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Learner Reviews & Feedback for People Analytics by University of Pennsylvania

6,067 ratings

About the Course

People analytics is a data-driven approach to managing people at work. For the first time in history, business leaders can make decisions about their people based on deep analysis of data rather than the traditional methods of personal relationships, decision making based on experience, and risk avoidance. In this brand new course, three of Wharton’s top professors, all pioneers in the field of people analytics, will explore the state-of-the-art techniques used to recruit and retain great people, and demonstrate how these techniques are used at cutting-edge companies. They’ll explain how data and sophisticated analysis is brought to bear on people-related issues, such as recruiting, performance evaluation, leadership, hiring and promotion, job design, compensation, and collaboration. This course is an introduction to the theory of people analytics, and is not intended to prepare learners to perform complex talent management data analysis. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how and when hard data is used to make soft-skill decisions about hiring and talent development, so that you can position yourself as a strategic partner in your company’s talent management decisions. This course is intended to introduced you to Organizations flourish when the people who work in them flourish. Analytics can help make both happen. This course in People Analytics is designed to help you flourish in your career, too....

Top reviews


Feb 16, 2023

I know something basic about people analytics, especially collaboration, performance Thanks Professors Massey, Bidwell, and HaasI would like to learn more content next in this topic: people analytics


Dec 22, 2018

Thank you so much for this very helpful module! I hope you continue to inspire HR professionals around the world to use HR Analytics as an important means to drive organizational-related decisions.

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1 - 25 of 1,135 Reviews for People Analytics

By Noah G


Mar 14, 2019

It's a good high-level overview of material, but it only skims the surface. I would have preferred more depth. That said, given its short duration, the course went as deep as it could.

By Jonathan Z


Feb 7, 2016

Extremely interesting concepts. But absolutely zero takeaways. The course seemed afraid of passing on any secret knowledge of "analysts".

By prakriti n


Jul 28, 2017

This is a very well defined course to give a very good start to the knowledge of People Analytics. The professors have brought in numerous examples to make the understanding of analytics better.

By Lauri S


Apr 10, 2016

While these courses have interesting subjects, the content is very light, requires little effort and hence results in little learning.

By Johann Q


Oct 6, 2019

Just lectures. No skill building. How to use People Analytics?

Learning by Doing create skills not boring lectures.

unnecessary complicated.

By Ankur G


Jan 8, 2019

Thank you Prof. Kassey, Prof. Haas and Prof. Bidwell. The course was nicely designed and really touched upon the pressing issues regarding people in an organization and how analytics can be used in overcoming those issues. I loved all the modules of the course and would recommend the course to anyone who wants to make a career in HR as analytics will be crucial in managing the workforce in coming time. The only recommendation is that it would be better if the course digs deeper into the techniques introduced. Overlall, great job by the team.

By Kathy T


Mar 18, 2017

Real helpful course especially for individuals who are in HR field or interested in becoming a better leaders, team players. Professors incorporated data analytics into human talent management!

By Kenneth C


Feb 5, 2019

would be good if some of the examples were not football and baseball, given i'm not from the us and don't understand those sports... also would be good to do some research on crossfit given their sport model seems to lend itself more to ppl analytics

By David P


Mar 13, 2019

This course renewed my appreciation for the field of Human Resources. Years ago I wrote a paper suggesting a formal requirement for a "Human Capital Balance Sheet" be established alongside the traditional financial balance sheet and income statement. It's interesting that in electronics we perform "circuit analysis" as a design parameter to manage load and efficiency parameters but for years in management we did not see the value of a similar analysis of communication and loading in "human circuits." Organizational Network Analysis corrects a blindness suffered and overlooked in the review process for the past century. Now with technology, we are able to harness data to correct this blindness, as if Peter Drucker and Edwards Demming met for the first time and co-invented processes to advance the data of human capital management. Data allows the blending of X and Y theory by nullifying much bias and fallacy which survived on pre-ONA blindness. This course revealed so much insight into the value added by new methods based on legitimate, describable statistical and mapping visuals not economically available until now. I could see ONA used BEFORE selecting a new ERP system or required for companies undergoing rapid growth...and so on. I would like to see a second course based on the actual statistical packages and the mapping software actually used to accomplish and use the methods described in "People Analytics." Remember: information is like electricity, it follows a path!

By Deleted A


Sep 11, 2020

Going into this course I didn't expect to take as much out of it as I have. This course really explained to me some of the questions I had with respect to teams and how people interact. Having been in sales, where "every man is for himself", and where you are judged mainly by numbers, I got a new appreciation for the role various teams play in the success of a sales person. Too bad many organizations do not evaluate the individual employee, especially a key employee on their effect on the teams they impact in the course of their interactions with them. This was a very eyeopening course in that regard.

By kiranmayi u


Apr 24, 2019

This course is an eye opener and is explained in a very comprehensive manner. The Quizes measured the actual understanding of the concept. I would like to thank all the three faculty for their best efforts. It was wonderful being a part of this course.

By Alakh A


Apr 11, 2019

A very good introductory course. I would recommend completing a basics of statistics course as well to better understand the concepts. Prof. Cade Massey does an excellent job in covering the concepts most essential for implementing people analytics.

By Mohammad A


Jan 8, 2020

This course was a good beginner approach toward understanding human resources impact and way to drive its power toward developing business, for me as a totally beginner it was an awesome course

By Gabriel A


Jun 30, 2020

A nice overview of the subject, introduced important basic concepts and prescriptions. Would have been useful to have a bit more instruction on how to complete some of the concepts that were mentioned. Being able to clearly understand the steps involved in running a variable regression analysis for example would have been of value. Over all the course was of benefit, though it lacked a bit of rigor.

By sandy w


Nov 7, 2021

Does not really provide with practical tools. Professor uses irrelevant sports examples, hard to relate or translate them into accionable corporate work

By Sheerae O


May 17, 2020

Lacks depth. Focused too much on what and why vs how. A greater focus on the application of analytic tools and techniques would have been more beneficial.

By laxdip P


Sep 30, 2016

It is just introduction to people analytics... No new techniques or learning.... Customer analytics was much interesting that this one....

By Stefano B


Jun 16, 2021

I expected a more practical course. At the end of the course I didn't learn anything I can use in my job

By Jorge M C P


Mar 21, 2019

The least you will find here is Analytics. Was expecting something more case-used and not pure theory.

By Sizhe S


Jan 15, 2018

only introductory. dont expect any in-depth content

By Sohail B


Dec 2, 2017

Brief Profile: Sohail Butt

I am a man of 58 years old and having an experience of almost 30 years of Business Management of Pharmaceutical & Nutraceutical Industries of Pakistan. Presently I am having my own Consulting Company " AIMMS CONSULTING" and extending my services as Management Consultant to different companies of said sectors.

I am of the conviction that learning is never ending and have a habit of learning new ideas about my favorite subject about People Analytics.

I really appreciate highly the efforts of my respected dynamic & resourceful Professors Cade Massey, Martine Haas & Matthew Bidwell and enjoyed the course material and videos presentation of this course. Mind blowing conceptual approach was adopted especially in the areas of basic conceptual knowledge of People Analytics in depth. Overall it was my superb experience of learning.


MY PERSONAL HUMBLE REQUEST, Please make also the important components of course material as a part of this Certificate with % AGGREGATE so that it has a much more worth & impact for the courses participated.

A separate Transcript must be issued with having Aggregate % Score and important Components of participated course.

Hard Copy of this certificate should be mail to my home address in Pakistan. Please use my credit card. I am ready to pay all expenses in this connection.

Thanks & best wishes to all Coursera Team.

Hard Copy of this certificate should be mail to my home address in Pakistan. Please use my credit card, I am ready to pay all expenses in this connection.

Thanks & best wishes to all Coursera Team.

By Yiping X


May 9, 2020

It is a excellent intro course for people analytics. Though you can not do people analytics immediately after you finish this course ( you still need some other knowledge mentioned, like statistics), it gives green hands a necessary overview of people analytics, including not only what people analytics is, how useful people analytics is, but also what kind of challenges people doing people analytics should meet (e.g., privacy issues) and how this fields will develop in the future. This global picture espeically the cautions and suggestions given by the professors offers a good guide for my following learning journey of people analytics. Every coin has two sides, so does people analytics. It is more than data analysis.

By Robert S C


Sep 8, 2023

As a seasoned HRIS leader, I found this to be a good introduction to People Analytics. The course provided good insight into the things one should be looking at when establishing a People Analytics program.

By Arnel M A


Dec 22, 2018

Thank you so much for this very helpful module! I hope you continue to inspire HR professionals around the world to use HR Analytics as an important means to drive organizational-related decisions.