Jul 26, 2019
I really think this is a good way to get people that hasn't had interaction with GCP before on track, but it also is of really good use for regular users to discover more capabilities of the platform
Jan 29, 2017
Great course to introduce the specialization. It could be more robust, but it does the job and you are also provided with links for documents that will help you build on what you learn in the course.
By stephane b
•Dec 3, 2019
Like it much. Some topic are really deep like container for an intro. else its ok.
By Robert J
•Feb 25, 2018
The content was great! However, I had to listen and double speed to keep me focused.
By Sangram M
•May 1, 2017
It is a very good course for beginners. Great platform to learn this new technology.
By Y N
•Mar 19, 2021
1 qwiklab with error and require us to contact qwiklabs support for technical help.
By Fernando C M
•Mar 14, 2020
Some topics are out of date, but it was a great and valuable source of information.
By Aline M
•Jan 30, 2020
Acredito que as questões deveriam ter em portugues com os termos tecnicos em ingles
By Miszkiewicz K
•Dec 3, 2019
There were some issues here and there in the labs but other than that it was great.
By Pilar J V T
•Nov 19, 2018
very good except for a bit of issues with the LAB steps. like no updated correctly.
By Kolpinizki S
•Oct 5, 2023
The lab exercises seem a bit niche... But overall, it's good that you have them...
By Wayne G
•Oct 30, 2018
It was challenging but I loved learning about GCP's core fundamentals! It was fun!
By Sakthivel P
•Jul 28, 2018
subject is well defined. theoretical part is nice, need more on practical session.
By Pedro B
•Feb 24, 2020
Usually VM-instances take half of the time during laboratories to be provisioned.
By Ken W
•May 18, 2022
Great course. I wish there were more, longer and more repetative modules in GCP.
By Mitsuhiro M
•Jun 14, 2020
Machine Learningのqwicks labでtable読込が何度やってもうまくいかなかったこと以外は、とても素敵なコースでした。有難うございました。
By Łukasz O
•Sep 16, 2019
Some things are little outdated but in general nice introduction to google cloud
By h n
•Sep 14, 2019
Had to redo couple of labs as the completion status wasn't updated successfully!
By Tetsushi Y
•Aug 23, 2019
Very good, well explained. The information seems a bit dated, but is acceptable.
By Indumathi K
•Mar 7, 2019
excellent course and covered basic fundamentals you would like to know about GCP
•Aug 29, 2018
This is wonderful course for knowing and understanding about GCP infrastructure.
By Karla D R A
•May 25, 2017
Trainer is very well versed and knowledgeable. Love the different hands-on labs.
By Rahul A
•Feb 9, 2025
Absoluetly this course was good and pratical Lab session was easy to understand
By Prassanth E
•Nov 2, 2021
Course videos needs to be updates. Old version of UI is shown in all the videos
By Hugo A C
•Aug 15, 2020
Buen curso , solo creo que las practicas son en algunos casos un poco básicas.
By Harsh J
•May 29, 2020
Really good course and using qwiklabs is awesome method. Ty coursera and Google
By Rajesh G
•May 3, 2020
It was good to know Google Compute and Netowrking details. Labs are quite good.