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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms by Relay Graduate School of Education

922 ratings

About the Course

Positive psychology meets K-12 pedagogy. This course explores key ideas of positive psychology and shows how great teachers apply those lessons to maximize student engagement and accomplishment. Through lectures, discussions, interviews and footage of great educators in action, you’ll learn how to integrate character-based objectives into your own teaching....

Top reviews


Jun 5, 2020

This is a very comprehensive course and all the sources they use are very concise and educational. I recommend this course to both teachers and parents to strengthen the character of their children.


Jul 1, 2023

A Great course to improve understanding about classroom environment and how to develop Positive interactions and moments with children. I am grateful to Coursera for offering this wonderful course.

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1 - 25 of 303 Reviews for Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms

By Carl N


Jun 5, 2020

This is a very comprehensive course and all the sources they use are very concise and educational. I recommend this course to both teachers and parents to strengthen the character of their children.

By Hiba T N


Oct 25, 2020

I didn't like the peer-graded since I done all my part of work and it took me more than 3 hours to fulfill the first week the last step was to grade 4 assignments I graded 2 since there are no available assignments from other peers and this is a very irritating thing I need to wait for others to do the assignment so that I can graded for them and be able to move to the next week which so annoying and unfair cause I did my part of job and I would like to move on..... in my opinion only one assignment to be graded is more than enough should not be four and there is no assignments to correct moreover this should not be an obstacle to continue the weeks sorry I have to quit this course

By Rosalind S


Apr 18, 2017

I really enjoyed doing the course. I found the content interesting and stimulating. Everything went really well until the last assignment when the website refused to let me submit and it became very frustrating and worrying as, despite my increasingly frantic requests for assistance, nothing seemed to change and I missed the submission deadline and then got all these messages saying I would have to do the course again. I am relieved to see it didn't come to that and that I did pass but I would suggest that an email address where I could feel I was actually communicating with a person would have improved my experience at the end. I have already paid for my course certificate (at the start of the course) so am hoping that as I have now submitted my photo ID and additional photo for verification purposes that will come to me soon.

By Jolayne J


Nov 3, 2020

I finished reviewing all my peers and then about a month later I get an email saying that I have not reviewed anyone and therefore my course was marked as incomplete...

By Christian W


Jan 1, 2016

Informative and entertaining MOOC!

Only thing that keeps me from giving five stars is the omittance of pointing to the "dangers" of putting numbers on character traits, for the student and the facility/school.

The advantages are nicely presented!

By Barbara C


Jun 18, 2020

The material of the course was useful and practical. Some of the suggestions and ideas I will definitely use in my classroom in the fall. The moderator (Dave) was passionate about his subject and quite knowledgeable.

I will be VERY careful in the future though and NEVER take a Coursera class that includes peer review. I and obviously many others had issues with "peers" giving our work poor marks with no explanation and which did not match other's feelings who scored us. Ones score is almost entirely dependent on peers opinions and not the instructors. This was unreliable and unprofessional. I very much appreciated the help of Sue on a number of occasions but there was only so much she could do. The course jeopardized me getting my recertification paperwork in on time to my SAU since this five week course took more than seven weeks because I needed to wait for others to review my work. Beware!

By Tayyaba R


Apr 29, 2020

Its a great effort by Course Instructor Dave Levin. He kept the course interactive, informative, practical via videos of classroom senario and reteaching process, interviews of students who are orbit of Character education program, discussion with researchers and most importantly application based assignments and peer review has helped to look at similar thing with different perspective. I wish to work him on Character education because I am a Teacher Educator. We have chain of schools and colleges I have to give training to Teachers ranges from Primary to Higher Secondary Classes.

Is there any way to stay in contact with Course Instructor Mr Dave Levin for life long guidance.



Aug 21, 2015

Through this course I have learned a lot of things about psychopedagogy. The interviews were very interesting and I have appreciated to learn from from experts. The examples were very useful, to guide us in our future work in our classes. I did some changes in my way of thinking as a teacher, which is very important in my work. Using my course notes I have decided to share my experience with my colleagues, so I have proposed a course to a teacher training institute and now I am waiting for their answer. I appreciate the opportunity offered me through this course and special thanks to professor Dave Levin. Amazing work!

By Jhonie M P


Jan 12, 2019

This course has lots of interesting sub-topics to improve the communication in classrooms and give best ways to achieve the kind of characters that the students have to practice that are related to the excellence in academic performance, further this can give students or colleague the ability to realize the use of proper resources to have the desired results in every discussion.

By lujochahb


Sep 22, 2015

This course changed my life for the better, and that of my children too. Child centered teaching IS posible, and this course makes it simple to reach as parent or teacher. The videos are clear and to the point, so that the essence is there to get.

Every teacher in the world should take it!

By Lisa M


Jan 6, 2019

This course gives great examples related to how to integrate character development through teacher feedback in a positive, respective and encouraging manner that develops resiliency and self-efficacy.

By Padma C


Jul 1, 2023

A Great course to improve understanding about classroom environment and how to develop Positive interactions and moments with children. I am grateful to Coursera for offering this wonderful course.

By Tony J


Nov 29, 2020

Thank you for a very informative and well-paced course that is able to be to put into use immediately. I highly recommend this for all teachers, coaches and individuals who work with young people.

By Verónica S


Feb 12, 2019

I was so satisfied with this course that I wrote one of my blog posts on my experience and learnings.

By Keishla G


Mar 26, 2016

This course has made me grow first as a person and secondly as an educator. It is knowledge that I will use in my classroom and that I believe will set my students on a path of success.

By Pandora W


Apr 12, 2021

Very practical. Get the real touch of character teaching by visiting teachers' classes. Inspiring sharing and content.

By A. N


May 12, 2018

I do get a bit lost at times but I learnt a lot about how characters also impact the students in a big way. So, teachers really have to be mindful of their interactions with their students at all times in both verbal & non-verbal ways.

By Bek K


Jun 10, 2017

If my last assignment had actually submitted properly, it would have got a 5 star review. I was very disappointed to have to go back and re submit the work.

By Seth Z


May 19, 2021

As a fully qualified teacher, the course served as a refresher/reminder of good classroom practices that were informed by qualified researchers. The course may be more useful to new teachers or those entering the profession through alternative pathways, however. The course did feel as if it dragged on a little bit in parts, and upon reflection, I had some minor disagreements with some of the ideas presented - primarily with the compliance-driven assumptions of what good classroom management looks like.

By Amanda M


Nov 29, 2018

Don't like assignments.

By Daniel W


Nov 27, 2015

I've done a few online courses on various, and for me, this is poor. The content is gratingly simplified, the delivery worse. The instructions for the assignments are impenetrable at best. Unfortunately, I can't gain those moments that I've spent on this course back.

By Ernest P E E


Feb 28, 2021

i want to unenroll from this course, i dont know how the peers review my works of wish i always get low marks rendering me incapable of completing. i personally dont like the peer reviews

By Mario G P


May 17, 2019

It's not clear the purpose of the tasks. Actually, there are concepts which are not specified and well-explained.



Mar 27, 2016

unable to do assignment wo today is last date

By Hafsa S


May 24, 2023

Amazing course that really changed my entire perspective on how I viewed the classroom and education. While academics are always going to be important, this course brought the much needed attention to character development of students. By including effective strategies and input from leaders in education, this course really was extremely beneficial in helping me learn more about how I can help facilitate and boost confidence in my students.