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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mountains 101 by University of Alberta

2,540 ratings

About the Course

Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. This 12-lesson course covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world. Specifically, we'll study the geological origins of mountains, how they’re built-up and worn-down over time; we’ll learn about their importance for biodiversity and water cycles, globally and locally; we’ll explore their cultural significance to societies around the globe, and how that relationship has evolved over time; and we’ll learn how mountains are used, how they’re protected, and how today they’re experiencing rapid change in a warming climate. At the end of each lesson, Mountains 101 will also provide learners with some smart tricks -- Tech Tips -- to safely enjoy time in the high alpine environment: from how to pick the best footwear for hiking to making smart decisions in avalanche terrain. We’ll be delivering your online lessons from valley bottoms to mountaintops, from museums and labs, to alpine huts and other spectacular alpine sites, and we’ll do so with the help of a whole host of experts. We invite you to join us for this online adventure! The mountains are calling......

Top reviews


Dec 23, 2017

So interesting! So well made, every lesson is thought out the interactive mountain map was a joy to complete each time! Incredibly thoughtful and sensitive to every aspect that touches the mountains.


Mar 3, 2022

A wonderful all round introduction to the mountains! Enjoyed every minute of learning. Thank you University of Alberta for putting together such a course and making it available through Coursera.

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151 - 175 of 934 Reviews for Mountains 101

By Daniel N

Feb 9, 2023

Nice course that I have enjoyed doing. I am a passionate mountaineer who loves all topics related to mountains. The biggest plus of this course is its interdisciplinary approach.

In each lesson I have learned something new and interesting. Course notes are useful and additional bibliography helped me to deeper explore topics of my interest.

Well done, thank you!

By Andrew W

Apr 6, 2021

Very good presentations from all, particularly the main two. Really interesting content, thank you, and the visuals were tremendous although breathtakingly scary! I would love to visit the Canada but, until the pandemic is over, will have to make do with the UK's Snowdonia, The Lake District and The Peak District which provide exhilaration and challenge enough.

By Beng K L

Jun 6, 2020

One of the best courses I have ever taken, The combination of scenic vistas, lectures and interviews were perfect. The last interview was a surprise and brought a smile to my face. Well done to Zac and David for a world class course! I have been to Banff National Park 3 times before this course and I want to go back there again to appreciate what I have learnt!

By Courtney H

Nov 12, 2018

This course and its lectures were far more thorough than I was expecting and that was a pleasant surprise. The professors cover every imaginable topic within the concept of mountain study and do so with great diligence. I came out of this course feeling more connected to mountains and their beauty than before. Take this course- you will be thankful you did.

By Guy L

Apr 2, 2017

I had an exceptional time during the course. It was informative, challenging at times, always great video, and timely lessons on the state of the mountains. I appreciated the quality of the tips, the pace of the lessons, and for me, I live to spend time in the mountains. Thoroughly enjoyable. Thanks for the energy and quality program. Ciao from Nanton, AB.

By Melissa A

Aug 24, 2020

Amazing, amazing course!!! I loved how the course was designed and all the information shared on it. I also enjoyed visiting my mountain world after completing the weekly lessons. The Tech Tips are also helpful. For someone who loves the outdoors and the mountains, this is absolutely enjoyable and at the same time very knowledgeable. Highly recommended!!!

By Dinidh O

Apr 9, 2018

Extremely well produced, but more importantly the treatment of the subject matter at hand is excellent. The speakers are informative and present the material in a highly accessible manner. I truly hope that we'll see more Mountain-related courses coming from this Uni - this knowledge is helping equip me for a career defending and caring for our mountains.

By Justin H

Apr 7, 2020

Very interesting course. A lot of novel ways of presenting information. Rather than just listening to a talking head there were a lot of interesting visual materials being shown, the presenter made good use of green screen presentations. The optional maps quizzes were interesting and gave me an enhanced sense of where the specific sites are in the world.

By Angie L

Jul 16, 2019

Very structured system covering the key aspects of mountains as well as guiding me through the key mountain areas throughout the world. Useful and practical guidance on packing and outdoors activities. Would love to see some more advanced courses on practical side especially on the key knowledge and skills to keep ourselves safe and sound in the nature.

By Victoria C L

Jan 7, 2018

This class was so first-rate, words nearly fail me. Excellent pedagogical design, with practical mountain survival advice in each module, plus other special features. Pace is excellent, lots of onsite videos, wide variety of contributors, must have cost a fortune. Even an address from the PM! You must put this class into your course list right away!!

By Arnab N U

May 4, 2020

This course was an interesting one. It never felt boring or monotonous to me. Both the instructors were dynamic and their lectures were amazing. Learnt many things from them. Hope that, they will continue to deliver such amazing things to the curious learners like me in the coming days. Overall, this course was a full package and deserves good ratings.

By Yogi H C

Jan 17, 2021

Perfect course. Extremely recommended for all those of you who wants to learn about Mountains. Perfect just perfect, from the materials to the discussion forums. The lecturer is extremely active in forums by answering questions. Love it. The interactive mountain website also really helpful in memorizing number of mountains. Absolutely worth the price!

By Emmanuella P

Nov 25, 2020

This was probably the most enjoyable class I've ever taken! It had great and detailed info, the professors were knowledgeable and thorough, and the lecture backgrounds kept you interested. But even without the pretty pictures, the course info was very interesting. Not to mention the technical gear tips! Thank you all for a great learning experience!!

By Lynne L

Jun 27, 2020

This is a great course, with excellent instructors and course content. The inclusion of site visits and interviews with experts in areas of specific interest were well placed, very informative and very interesting. The photography is spectacular and where applicable, supports presented concepts very well.

Thank you!! I really enjoyed this course.

By Lyna S

Jan 27, 2021

I absolutely loved this course! I have learned so much and have a new appreciation for Parks Canada. I plan on doing a cross-country tour of Canada next year and will be visiting as many National and Provincial parks as possible. I will also be investigating ways to help/volunteer with conservation organizations in my local area. Thank you!

By Parv S

Jul 10, 2019

A really fun and easy course, one could learn a lot about the geology of mountains just by doing this singular course. I think this course should be made compulsory for people who wish to do anything related to mountains or mountain sports, for it covers a good amount of theory required. Especially the tips and tricks at the end of each lesson.

By Thiago P B

Aug 1, 2017

I'm a brazillian and I come from a land where there is not much mountains to be seen, but I was always fascinated by mountains and mountain environment. After my NOLS course on the Patagonian andes, I came to respect mountains even more and this course gave me a whole new perspective from these environment that I draw so much wonder. Thank you.

By James T

May 14, 2022

clearn, direct instruction and great topic matter. Easy to tackle in the flexible program delivery format, could follow along whether at a desk, exercising, commuting, etc. Loved the diversity of topic matter, and the short breakaway vignettes of tech tips (clothing, food, hiking, conservation) are very helpful for future use.

Well done!

By Houda B

Oct 5, 2020

Thank u so much coursera ... I'm so happy i have succeeded in knowing the mountains and gained very valuable information ... like climate , biodiversity , glaciers hazards imagination and water towers ... the future mountains ... it's an honor to succeed in a subject like this ... thank u so much to Professors of the University of Alberta ❤

By Nancy K

Dec 21, 2021

The structure of each week including photos, experts on a subject, information, vocabulary, map location points and tech tips all combined for a fascinating and comprehensive overview of the complexity of mountain environments. I would have liked a definition of terms with each week's lesson just to refer back to at the end of the course.

By Kay B

Jul 22, 2020

This course covered so many aspects of mountains such as geography, geology, as well as human physical responses to living in the mountains. I found the unit on glaciers particularly fascinating. The lessons from mountain experts added a lot to the course. The professors did a wonderful job of preparing and executing all course content.

By Joseph F

May 3, 2021

The course is very comprehensive and covers a wide range of topics with a balance between breadth and depth. The many guest speakers from their various specialised fields also adds a lot of insightful facts. The notes at the end of each week are very good and summaris key points succinctly too. Amazing course overall with great teachers!!

By Amin M

Apr 17, 2024

This was a great course because I learnt a lot about mountains as well because I am from Canada on the west their are Banff, Lake Louise as well as many mountain ranges in BC with Whistler Mountain as well as many mountains. I really enjoyed this course and if you want to learn more about mountains I would highly recommend this course.

By Nicolas G

May 4, 2020

Excellent. Beautifully made course. Art and science together. For me, the main message of the course is to know more about what you love. I will continue to learn more about mountains, experience them, and be very careful to use them wisely and respectfully.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and making us more literate world citizens.

By Bo P

Feb 13, 2019

What an amazing course. So much time effort and thought was put into this course. The quality of the content was amazing and as a lover of mountains I found this so interesting. Above all, the passion that went into this course made it perfect. Now when I'm in the mountains I enjoy the even more! Oh and the last video...nice touch! ;)