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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body by University of New Mexico

109 ratings

About the Course

As the second of four courses on Curanderismo, the art of Hispanic/Latino traditional medicine, this course focuses specifically on traditional healing of the body. As an educational and cultural platform, this course will share a number of traditional body therapies. Learners will not become certified traditional healers at the completion of this course but will be able apply basic principles or traditional medicine for health and illnesses. They will become familiar specifically with the traditional treatment of Empacho (intestinal blockage), Manteadas (shawl alignments), Ventosas (fire cupping), Hidroterapia (healing with water), and other topics such as the Huesero (bone setter). Future Curanderismo courses include: Traditional Healing of the Mind, Energy and Spirit: Temazcal (sweatlodge), Limpias (energetic/spiritual cleansings), Risaterapia (laugh therapy) and other topics. Global and Cultural Influences of Traditional Healing: African tradition, Afro Latino from Cuba and Puerto Rico, Native American spiritual cleansings and Mayan acupuncture and other topics. REQUIRED TEXTS Curanderismo: The Art of Traditional Medicine without Borders by Eliseo Torres Curandero: Traditional Healers of Mexico and the Southwest by Eliseo Torres with Imanol Miranda Where to buy: OPTIONAL TEXTS Curandero: A life in Mexican Folk Healing by Eliseo Torres & Tim Sawyer Healing with Herbs & Rituals: A Mexican Tradition, Eliseo Torres, edited by Tim Sawyer Where to buy: PODCAST: Blubrry podcast - Itunes Episode 63 -

Top reviews


Dec 4, 2020

Thank you so much for the very emotional, good-hearted, deep, and applicable knowledge! To improve pls consider, that in some video position is closed and not totally seen the hands movement.


Sep 3, 2020

Good complement and continuation of other courses offered by UNM and Dr. Torres. Always nice to see the practitioners in action and explaining what they do and why. Very useful overview.

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1 - 25 of 41 Reviews for Curanderismo: Traditional Healing of the Body

By Aung T


Jul 26, 2020

Very useful and amazing technique for me. It is very easy to learn from the teacher and l the instructor. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn this course.

By Xista G


Jun 21, 2019

Great course! It was neat to see some of the things I was taught by family be reinforced. Definitely will help me live better.



Aug 8, 2020

Muy intresante en trabajo con el cuerpo a traves de la medicina tradicional, aprender con excelentes Maestros y curanderos.

By Ana B


Aug 8, 2019

I wish the instructional videos with Rita were much longer, it is clear she is an experienced, thorough healer.

By Armando C


Mar 6, 2019



By Gustavo G Z


Sep 2, 2020

3xcelente curso de medicina alternativa y muy tradicional.

By Elisa D A T


Sep 1, 2020

me gusto mucho, informacion muy util y muy bien explicado

By Felina C


Apr 29, 2024

My great grandmother was a trained Curandera from New Mexico. I never got to meet her but her son, my Grandfather, use to do similar healing modalities on me as a child when I was sick or not feeling well. He passed by the time I was 7 but I never forgot what he did. As an adult I have always been drawn to medicine that wasn't mainstream. It wasn't until my late 20's I realized I was the Healer of the family and have dove head first into educating myself in ALL and anything I can find. I have gotten Master Reiki Teacher training, I have trained under a local Healer in my community, and I also have completed all 4 UNM Online Courses for Curanderismo. I want to say Thank you Professor Cheo for all you have done for education for us here in New Mexico.

By evelyn c


Mar 29, 2020

Over all I really enjoyed learning with videos, its been a blessing that I had started taking this course before the pandemic, while in quarantine it gave me time to fish it faster. All the teachers had so much knowledge and wisdom, thank you for opening the doors to a possible career in natural healing. I wish it had more information about the plant oiments needed. Over all it was a great free course, it had amazing presentations. Thank your creating this wonderful course, I has definitely enriched my life.

By Gabriel L L


Jan 5, 2025

Many of the different aspects of the course brings home many ways of things I experience as a child. Moreover, this course gives me a greater appreciation for the elders that have now all gone to live with the Ancestors. I am very grateful for the presenters and volunteers that have put this important learning experience together for me to realign myself with the ways of "Ole" and help make a greater impact within the Holistic and Traditional needs for a body's Healing. I thank you kindly.

By Svajune K


Nov 10, 2020

I was fascinated and impressed by the people who shared their knowledge.

Everyone would be happy to meet such a person in their life.

During the course I gained a lot of clear, useful and specific knowledge.

The training material is perfectly prepared, the therapeutic movements of the massage are demonstrated really wonderful and it's very acceptably clearly explained how to do it correctly and what tools to use.

Thank you very much

By Olivia S


Aug 24, 2020

This course allowed me to explore medicine in a way that I have not been exposed to before. The demonstrations showed that healing can be performed for a variety of ailments and illnesses quite effectively, and I look forward to being able to apply some of these practices when I become a physician.



Jun 2, 2021

This is great for all who are trying to stay away from all this medications. That are affecting us more that the actually sickness itself. I will continue now to learn as much as possible thank you we are consuming.

Looking forward to one day going the University of New Mexico and meeting you all.

By Nicola J


Mar 30, 2019

I found this course on traditional healing very interesting and engaging. It has a lot of good advice on treating various ailments and also how to enhance health and wellbeing for the different life stages. My thanks to the educators and course organisers.

By Richard D F


Oct 12, 2020

Nunambo Eliseo Torres, and the university of Mexico for bring this knowledge for mayombe decendant on the island of Saint Lucia. it will help me to help others and also provide better for my self and love ones, acheee'o e kadi nzambi.

By Mireya P O G


Oct 28, 2020

Very useful course, I love the way they explained in spanish, because its easier for me to share it's content. I appreciate the value you give to traditional's ways of healing present in latin american.

By Lilit s


Dec 4, 2020

Thank you so much for the very emotional, good-hearted, deep, and applicable knowledge! To improve pls consider, that in some video position is closed and not totally seen the hands movement.

By Mauro D


Sep 3, 2020

Good complement and continuation of other courses offered by UNM and Dr. Torres. Always nice to see the practitioners in action and explaining what they do and why. Very useful overview.

By Tawni V


Aug 1, 2019

Such a wonderful course. Thank you so much. I feel empowered to use these techniques to help myself and my family.

By Arlette


Nov 22, 2020

I really love this course and I highly recommended it as well. Love learning all these techniques!

By Lourdes C


Nov 6, 2020

Learned a lot, all the lessons are well explained by experts in traditional healing.

By Josephine J


Jun 18, 2024

This is a great course, I've incorporate some of these techniques in my business.

By Bret O


Jan 14, 2021

A fantastic course, full of excellent demonstrations and ancient wisdom

By G P


Nov 10, 2023

Very informative classes and great teachers! Thank you very much

By Musharrat J


Jan 17, 2022

Excellent program and I have learned many things from here