Nov 28, 2021
I really enjoyed this archaeoastronomy course. Professor Magli demonstrated outstanding knowledge of the subject, and was so generous in sharing his expertise through videos of worldwide locations.
Mar 3, 2019
Amazingly made MOOC. Perhaps it feels a bit short in comparison to some of the others, but the material is well presented and the suggested readings give plenty of opportunity for further learning.
By Bruno M e M
•May 20, 2020
very astronomic, little anthropological
By Ananyā J
•Aug 3, 2023
Only the Western culture has been taken more into account. I guess it should be more diverse. Also, the scientific foundation has only been included in the reading section. It should be taught properly. Overall, the course just includes explanations of all the possible Western architecture. That's it. It's the only reason it got boring.
By Sara F
•Feb 13, 2017
The contents of the course are interesting however it is a shame that you can only access the quiz portion and assesments if you pay for the certificate. Same with the materials, it would be great if the readings and the suggested bibliography details could be downloaded.
By Fin M
•Mar 6, 2022
Zu wenig über Videos erklärt - zu kompliziert gestaltet. Das hätte man besser machen können. Auch grafische Darstellungen wären sehr hilfreich gewesen und die wären auch machbar gewesen. Es fehlt hier das "Herzblut" um das interessante Thema an den Mann zu bringen.
By Jim E
•Mar 28, 2022
interesting as a seminar but not really a college level course. Too little content or deep explanatio. Seems likeyou haveto buy professor's book for that which seemsto brpurposeof a lit of coursera content
By Malladi R G K
•Jul 8, 2020
this course gave some facts but failed to explain them clear enough. The videos explained fair enough but week 7 is horrible only containing texts and its real hard to imagine the conditions
By Anthony P
•Feb 14, 2021
There's a minor language barrier that made the course more difficult for me. The course materials, especially the last week, have absolutely nothing to do with the quizzes.
By Jessica M
•May 20, 2020
Information was interesting, however I finished the full course in 2 days and didn't find the presentation of the information or the assessments to be very intriguing.
By Chris C
•May 13, 2022
Interesting, but the material was not presented well
By Dayna A
•Jul 24, 2024
When I researched this class, it said there were no prerequisite classes or background needed. I found this class difficult to follow. The vocabulary needed to understand and pass this class was not explained, often resulting in me having to go elsewhere to understand concepts. Also, the math that was used and described was not basic at all. When I came to the end, there was a notification that 70% of those taking this course did NOT pass the test on the first time - I surely didn't. The questions didn't match what was in the course lessons, and I had to reread or rewatch videos, struggling to get a 60%. Overall, I found this course frustrating and disappointing.
By Khalil A
•Mar 22, 2025
Outdated course, limited historical / cultural perspective, limited demonstrations.
By Mahboobeh F
•Jun 28, 2022