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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mountains 101 by University of Alberta

2,540 ratings

About the Course

Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. This 12-lesson course covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world. Specifically, we'll study the geological origins of mountains, how they’re built-up and worn-down over time; we’ll learn about their importance for biodiversity and water cycles, globally and locally; we’ll explore their cultural significance to societies around the globe, and how that relationship has evolved over time; and we’ll learn how mountains are used, how they’re protected, and how today they’re experiencing rapid change in a warming climate. At the end of each lesson, Mountains 101 will also provide learners with some smart tricks -- Tech Tips -- to safely enjoy time in the high alpine environment: from how to pick the best footwear for hiking to making smart decisions in avalanche terrain. We’ll be delivering your online lessons from valley bottoms to mountaintops, from museums and labs, to alpine huts and other spectacular alpine sites, and we’ll do so with the help of a whole host of experts. We invite you to join us for this online adventure! The mountains are calling......

Top reviews


Dec 23, 2017

So interesting! So well made, every lesson is thought out the interactive mountain map was a joy to complete each time! Incredibly thoughtful and sensitive to every aspect that touches the mountains.


Mar 3, 2022

A wonderful all round introduction to the mountains! Enjoyed every minute of learning. Thank you University of Alberta for putting together such a course and making it available through Coursera.

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251 - 275 of 934 Reviews for Mountains 101

By Elkhan K


Aug 1, 2022

This course was a bit tought for me. Listening. The speaking rate was more then 120 words per minute.

Content - I like all, except lyric ethudes and famous people's thoughts mentioned in mountain observation.

Well, Hannibal's observations were interesting.

By omkar b


Jun 6, 2020

This course is easily comprehensible and enriching for those who intend to study ecology. It was extremely well-curated and helped me discover my profound interest in understanding mountains and its associated cultures! Thank you for this amazing experience!

By Jean L


Apr 10, 2017

What a great class! It was so engaging, with beautiful photos and a good mix of biology and social sciences. Technical topics were well explained with nice diagrams and the guest experts provided great examples of in depth knowledge. I loved Mountains 101!!!



Oct 19, 2022

It's a great introductory course. For many of new students in any part of the glove is very important to know what to expect in field work and how to be prepare for it. So i'm glad, not only to learn in this course but also to share it with new team mates.

By Seila T


Jul 15, 2019

What a beautiful and insightful course! The multidisciplinary nature of the course makes it very informative, but also entertaining, and the level of the lessons is challenging without being too difficult. Great instructors, great content and great course!

By Sharal P A D


Apr 19, 2020

It was not just a course, it was an amazing journey that has left me appreciating mountains and related ecosystems more than ever before. Lots of love to all the course instructors and guest speakers for making such an amazing course. Absolutely loved it!

By Olga K


Sep 16, 2019

It's a fantastic course! I felt very motivated throughout and both course leaders were very engaging in their way of presenting. I also loved the quality of the materials and the possibility of going beyond by doing additional reading. Highly recommended!

By Jelena M


May 7, 2024

A great course! I really enjoyed how they prepared and organized the information. They made it available and understandable to basically everyone, and I particularly like the tips at the end of each part that tell you how to dress or what gear is needed.

By Deleted A


Aug 5, 2020

This course is beautifully made. I have taken several online course, and this course is the best so far! I am very grateful to take this course. Thank you very much for all the effort to create this beautiful and has a lot of information and knowledge!!!

By Timo K


Feb 23, 2018

Absolutely fantastic! Brilliantly diverse, and with spectacular images, videos, animations and interviews, this course has reaffirmed my appreciation for mountains, strengthened my knowledge of the environment, and has brought me academic joy. Well done!

By Ayush B


Apr 27, 2020

As someone who has a deep interest in the cryosphere and glaciers this course has enabled me to become more knowledgeable in this field. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wishes to know more about mountains and their importance to the world.

By manjunath v


Nov 12, 2019

Very interesting course to learn more about the country from India. quite surprised to see the talk by Canadian prime minister at the end of course and congratulating me....its shows how he is giving importance to the course content and education.....

By Andrey D


Feb 3, 2021

Professionally presented by knowledgeable lecturers with input from field specialists. Truly a work of art, I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect covered and look forward to exploring deeper into the suggested readings provided at the end of each lesson.

By Pablo T


Apr 25, 2020

Excellent course providing a very interesting and interactive overview of mountains in their social, biological, geological, hydrological and historical levels. I'm taking away a greater knowledge and awareness of mountain ecosystems and their value.

By Zoe S


Dec 11, 2020

The content of this course is well thought out, visually beautiful, and very informative. I love the interdisciplinary aspect of the course, and reflects very well how versatile mountains are. Highly recommend for science nerds and mountain lovers.

By Jérémi G


May 7, 2020

Thanks for this fabulous course. Ce fut très intéressant et enrichissant de vous suivre semaine après semaine. Very well contructed and brought to life. Vous donnez envie d'enfiler nos bottes de randonné et de se diriger vers là-haut.

Merci encore.

By Dazy B A


Oct 17, 2018

I am a mountain hiker and my mind has grown more curious about how my favorite places are formed and my concern for their well being has also grown. I was so happy to find this course and I have already learned so much just in the beginning of it.

By Laura M M G


Apr 1, 2021

The best course for me! Each lesson was very interesting, I learned many things that I did not know and I broadened my perspectives. You can see the effort and the will of each person who participated in this course. I recommend it to everybody:)

By zoeluca


Feb 2, 2021

Wonderful course, everything was well explained. The sections have continuity and keep the attention focused. The presenters did a great job and I loved that they spoke clearly and not very fast. A well documented course. I will do it again soon.

By Kirsty S


Sep 20, 2021

An excellent course. A great balance of information and interaction. I love all the different perspectives from so many knowledgeable people. This course empowers you to be an environmental steward toward the protection of mountain environments.

By Shanda W


Jul 24, 2020

Very fun and interesting course. The instructors were friendly and informative. I really enjoyed the course content and learned a lot. Can’t wait to get out and enjoy mountains and the amazing world we are lucky to live in. Thank you so much!

By Maia R


May 12, 2020

Fabulous wealth of information. I have always been inspired by mountains but this course introduces a wide range of perspectives, as well as handy practical tips, and has given me new appreciation for mountain landscapes and their importance.

By Claudia B


Apr 9, 2020

The only thing, I did not like about the course: It ended too early. Great course, stunning pictures, great teachers, lots of informations, impressive bandwith of issues. Thank you so much & hope to see this team again in mountains 102 :-)