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Learner Reviews & Feedback for User Research and Design by University of Minnesota

462 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn and practice techniques of user research and early UI design exploration. First, you will learn and practice several techniques for user research, including in-person research and survey and log-analysis techniques. Then, you will learn to analyze and deliver user research in forms that support UI design, including personas, use cases, tasks, and scenarios. Finally, you will learn and practice ideation techniques that start from user research and broadly generate potential design ideas....

Top reviews


Sep 19, 2017

Great course, thank you! I enjoy the different styles of teaching that each instructor brings to the course. And I hope to make time to do all the assignments to receive the certificate.


May 5, 2020

This was a very challenging course but it's worth al the trouble. I learnt quite a bit about the importance of User Research and the ideation processes.

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1 - 25 of 83 Reviews for User Research and Design

By Kris M

Sep 7, 2018

FIRST - I think this could be improved with more quizes and things to break up the video. Some of us struggle to stay conscious and attentive when things aren't interactive. This would be a great help and also a good test of knowledge and understanding. ESPECIALLY please for the love of god put some quizes or questions in to break up vids that are long like 17 mins! (even, i'd say, break up even the 7 min ones. there is no downside to quick questions that test to make sure you are understanding the material)

SECOND - the amount of time estimated for the last assignment is sorely underrated. to do 100 ideas in one hour would mean 30 seconds to type each up, and this excludes the time needed to THINK and come up with new ideas. as an individual this felt impossible. not to mention the time to draft the 5 ideas. i did sketches with notations and a scenario. all told this needs to be 2-8 hours. (i can see where someone could get away with a shorter time due to not fleshing out their scenarios, and in fact the ones I graded were a lot like this.

HOWEVER, at least one of those people also reported it took them DAYS to generate all the ideas. i agree this process is intense, and takes a LOT of time.) my grading of 2 peers took me almost an hour. (again, i could see where a person could shlep by with short responses but i was trying to really evaluate these ideas, offer cons and suggestions around them. i feel this helped my learning process also, as i was treating it like a real world approach (as if i was on a job). i did the same with drafting my 5 ideas/drawings.

By Michael G

Sep 5, 2018

The course from my point of view is missing important information about how and when to use qualitative and quantitative research methods into the project especially the when part

By Zheng L

May 7, 2019

One hundred ideas too tricky...

And I need more peer reviews for my assignment, I have been waiting for 11 days, but I got 0 reviews. (I already gave nine reviews for others.)

By Boris R

Aug 10, 2018

Very nice lectures, but hard and time consuming assignments, so keep that in mind - it will probably take more time than stated. Helped me learn a lot.

By Lucia L

Dec 31, 2016

Important concepts like tasks, walkthrough scenarios, use cases, and personas are very well explained with good examples helping to understand the differences. There were methods like the quantitative analysis and ideation that I have not come across in 15 years of my professional life as a software developer - so there is certainly still a message to be spread. Questions are presented within the videos to make sure you are keeping track. A lot of hints for further reading are given. Great learning material!

There are two minor points I would like to mention although they do in no way make me downrate the course. The part on the quantitative analysis I found a little too shallow and short - but on the other hand, these methods are more common and easily accessable in statistics courses and books. The ideation assignment I found a little hard - to come up with 100 ideas alone, not in a team which the method is designed for. On the other hand, it helped experience that the method works as I could come up with several really different ideas for the given problem.

By Aleksander H

Aug 23, 2018

It is hard for me to rate this one, since there are two sides of this course: there is user observation, ideation and all the "creative" and "human approach" parts, which are actually great. I think that the course could prepare you a little better for the final assignment, but I would still give 5 stars for that part. But there is the "data driven" part... which is terrible. 0 Stars for that. This are just an excerpts, random pages read from some textbook... not even an interesting textbook. No practical knowledge, no assignments, and LITERALLY: ONE example that aims to explain something. Only plus side of that part is, that it is short, and you can concentrate on the second part.

By Александр Р

Jun 11, 2018

Recommend this course for everyone who wants to dive into research methods, understand when and how to use each of them and know how to transform research data into worth UI requirements.P.S. You will know a 100% workable pattern on how to think up an original, valuable and competitive product idea.

By Bolatito A

May 5, 2020

This was a very challenging course but it's worth al the trouble. I learnt quite a bit about the importance of User Research and the ideation processes.

By Deleted A

Oct 7, 2019

The course was well put together and provided good resources for further learning. I wish there was a way to get more structured feedback.

By Chelsea D

Aug 30, 2018

I use these techniques in my day-to-day work and you did a great job summarizing a broad set of topics into a digestible course. Thanks!

By Carlo

Oct 7, 2022

This course gives a good panoramic on user centered design subjects, there are important notions on research methods that are today's standards for many enterprises, so it provides skills to use on a professional level. The title however should include "User Experience" because many of the lessons verge on UX research methodologies and applications. I'd like to give five stars but too many videos are outdated for 2022, mind this course is from 2016 and research material is older than that. If they update lessons and materials this course can only benefit.

By Pascal Q

Feb 14, 2022

Very nice lectures. I was aware of most subjects and I learnt a a lot. The assigments are hard and time consuming. The obsevation took 3hours. It was not so hard but the time was underevaluated to 1 hour. I found the ideation a little too challenging. Such activity should be made in a team, not alone. The time needed for that task is far underevaluated. I only acheived 80/100 ideas in about 4 hours, including some time needed to phrase the idea in English, which is not may mother language.

By Michael D

May 3, 2018

I liked this, the one piece of feedback I have is that it seems focused pretty heavily on an academic setting as opposed to a business setting - it might just be my own bias but coming from working in a software company it's much harder for me to connect to the examples that involve "real world" device design rather than pure software UI design.

By Eric S

Apr 29, 2018

Weekly sessions are locked until a certain date. I find I am able to easily overcome the pacing of the course. I would like to be able to move more quickly through the course to remain engaged.

By Nicholas W

Jan 3, 2017

Good, a lot about research and collecting data.

By raquel s

Dec 8, 2022

I like the program and the topics of the course, the homework and the resources where very usefull, I loved the separated families strategy of communication example and task, it was really insightful about the impact on technology and all the factors to consider when designing.

My only comment is to improve the rhythm and speed of the teachers. Some talk too fast, others read the slides and become boring. Two professors were having a conversation with each other, and shared examples, I liked that very much, it was more dynamic and interesting (Personas, User Cases).

I looked for this course mainly for Quantitative Research, but it was really technical and the time given was not enough, even though the example was really helpful

By Chung K

Jun 2, 2017

Thank you peer reviewer for giving me a 5 out of 100 points on my assignment preventing me from passing. I don't think the weight of these peer reviews are fair. There should be more peer reviews, or weighted less.

By manisha a

Apr 21, 2018

i didnt like the course and the way it was explained

By J G

May 23, 2022

This course was very challanging and informative. I can truly say I have learned how to look at the complexity involved with user research and have a true since of appreciation for it. I congradualate all that have passed this sectin of the UI Design Course and thank all of the instructures for the lectures.

By Victoria T

Feb 5, 2018

It was great to do some hands-on work with user observation and idea generation in this course. I felt like the work load was fairly heavy, and some projects took me longer than the recommended time, but I also learned a lot about the process.

By Anna S

Sep 19, 2017

Great course, thank you! I enjoy the different styles of teaching that each instructor brings to the course. And I hope to make time to do all the assignments to receive the certificate.

By 科学周

Oct 25, 2016

this course is very useful and helpful, and it was made very careful, I would like to recommend it to my friends.

By Felicia O

Sep 28, 2022

A really worth while course

Learnt alot and now i have gotten better with user research and all approaches

By Francisco H

Nov 26, 2016

I learned many useful lessons that I can apply to my work in designing social programs for partcipants.

By Bricia A R L

Apr 5, 2021

Es maravilloso porque otorga demasiadas herramientas hacia procesos de investigación.