Sep 2, 2019
All the concepts were well explained and this course was perhaps the best I have found for RL.Great efforts have been put into making the course and It goes well in line with the suggested textbook.
Apr 12, 2024
The concepts may sound confusing in the beginning, but as you go forward you find it interesting and understanding. I suggest you completely read the reading assignments before watching the videos.
By Julien S
ā¢Mar 15, 2020
Best course on basics of Reinforcement Learning so far. Clear explanations, relevant quizz and coding exercises to really understand what we are dealing with in this field.
By Ivan S F
ā¢Sep 1, 2019
Very practical and learning-oriented. Providing the textbook in PDF is a big plus. I think there should be more programming exercises. Great course anyway. Worth taking it.
By AndrƩ B
ā¢Dec 1, 2019
I really enjoyed this course. The examples and the infrastructure provided (jupyter notebooks as assingments) made this course one of the best MOOCs that I have ever taken
By Claudio C
ā¢Feb 22, 2021
I was surprised how much this course challenged me compared to others I have taken on this platform.
It strongly demands the viewer to understand the topic of the course.
By Phil K M
ā¢Aug 22, 2020
I have learned a lot about the fundamental of reinforcement learning! Thanks a lot!
Two instructors are delivering an excellent course and the whole team did a great job!
By Christian R
ā¢Apr 15, 2020
I had some exposure to RL before but this course really tied together many things I learned so far and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of this specialization.
By Mustafa K
ā¢Jan 4, 2022
hws, quizzes, lectures were all prepared with great care!!!
definitely makes you learn the basics...
looking forward to the remaining 3 courses in this specialization...
By Matias A
ā¢Feb 13, 2020
Great course in general. Very clear step-by-step explanations of the theory needed to understand, plus practical examples to be able to fully understand the concepts.
By Ryan W
ā¢Feb 10, 2023
Awesome course! The explanation is really clear and it really helps understand the basic concept of RL. It would be better if we could have more progamming exercises.
By Aditya S
ā¢Apr 17, 2020
Great course, To be honest this course has made my concepts very clear, and I highly appreciate the way Martha ma'am and Adam sir taught. I really enjoyed the course.
By Aditya J
ā¢Sep 16, 2019
Impressed by the knowledge of professors in the video and inspite of that they took so much interest in teaching minor concepts to students which are trivial to them.
By Gowtham R
ā¢Jan 26, 2020
Amazing course! This course goes through the fundamentals of RL covering both theory and practicals(through programming assignments). The book is also great to read.
By Qianbo Y
ā¢Jan 8, 2020
A very good course integrated with Sutton and Barto textbook. A good foundation of RL can be learned from this class. It also balances well with theory and practice.
By Abhijeet
ā¢Oct 1, 2020
It is a good course to get an idea about what reinforcement learning is and what are its wide application. It covers the basic concepts and is very well organized.
By Singhi K
ā¢Aug 8, 2019
Good course following the classic book but it is kept at an easy pace for diverse people to be able to understand and apply the concepts of reinforcement learning.
By Yangjiong Z
ā¢May 9, 2020
best reinforcement learning on the cousera so far! all the concepts are presented in a very clear manner and plenty examples provided to facilitate understanding.
By Max C
ā¢Oct 24, 2019
Got me kickstarted with RL pretty well. I tried reading the RL book myself previously, but having complementary lectures and assignments made all the difference.
By Christian S
ā¢Sep 2, 2019
great course; well explained and exercises reinforce the learnt material. also, great that this course uses Sutton's and Barto's book on reinforcement learning.
By Fabio C
ā¢Oct 31, 2022
Well structured course. Well organized quiz elements and informative laboratory assignments which help understanding the mechanisms of reinforcement learning.
By Ä°brahim Y
ā¢Sep 18, 2020
The course gives basic ideas for introductory concepts for RL. This course is recommended for RL learners who would like to get some basic intuitions for RL.
By Antonio P R
ā¢Apr 3, 2021
Very detailed introduction to Reinforcement Learning. The course introduces all the necessary math and probability required to better understand this field.
By S R D
ā¢Feb 9, 2021
Simple and intuitive learning material. Creators of this course has taken care to introduce concepts in a learner friendly manner unlike most courses here.
ā¢Apr 27, 2020
Extraordinary material. Good examples and exercises. Works very well if you take the lessons together with reading the book. Congratulations on the course!
By shengjian c
ā¢Sep 1, 2019
This is a very helpful courses to help me walk through the Reinforcement Learning book with different kind of practices. Looking forward to taking course2!
By Tingting X
ā¢Aug 6, 2019
I love their way of teaching, they ask you to read, understand firstly, and then start to give a lecture about what it is, which helps a lot to understand.