacked in organisation of material & fundamental concepts. Either the tutorials were too slow or went over the top. Kudos to Mr.Yaakov for making the course interesting, dealing more with fundamentals and for the way he integrated HTML, CSS and javascript topics on a real-world website. I for sure learned more regarding web dev over past week more than ever.

By Whitney J

Dec 3, 2016

Really good course be Professor Chaikin is very thorough in his explanations of the different steps towards understanding HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The course left me with the feeling that though we learned a lot there was still much more to learn. With a course like this, you get out what you put in so I highly recommend committing yourself to doing the assignments and keeping up with examples while Prof. Chaikin is explaining them. It helps a lot if you following along using your own code editor and Browser Sync.

By Fernando A

Jun 11, 2016

Very practical course, a lot of resources to your disposal, all information is very clear, you have a forum to ask any question and the professor answers really fast.! I can't believe it but i'm getting a lot of fun learning how to program with this languages! Also, the professor speaks english very clear which is great for me as i'm from México and i have no a perfect english. There is also an option to put subtitles on, but, at least for me, is kind of annoying read subtitles and listen to videos at the same time.

By Benjamin L

May 14, 2017

I found this to be an excellent course. I had prior exposure to CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript and this course helped me understand the key concepts behind these technologies more fully. I would have liked more coverage of Javascript but I guess I'll get that in the follow on AngularJS course for which I've already signed up. I should point out that I have not taken the earlier courses in the Ruby on Rails specialization - they're not strictly a prerequisite, especially if you have some prior development experience.

By Lee C

Jun 26, 2022

Wow, this course is really unique and worth learning, especially for beginners and also those who wanna enhance their coding skills and frameworks provided. Moreover, it is worth getting financial aid for enrolling on this course (if you're not able to afford it) that able to gain access to beneficial assignments and some quizzes for a better future. This is absolutely one of the greatest coding courses in Coursera I've ever seen, it helped me a lot with great details. Thanks a lot, Prof. Highly appreciated!!!